#Current Affairs
When Racism Goes Viral: The Coronavirus And Modern Muslim Orientalism
Lumping an entire people together for collective punishment, reveling in their suffering, and sniggering at their food choices isn’t an exercise in science, Sunnah, or compassion. It’s good, old-fashioned orientalism.
In the eight weeks since it was identified, the 2019 novel coronavirus has infected nearly 12,000 people in China alone, 200 of whom did not survive. Symptoms are flu-like in nature, and global side effects include acute, apparently contagious… racism.
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Online, in Muslim as well as non-Muslim spaces, social media feeds are sniggering “Eww, you eat gross things! Of course you’ll get gross diseases!” In the midst of this human tragedy, orientalist tropes about the Chinese are being sloppily repackaged as health concerns over the coronavirus, and served with a side of bat soup.
Yes, bat soup.
The coronavirus in question is found in bats, and thanks to the scientific expertise of social media, videos of Chinese people consuming anything from bat soup to baby mice and rats are popping up as “proof” of the disease’s cause.
However the coronavirus made the jump from bats to humans, the initial source of the outbreak seems to have originated from the Wuhan Seafood market, where a number of employees and a few shoppers were the first casualties to the infection. The 2019-nCoV is moving from person to person the same way the flu does, and what a person eats – or doesn’t eat – has no bearing on whether they contract the virus or not.
In an article titled, No, Coronavirus Was Not Caused by ‘Bat Soup’–But Here’s What Researchers Think May Be to Blame, Health.com writes:
“Coronaviruses in general are large family of viruses that can affect many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In rare cases, those viruses are also zoonotic, which means they can pass between humans and animals—as was the case with Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory system (SARS), two severe coronaviruses in people.
Initially, this novel coronavirus was believed to have started in a large seafood or wet market, suggesting animal-to-person spread, according to the CDC. But a large number of people diagnosed with the virus reportedly didn’t have exposure to the wet markets, indicating that person-to-person spread of the virus is also occurring. However, it’s still possible that the novel coronavirus began with an infected animal at the market—and then went on to person-to-person transmission once people were infected.”
Being uncomfortable with things you’ve never considered edible before isn’t necessarily a racist reaction. When my husband told me he ate a chocolate-covered cricket once, I hid my toothbrush for a week, but that’s not what’s happening right now. There is a deadly virus threatening a group of people, and the internet sees fit to make fun of them. Why? Because orientalism.
Orientalism is the “intellectual” framework through which Western societies create a clear and permanent line between Western superiority and “Oriental” inferiority. If orientalism were an Instagram filter, it would take any picture of any person, event, or thing, and distort its appearance to be “other,” and in some way inferior.
Orientalism is the “intellectual” framework through which Western societies create a clear and permanent line between Western superiority and “Oriental” inferiority. If orientalism were an Instagram filter, it would take any picture of any person, event, or thing, and distort its appearance to be “other,” and in some way inferior.Click To TweetThe inferiorizing feature is step one, because in order to position yourself as a winner, the other guy has to be a loser in some way.
The otherizing is the step 2, and both steps are important because if you say that your little brother is a loser, in the end you’re still family and you’ve got his back. This would be inferiorizing, but not otherizing.
But if you say that other kind of guy is a loser, then you have no common ground. And when the other kind of guy is in trouble, you need only gloat and make nasty comments on Twitter. That’s inferiorizing with otherizing. Orientalism can be loosely translated as US vs THEM, normal versus weird, and local versus invasive foreign, or exotic.
The otherizing of orientalism is so subconsciously embedded in people that it even creates auditory illusions to maintain the “otherization” of the subject being viewed. As crazy as that sounds, everyone has their own experience. Mine for just last month played out as follows. A homeless man approached my window and said “Ma’am, do you have two dollars?”
I smiled and responded to him, “I have exactly two dollars!”
As I dug around for my wallet, he cocked his head and said, “Your accent. There’s something different about it. Something… foreign, exotic?”
“It’s Chicago,” I said, handing him two dollars.
He blinked a few times. “What’s Chicago?”
“My accent. It’s Chicagoan. English is my first language. My accent is from Chicago.”
He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously, this gatekeeper of Chicagoness. “What part of Chicago?”
