Today our reflection will include a story of a very special man. The Prophet Muhammad was sitting with a group of the companions in the masjid and he said:
“A man will now enter (who is) from the people of Paradise.”
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The man walked in. Later it happened again, and then a third time. One of the companions wanted to find out what was so special about this individual, so he asked the man if he could stay over at his house for three days, making an excuse to stay. The man allowed him to do so.
Observing him carefully in his home, the companion noticed that the man didn’t do anything out of the ordinary.
He didn’t fast all the time, he slept some of the night, and prayed some of the night, and so on.
So after the three days, the companion told him the real reason why he requested to stay with him, and he asked him what it was that could be the reason why he was from the people of Jannah.
His host couldn’t think of anything, but after some time, he said, “Every night, before I go to sleep, I forgive whoever has wronged me. I remove any bad feelings towards anyone from my heart.”
Question: Do you think that is an easy thing to do?
“There is a piece of flesh in the body if it becomes good, the whole body becomes good, but if it gets spoiled, the whole body gets spoiled, and that is the heart.”
Part of having a qalbun saleem, is to try to forgive others when they hurt your feelings.
Question: What do you think that’s important?
We know that we will make lots of mistakes in our lives, but don’t we also want Allah’s forgiveness? Allah tells us in Surat an-Nur:
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Articles a little confusing. The questions and answers presented seem very loosely connected. The questions themselves don’t really reflect the title of the piece. Seems like the intention was good but the piece rushed. Would be nice to see it removed and then published again with a clearer voice and intent.
May 16, 2020 at 8:21 PM
Articles a little confusing. The questions and answers presented seem very loosely connected. The questions themselves don’t really reflect the title of the piece. Seems like the intention was good but the piece rushed. Would be nice to see it removed and then published again with a clearer voice and intent.