Heart Soothers: Mishari Alafasy
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#Culture1 month ago
The Things He Would Say – [Part 4]: The Birthday Party
#Current Affairs2 weeks ago
University Chaplains’ Perspective On Campus Protests [Part IV] – The Insidious Israeli Narrative
#Current Affairs1 month ago
University Chaplains’ Perspective On Campus Protests [Part III] – Why Zionists Were Given The Land Of Palestine
#Culture4 weeks ago
Halaa And Gaafar [Hansel And Gretel] – A Short Story
salifu mutaru
June 19, 2019 at 5:00 PM
Beautiful recitation. But I always wonder why our reciters when caught on camera, do not focus their gaze to the point where their foreheads will touch the ground. Instead, they seem to take a straight horizontal gaze. This for me somehow feels the focus shifts to the camera instead of Allah and the Sunna of the prophet. “Pray as you’ve seen me pray”
April 8, 2020 at 8:53 AM
Jazakom Allah khayra