“North side, Lincolnwood area,” I said. “I grew up on Devon Ave.”
“Pulaski Park!” he beamed, pointing to himself. “I’m from Chicago too!”
We smiled at each other, basking for a moment in our mutual Chicagoness. Then I waved and drove away, adding his insistence of my exotic“otherness” to the dozens of other peoples’ who have heard my perfectly flat, perfectly blandly midwestern accent and perceived something foreign. I call that one “hearing with your eyes.”
I have lost track of people who have tried to insist that I have an accent. One woman even went so far as to imply that I was lying about being a native English speaker, that I must have some other first language, because there’s “Something else in there, I can hear something foreign! But you’re very articulate though.”
Compliments like “You’re so articulate!” or “You’re so different!” give you partial credit for your exceptionality, while still discrediting every other member of your general race, religion, region, or hemisphere. The left-handed compliment has a long history, and follows a predictable pattern. Take, for example, this excerpt from The Talisman, a crusade-genre fiction published in 1825.
In this scene, our gallant, invading knight finds himself unable to defeat the enemy “Saracen,” aka – Muslim defender of the Holy Land. In grudging admiration, the knight concedes:
“I well thought…that your blinded race had their descent from the foul fiend, without whose aid you would never have been able to maintain this blessed land of Palestine against so many valiant soldiers of God. I speak not thus of thee in particular, Saracen, but generally of thy people and religion. Strange it is to me, however, not that you should have the descent from the Evil One, but that you should boast of it.”
Translation: “Your people and your religion are the spawn of satan, but not you. I speak not thus of thee in particular. You’re so cool for Muslim!” Spoiler alert: turns out it’s Salahuddin.
From the crusades to colonialism to America’s chronic invasion of Muslim lands, the misrepresentation of people from Over There is both a cause and effect of policy decisions. Orientalism creates the “bad guys” necessary to justify the “good guy” response by “proving” the bad guys to be so weird, inferior, and intrinsically bad that it becomes necessary to call for the good guy cavalry. That gives the good guys permission to take over the resources that the bad guys are too incompetent to manage anyway, and overthrow the governments they’re too stupid to run, and free the women that they’re too barbaric to appreciate.
One excellent reference on this is Dr. Jack Shaheen’s brilliant documentary Reel Bad Arabs, which summarizes a hundred years of Hollywood’s orientalist portrayal of “Arab Land,” a mythical, exotic, treacherous, incompetent, and seductive place, whose capital city is apparently Agrabah which, in 2015, a public policy poll found that 30% of GOP voters were in favor of bombing.
Another side effect of orientalism is the refusal to allow for individual accountability and the insistence on collective blame. “Western” men who harm and oppress women are rightly labeled as jerks and abusers who don’t represent Western morals, ethics, or ideals through their individual actions. Same for white racists, extremists, and criminals in general.
However, Muslims jerks who do the same are awarded representative status of the entire Muslim population (1.9 billion) and Islamic tradition (1441 years). The perception as all Muslim men based on only the worst of them seems ludicrous on paper, and such generalizations are no longer acceptable to make about race, but are still perfectly popular to make about minority religious groups.
Orientalism enables the belief that Muslims are terrible terrorists who are terrible to their women. If they say otherwise, it’s because their religion is terrible and lying about it is part of the religion too. They don’t deserve their own lands or resources, they’ll just use them for more terribleness. We should go in there and save them from themselves! And also, make lots of predictable, idiotic romance novels and movies in which a poor, beautiful Oriental Female is rescued through the power of Love and Freedom. Because just as violence is the natural state of the Muslim man, oppression is the natural state of the Muslim woman. Miskeena. Habibti.
Human beings can be horrible to each other. No ethnic, religious, or racial group is any exception. The problem arises when individual horribleness is elevated to collective attribution, and that collective attribution is used to justify collective punishment, as well as collective suffering.
When millions of Americans get sick from the flu, and tens of thousands die every year, why aren’t we making fun of the weird things that white people eat? Like Rocky Mountain Oysters (which are bull testicles) and sweetbreads (which are bits of an animal’s pancreas and thymus glands)?Click To TweetWhen millions of Americans get sick from the flu, and tens of thousands die every year, why aren’t we making fun of the weird things that white people eat? Like Rocky Mountain Oysters (which are bull testicles) and sweetbreads (which are bits of an animal’s pancreas and thymus glands)? What about snails, frog legs, crawfish, chocolate covered ants, and those tequila-inspired lollipops with an actual worm candied in the center?
