A sign of the times…American university in Turkey flouts Turkish ban on headscarves. This article (from the Chronicle of Higher Education) is an apt reminder of...
Khalid Hosseini’s new novel, “A Thousand Splendid Suns” is his second, following the much-acclaimed first, “Kite Runner”. Having not had the opportunity yet to read his...
Dallas area newspaper Star Telegram printed an Islamophobic opinion-piece by Cal Thomas, accusing all Muslims of being a “fifth column”. Thomas basically blames the trial result...
Bountiful, B.C.: The first thing that comes to mind is a recollection of the media frenzy surrounding the ultra-fundamentalist Mormon community, which under their so-called “prophet”...
*See this entry on Firedoglake blog. Cross-posted on Dailykos & Streetprophets See this great video on Dallas Morning News with one of the jurors* Seems like...
This article in the latest issue of Maclean’s magazine highlights the alarmingly growing trend of racism, bigotry, and prejudice in Canada… or, if you’re to look...
When I read about Islamo-Fascism Awareness week I was reminded of an interview I did while in graduate school studying journalism. I was assigned to cover...
As I alluded to earlier in Texas there was a protest of Muslim Day at Six Flags by a group called ‘Americans Against Hate.’ Some Muslims...
*If you and your blog (if you have one) supports this call, then we’ll add you to the list of supporters at the bottom of this...
Nothing really earth-shattering here. Bush’s regime has been always one that wanted to expand executive powers, while compromising the basic tenets of the Constitution of the...