I am angry right now. Really angry.
Today, terrorists further proved to the world why they need to be eliminated and why this threat from the scums of the earth needs to be forever removed.
I resent these animals. I resent all terrorist organizations whose cowardly modus operandi is to attack civilians and non-combatants, because they are not brave enough to stand up and take a bite out of REAL men. I was angry when the Israeli army used (and continues to use) the same tactics, and I find it no different when “our own” terrorists do exactly the same. It is time to call a spade, a SPADE. So, I resent and condemn whoever sent these terrorists to carry out this dastardly attack, whichever god-forsaken outfit it may be.
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I ALSO resent those who continue to defend these thugs, those who continue to exalt jihad without giving it full justice (i.e. relating all the nuances and the forbidden forms of it), and those who do not take a second look at the animals that the perverted form of this jihad is creating. While these “super-jihadis” jump to attack injustice by the West (rightfully), they free themselves from even mentioning the crimes against humanity that these terrorists continue to commit! This includes lay keyboard jihadists who spend day and night exalting terrorism, because in their perverted brains, killing innocent civilians is somehow justifiable.
Yes, bad things are happening all over the world, but by attacking symbols of normalcy, guests from a visiting country (Sri Lanka) who were doing the tour as a make-up for the Indian team’s cancellation (in retrospect a wise decision though what a shame for for India to exploit this tragedy), these terrorists want to “bring it on”. Well, then give it to them!
I don’t want the home of my parents, the country of my birth, to be over-run by terrorists. I don’t want extremists to shut down and destroy girls’ schools, for instance. I don’t want them to overrun law and order, and government institutions to implement what they THINK is sharia; regardless of any good intentions. Because destroying girls’ schools is not shariah. This is not Afghanistan where there is a vacuum of state actors. This is Pakistan (even despite our horrible leaders).
I am angry, and I think after this incident, because of the symbolism of cricket in Pakistan (I was an avid player so I know), many, many average Pakistanis will be angry. And I hope they will funnel this energy and anger to look into themselves first, join all forces of good against terrorism, and also work towards implementing leadership that isn’t tainted.
We are getting what we are getting in Pakistan, because we deserve it, but at least spare the guests! When we allow crooks to lead the “pure” nation (fountainhead of corruption being Zardari), then the terrorists will exploit. When our society becomes devoid of justice, then Allah will send the punishment in all types and forms, and these terrorists are indeed a form of punishment. We are also getting the mess that Musharraf left (such as Zardari- the poison that keeps giving), and how he left the country in total disarray. Yes, some of the blame goes to the Western nations who supported that dictator and who now support Zardari, because of short-term interests (that will also backfire). But let’s focus on OUR OWN. The more we keep pointing fingers elsewhere, the more we will escape the reality of the evil within. And who will get hurt ultimately: the average Mohammed on the Pakistani street.
Some will raise the possibility of an inside-job. Since the terrorists escaped, only Allah knows who they were. But we KNOW that there are Muslims who are indeed capable of such, and who glorify such; so while anything is possible, we should not let conspiracy theories divert our attention. The issues of extremism and terrorism will not go away if we continue to live in la-la land that someone else is doing this. Who else would do this in Pakistan, when only a few hundred miles away, terrorists are indeed active.
My sympathies and prayers for all the Sri Lankan players (understandably still in shock). Thank you, Sri Lankan team, for coming to Pakistan, despite the threats. You know about terrorism better than anyone else (with the Tamil Tigers). It is the scourge that has to be defeated, wherever it rears its ugly head.
And my condolences and prayers for the police heroes who died protecting their guests. May Allah forgive their sins and give them solace in their graves and the hereafter.
And I also pray that the shameless cowardly terrorist thugs, whoever they are, should be brought to justice, and every bit of justice extracted against them.
And finally some food for thought, with all the imperfections of the USA, who wants to go to Pakistan now (courtesy Hassan)? This is the state of our Ummah, let’s recognize it.
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