The filtering effect of orientalism means that our weird foods – be it maghz masala and katakat– are quirky and fun, but their weird foods are disgusting and totally cause to celebrate infectious disease.
If the tables were turned and a deadly coronavirus originated from say, Saudi Arabia, would it be alright to ridicule Muslims for what they ate, or how they lived? What if that specific coronavirus actually originated in camels.
Yes, camels. The Islamophobic internet would have a field day with that one. Yes, we ride camels and prize camels and even eat camels – and they’re delicious I might add – but if a deadly virus originated from camels, found its way into humans in the Middle East, and from there caused death and destruction in other countries- would it be our fault? Would we deserve scorn? Would the suffering and death of our people be justified by how “gross” it is that we eat camels, even if only a few us actually do, and the rest of us prefer shawarma?
Pause for dramatic emphasis. Open the Lancet. Read.
“Human coronavirus is one of the main pathogens of respiratory infection. The two highly pathogenic viruses, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, cause severe respiratory syndrome in humans and four other human coronaviruses induce mild upper respiratory disease. The major SARS-CoV outbreak involving 8422 patients occurred during 2002–03 and spread to 29 countries globally.
MERS-CoV emerged in Middle Eastern countries in 2012 but was imported into China.
The sequence of 2019-nCoV is relatively different from the six other coronavirus subtypes but can be classified as betacoronavirus. SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV can be transmitted directly to humans from civets and dromedary camels, respectively, and both viruses originate in bats, but the origin of 2019-nCoV needs further investigation.
The mortality of SARS-CoV has been reported as more than 10% and MERS-CoV at more than 35%.”
MERS-CoV, or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome –Coronavirus emerged in 2012, traveling from bats to camels to humans, killing 35% of the people who contracted it. It originated in Saudi Arabia and found its way across the continent all the way to China. So could the Chinese internet have been justified in ridiculing our deaths because we ate camels?
Could they legitimize posting “gross” videos of whole, pit-roasted camels? Could they say it was science, not racism, as they moved on to our other “gross” foods, like locusts and the dhab lizard?
Read more about the Sunnah of the Dhab Lizard.
Locusts and lizards have as much to do with MERS-CoV as mice and rats have to do with 2019 novel coronavirus, but doesn’t our grossness in general mean we deserve our fate?
No, it doesn’t. Making fun of what people eat isn’t science, epidemiology, or the sunnah. It’s racism, and it is hugely disappointing to see Muslims hurt others with to the same tropes that are used to hurt us.
No, it doesn’t. Making fun of what people eat isn’t science, epidemiology, or the sunnah. It’s racism, and it is hugely disappointing to see Muslims hurt others with to the same tropes that are used to hurt us.Click To TweetOrientalism is alive and kicking both of our communities in the teeth — Chinese and Muslim – but to further complicate the matter, there’s the ongoing genocide of the Uighur Muslims in China, and that’s rooted in orientalism too.
The Chinese government has imprisoned 3 million Muslims in concentration camps, a number equal to the entire Muslim population in America. It is not unexpected that some people wishfully assume the 2019 novel coronavirus epidemic to be the comeuppance that the Chinese government deserves for its cruelty, but that’s sad and wrong on many, many levels.
People cheering the coronavirus on fail to understand a few very big, very important things about the situation. I will list them, because the internet is no place for subtlety and these points have to stand out for those who would sail over the entire article so they can trash it in the comments. They are as follows:
- The entire population of China is no more responsible for the actions of its government than you are for yours. If you hate Donald Trump, his border wall, the separation of families, the Muslim Ban, cuts to medical benefits, and corruption in general but STILL live in America, then you understand that a great, frustrated, and powerless mass of citizens can have little to no effect on its government’s choices. Such is politics. Such is life. Such is China too.
This guy is all our fault specifically. So I hope we all die of the flu.
- The coronavirus’s lethality is exponentially higher in people with poor health and weak immune systems. Like the flu, the coronavirus is overwhelmingly most lethal to children and elderly. The coronavirus is not targeted at, nor limited to the Chinese leadership for its crimes against humanity. Unfortunately, that is not how epidemics work.
