Check out this awesome pic by brother nascity on flickr from Dubai.
This is a poem which I read a while ago and has made its way around the Islamosphere… I thought it’d be great for the MM...
And who can extinguish that light? Can someone make out what this brother in Islam in Niger is reading? A student attends a lesson at the...
Insha’Allah there will be more posts with details of what was actually learned at IlmSummit but here are a few pictures (sorry it is not a...
The capture of the butcher of Sarajevo, Radovan Karadzic, alhamdulilah, a few days ago was a welcome news not just for Bosnians, but for all Muslims....
Though it might be hard to match the success of the last caption contest (the unofficial winner chosen by me was the ‘second wife’ caption), we...
Both Obama and McCain didn’t find it funny. You? Funny? Offensive? If offensive, to who? As a Muslim, what does this cover say about you, to...
‘Abdullah b. ‘Abbas reported: I and Khalid b. Walid went to the apartment of Maimuna along with Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him), and there...
Big JazakAllahu khayr to Br. Nihal for the pictures from this year’s convention in Hartford. Some of our on-board writers were speaking there, including Yasir Qadhi...
As a Muslim comic book geek reader, I’m always on the lookout for a good graphic novel that has awesome pictures, cool characters, and a rockingly...