- The spread of Coronavirus – like all respiratory infections – is greatly accelerated through close living quarters as well as poor sanitation and hygiene. The 3 million Uighur Muslims interred by the Chinese government are imprisoned in distressingly cruel, cramped, and unhygienic conditions. Their close proximity as well as population density mean that if the virus makes it into the captive population, hundreds of thousands – if not millions of Muslims – would die. Don’t root for the coronavirus. It does not discriminate based on religion or race, even if you do.
And now we come full circle. When Muslims ridicule the Chinese for “being gross,” they are simply echoing the same racist, Orientalist talking points that labeled the Chinese – and later the Japanese – as the “Yellow Peril,” a filthy, faceless, monolithic mass deserving all of our scorn and none of the individual considerations that we insist on for ourselves.
Given the abuse that Muslims have been subject to by orientalist tropes, it should make us all the more aware of its dangerous cultural impact. We know what it’s like to be looked down on, laughed at, and blamed for our own suffering. We know what it feels like to have our foods gagged at, our accents mocked, and our cultural clothing turned into Halloween costumes.
Worse still, we know, very painfully and very currently, what it looks like for an entire people to be treated as a disease in and of themselves. China has declared Islam to be a contagious disease, an “ideological illness,” and on this very basis is it holding 3 million Muslims hostage. In an official statement loaded with situational irony, the Chinese Community Party officially stated,
“Members of the public who have been chosen for reeducation have been infected by an ideological illness. They have been infected with religious extremism and violent terrorist ideology, and therefore they must seek treatment from a hospital as an inpatient.
… There is always a risk that the illness will manifest itself at any moment, which would cause serious harm to the public. That is why they must be admitted to a reeducation hospital in time to treat and cleanse the virus from their brain and restore their normal mind … Being infected by religious extremism and violent terrorist ideology and not seeking treatment is like being infected by a disease that has not been treated in time, or like taking toxic drugs … There is no guarantee that it will not trigger and affect you in the future.” – source
The dangers of racism and orientalism are real, and the victims number the millions. Knowing how much damage orientalism causes in our community, we must commit to never, ever stooping to the same ideologies that are used to justify our own oppression. No matter how many bats people eat, or how evil their government can be, people are individual people. We stand on equal footing, equally deserving of respect, compassion, and acknowledgement of our humanity.
The Orientalist mindset that diminishes and distances us from each other strips us of our dignity, whether we are its victim, or its the perpetrator. Such racism is antithetical to the Prophetic compassion and mercy that Islam demands from us as Muslims. When Muslims celebrate the suffering of innocent people as some sort of epidemiological revenge for the suffering of innocent people, that’s not Islam.
That’s prejudice.
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Zeba Khan is the Editor at Large - Special Needs for MuslimMatters.org, as well as a writer, speaker, and disability awareness advocate. In addition to having a child with autism, she herself lives with Ehlers-Danlos Sydrome, Dysautonomia, Mast-Cell Activation Disorder, and a random assortment of acronyms that collectively translate to chronic illness and progressive disability.
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Asif khan
February 2, 2020 at 8:51 AM
Strange. If only she had spoken of the raped, tortured, murdered Muslims of China. A Muslim life, a human life…life takes greater priority than speaking about topics like these. It’s hard to take articles like this seriously in the face of such folly.
February 2, 2020 at 9:59 AM
I don’t know if this makes you feel better. But even Christian and Tibetans are persecuted. And it seems you failed to get the main point of the article
Fion Chui
February 2, 2020 at 2:24 PM
Fully agreed what Asif Khan and Afiat point. When millions of Uyghurs get jailed, separated, hundreds of thousands children forced to be orphans, have you ever stand up to speak against this?
A very nice saying would like to share:
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watched them without doing anything.
Umm Aasiyah
February 3, 2020 at 9:49 PM
@Fion Chui. And may I please ask if you did your research before you concluded that the author is unsympathetic to the cause of the Uighur muslims? Let’s always think the best of each other and be less judmental.
Zeba Khan
February 5, 2020 at 12:12 PM
AssalamuAlaikum brother- if you scroll up and read the article, you may notice that the suffering of the Uighyur Muslims in China forms a key part of the content of this piece. JazakAllahukheiran.
March 15, 2020 at 2:03 PM
Your article really brought the larger point of ethnocentric thinking home to me—what we may have seen or lived through. If we are to follow the Prophet’s teachings, only Allah can judge between causes and effects of human diseases and human suffering, across tribes and individuals. Thank you, Zeba Khan.
February 3, 2020 at 12:43 PM
Jazak Allahu Khayran for writing this much needed article, Sister Zeba!
Hopefully some of us will carefully read the entire article and reflect on, and understand the critical points made.
The Quran says it will not change the condition of a people until they change themselves: (Sura 12: verse 11).
Perhaps this means that Allah will not change us from the status of being a humiliated, vilified people until we stop doing that to others.
I’m a bit confused about some of the comments, because Sister Zeba certainly does speak about the Uigher Muslims in this article, and about them ‘re-education’ camps…
Also, MuslimsMatters has had many articles about the Uigher Muslims – see:
February 4, 2020 at 1:31 PM
Correction: the verse quoted above is from Sura 13 (verse 11), not sura 12 as mentioned above.
Sikander Mirza
February 4, 2020 at 8:54 AM
“No matter how many bats people eat, or how evil their government can be, people are individual people. We stand on equal footing, equally deserving of respect, compassion, and acknowledgement of our humanity.”
Can we say the same regarding Israelis? That there are good Israelis who might not participate in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by joining the IDF but simply want to live on the land that once belonged to indigenous Arab?
(Not an Israel supporter, just pointing out the double standards).
Zeba Khan
February 5, 2020 at 12:18 PM
We actually can, and do say the same for any and all people, living in Israel or not. Christian populations living in Israel, as well as Israeli army refuseniks, the Neturei Karta, the Jewish Voice for Peace etc etc etc, all stand as evidence against the assumptions that:
1. All Israelis are Zionists
2. All Jews are Israeli
3. All Zionists are Jewish
3. All Jews are anti-Palestinian
Judaism vs. Islam is one of those tropes used to explain the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in simplistic good guy vs. bad guy terms.
February 8, 2020 at 9:47 PM
Alhamdulillah, wonderfully written. May all of us seek knowledge in the right way and empathise truly when such natural disasters occur. Like all disasters, there will be calamities and collateral damage. If we keep blaming individuals there will be no end. The actions of the government do not define the general population of any society, state or region. Allah has His ways. I hope governments will realise that if they can’t even fight a virus, then their pride and authority is no match to the One True Authoruty. Let us all be constantly aware of Him, be grounded and help your neighbours and pray for those who are helpless.
February 9, 2020 at 7:27 AM
Apologize. I am not good with english language, however i would like to contribute some of my opinions. Yes I do agree that we cannot be judgemental too much. And this article have mostly of Trump pictures, which i dont want to be too judgemental on him, which makes me just similar like others, but ill just pray to Allah swt, only He can judge on this person or any punishment or whatsoever case will come onto him. As long as there is Tawba. Similar case to any people who hurts muslim or non muslim. In this world, everything is Allah’s property, from the wide skies to the smallest creatures, which one of it the virus. Its Allah will. It attack across religion yes, you need to be redha to Allah will. However, GO BACK TO BASIC. The WHO already said u need to wash your hand or face frequent if u are outside. Back to basic, as a muslim you take wudhu before prayer. You wash, 5 times a day with water. You clean up you take bath 2 times a day. You clean. You eat Halal food, chicken and beef which need to be slaughtered with the name of Allah. And Pray. Insha Allah, its Allah will and protect who He need to protect. Allah with 99 names, with all that power. Back to basic, its always about religion, which religion teach you the best way of life, cleanliness and everything. I agree with what author mention the eating behavior and meals which can make you sick. In Islam we have been told that how u eat should follow the Sunnah. And of course, swine is of it. It is swine nature that they also eat their own poop and also any trash. And from the trash become their meat and blood and people just dont mind, eating the trash and poop again. Same thing you eat bats which have the whole viruses. Just don’t bully these animals, and dont eat it. Let them be. And remember, they also the creatures Allah created. And even animals also have their own pray. When too many people butchered animals such as cats, eat them alive….people just laugh all the way until the creatures died. Look maybe whatever these animals pray, Allah sent His own new creatures – its a great soldier but in a smaller version. Which people kills animals and eat them alive at large? Still I dont know, and any other cases Allah would like to consider where to sent the army? I also dont know. Its Allah the great, only He is the Knowledgeable and the most Merciful. Pakistan the china neighbor receives all the worker from china everyday, are still not reported. I think everyone need to take wudhuk clean 5 times a day, Du’a and sholat and all with Allah wills hopefully everything will relief. We pray also for the others for the china too. May they come to their senses and realize to take a better path to prevent this case happen in the future.
Thank you for your article, and it really inspire me to write this comment.
Zeba Khan
February 14, 2020 at 4:55 PM
JazakAllahuKheiran sister Hannah, for sharing your feedback. The cleanliness and personal hygiene emphasized by Islam is a beautiful and beneficial tenant of our religion. It does not, however, prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses. JazakAllahuKheiran.
February 18, 2020 at 1:31 PM
It is not racism when it’s concerning religion. You can’t be racist against a religion. People become prejudice and discriminate against someone’s religious beliefs. But when it comes to someone’s skin color then that is considered racism when someone is making a horrible remark. People need to know and learn the difference. Hating a religion is not racism.
Zeba Khan
February 19, 2020 at 9:28 AM
Thank you Aurora, for making that technical distinction. This article is about hating on the Chinese (as a race) based on the principles of Orientalism, and Orientalism encapsulates many forms of discrimination, including racism and religious distinction. Racism is not religious discrimination, and religious discrimination is not racism, but they both overlap when the filter of Orientalism is applied.
English is a bit limited in that we don’t seem to have a one word -ism that describes religious intolerance. *shrugs* :)
February 27, 2020 at 6:58 AM
When I heard about crona the first time I said “thank God for Islam that our creator has already explained us in details what we should and shouldn’t be eating and indeed Insaan is lost without a divine guidance..” ….I wasn’t being judgemental hopefully but even SARS originated from there and this should reaffirm our belief that only our creator knows what’s best for us and he has sent clear guidance and told us to eat halal and tayyab food. When humans don’t follow that then we are bound to have these tribulations.
Zeba Khan
February 29, 2020 at 3:25 PM
Allah is the Most Wise, and His laws reflect the best way for mankind to live and eat. The rulings of halal and haram – and observing or violating them – do not have an effect on the spread of respiratory illnesses. Allah tests whom He wills, in the ways that He wills.
March 31, 2020 at 2:01 AM
I thoroughly read your article and have heard similar views from others. However, I have my problems with this article. But before I begin, I wanna note that the current situation with COVID effects everyone and not the Chinese alone at this point. I am aware of that.
But when I first heard of the virus, I too had this orientalism but I think it’s so much more than racism. In the previous months we have been reading and watching what’s been going on with our Muslim brothers and sisters. So when this virus attacked China, I wasn’t going to be upset. Many people are quick to narrate the Hadith about Taif when Jibrail AS asked our beloved Prophet SAW if he wants to punish these people and yes, being as merciful as he was, he refused in hopes that they will one day accept his message. So true, he was merciful but let’s also not forget the question by Jibrael. “Would you like that I destroy these people?” (really paraphrasing here) meaning the notion of revenge is not evil. When I say “well, they deserved it.”, I am not being racist. Instead, I, and many others, are angry, sad and honestly helpless. We don’t know how to help our mothers and fathers and children whose deen is being snatched from them in such a humiliating manner.
As for the issue about them eating bats and rodents and everything basically and finding that disgusting, well, because frankly it is! And so is white people eating a bull’s testicles. It’s okay to call it what it is. But most importantly, it’s not only okay, but encouraged, to feel anger towards a people who hurt our fellow Muslims.
And just as a side note about racism, it’s not a black and white topic. It’s human to find other cultures’ traditions and customs strange (especially when they cause a pandemic, and that too, not even for a first time). Doesn’t make you a racist.
April 8, 2020 at 8:31 AM
Jazakom Allah khayra
April 8, 2020 at 8:31 AM
Jazakom Allah khayra
Quran online
March 20, 2021 at 4:26 PM
Jazakom allhah Khairan