Ramadan SOS – Rescuing New Muslims from Iftar Loneliness
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it. But there it was, barely visible under the dull, pale glow of the street light; as if it had been put there for my eyes alone. It wasn’t the place where you would normally find something like that, but nonetheless, there it was. Barely visible from the waves of people that had tread over it, like the embers of a dying beacon floating on top of a sea of black asphalt.
I picked it up and stared at it, dumbfounded at what I had come across. I wondered for weeks how I would find them or get in touch with them. But there it was. A flier taped to the ground outside the Revelle College dormitory buildings, the only one in sight. Had I taken a slightly different path, or even ignored the random piece of paper stuck to the ground like people normally do, I never would have come across it. I knew then that Allah had put it there just for me.
The black and white flier announced in the standard Times New Roman 12 point font that the Muslim Student Association on campus would have a table on Library Walk during the week and provided a phone number at the bottom of the page. I visited them the very next day. I signed up for the email list, met a couple of guys, and the rest is history.
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The MSA provided me a space where I could grow and receive the support I needed as a one month old convert living in a new city and attending a new school. But despite the sense of community and brotherhood one feels when being active in their local MSA, it’s still an organization run by college students. What do I mean by that? Well, picture your average college student. They have little to no money and seldom have jobs beyond working at the on campus bookstore. The population on campus often fluctuates in rhythm with the tide of long weekends and extended breaks as students leave to visit their families. So what does that mean for the brand-new college student convert? A lot of time spent alone.
Previously, I mentioned that there are usually two things a convert struggles with most shortly after entering Islam, specifically regarding their dealings with the local community. The first is well-intentioned, yet impractical advice from some members of the community and the second, loneliness that too often leads to depression.
Loneliness for a convert usually takes on one of two different forms. The first, the physical loneliness one feels when they are not around others that make them feel special and share their similar beliefs and traditions. The second, the mental and psychological loneliness one goes through when they’re dealing with issues no one around them can understand. Every convert typically goes through one if not both of these types of loneliness at some point, as they navigate through the ebbs and flows of their spiritual growth.
Between 2003 and 2007, there were undoubtedly many instances where I felt one or the other. The one that sticks out to me most, and the one that is fueling my drive to write this at this very moment, is a random Friday night during the month of Ramadan in 2005.
Iftār during the month of Ramadan is a time when Muslims get together to break their fast, discuss some of the difficulties they experienced during the day, and spiritual lessons they learned. But more than that, it’s a time where thousands of people regionally, and over a billion globally, share a common experience with one another.
Most do so at home with their families, while others choose to do so with their friends or colleagues. But on that particular weekend I found myself alone, as most students went home to be with their families and the local mosque was only serving iftār a few nights a week.
Therefore, having no brothers to spend the evening with and no opportunity to socialize at the mosque, I went to the local Subway, bought a foot-long sandwich, sat alone on my couch and broke my fast. It had to be the single most depressing and loneliest moment in my two years as a Muslim. I actually remember thinking to myself, “Being a convert sucks.”
There were plenty of nights like that during Ramadan that year, but for some reason, that night stands out from the rest. Now, you are probably thinking, “What’s the big deal about eating alone? I do it all the time! I wish I could have a night to myself to eat and relax.”
However, the issue wasn’t just the fact that I was eating alone. Looking back even now, more than ten years later, I still struggle to identify what it was exactly that caused me to feel that way. Perhaps on that night, for just a moment, I realized what was aching inside me, that I was never able to put a finger on. Maybe it was me coming to grips with the notion that this was how it was going to be from now on, or the fact that my reality as a convert contrasted greatly with the reality of born Muslims. Regardless, whatever I felt that night, I knew that prolonging that feeling was unhealthy and detrimental to my development as a Muslim.
Then and there I prayed to Allah and asked Him to spare me and other people like me from having to go through this type of loneliness during the most sacred of months. It had to be one of the most sincere and heartfelt supplications I had ever made. So leading up to Ramadan of 2006, I could not help but feel anxious and apprehensive about the possibility of spending another Ramadan alone, the feeling of that not too distant Friday night anchored deeply in my subconscious. Little did I know, much like Moses
when he supplicated to Allah
under the tree on the outskirts of Madyan, that my prayer was already being answered.
Amr, a San Diego native, lived at home with his family at the time and was not your typical Muslim college student. He was the only one I knew that was majoring in Ethnic Studies, which paired well with a Spanish Literature major such as me. We were two students with two very uncommon majors, swimming against the strong current of physical science and engineering majors typical of a collegiate MSA. We met my first quarter at UCSD but did not really become close until our junior year, so when Ramadan 2006 rolled around, I was looking forward to seeing if this Ramadan would play out differently than it had last year.
As it turned out, Amr’s parents would be out of town for a good portion of the month, which led the way for Amr to invite me over to his house for iftār and dinner; not once, not twice, but for the entire month. I think I went over to his house 18 times that month. I remember the days that I did not go were because I had something else planned. Otherwise, as sure as the sun would rise from the east, I was having dinner at his place. It was the first time since I had converted that someone invited me over to their house for iftar. I will never forget that Ramadan, nor the generosity and hospitality he and his family afforded me.
Unfortunately, not every convert can say they have experienced something similar. Without a doubt there are plenty of converts, some who may have been Muslim for decades, who have not once been invited to another Muslim’s house. This is a huge problem. To some, inviting someone to their house may not seem like a big deal, but in fact in the eyes of the convert, it’s monumental. It’s a sign of acceptance and a demonstration of love and empathy; a gesture that someone actually cares about you and wants to spend time with you. Breaking bread, especially in the month of Ramadan, brings the hearts of people together like nothing else can. Eating together at the same table is a way for us as Muslims to focus on and reinforce our social values, shared meanings and fulfill different attributes of our faith. Eating together is such a blessing and delight that it is actually mentioned in the Quran as one of the many forms of pleasure the believer will enjoy in Paradise. Allah will say to those who enter Paradise,
“Eat and drink in health and satisfaction as a reward for what you used to do.” (Quran, 52:19).
Therefore, we should not underestimate what an invitation to lunch or dinner might mean to someone. It can completely change their outlook on their religion, their community and themselves. With Ramadan on the horizon, there is an opportunity for you to get to know a convert from your local community. Spend time with them, break bread with them and genuinely try to be a source of comfort for that person. You do not have to discuss religion with them, give them fatwas about their personal lives, or dictate how they should practice their newly adopted faith. That should never be the basis of anyone’s interaction with a convert. Instead, spend time with them because you actually care about them, want to get to know them for who they are, and make them feel like they have someone they can turn to. The relationship should be, “I’m always here, especially when you need me,” and not, “I’m only here when you need me.”
Islam is necessarily simple in certain respects, but can also be as wide and vast as the ocean in others. Upon their conversion, converts stand at the shores of this vast religion and ponder not only how best to navigate it, but how to even get off-shore in the first place. Few are blessed with being taught how to swim beforehand, while others are too often thrown overboard with no paddle and no compass. Like the ocean, Islam is a source of life for those living inside it, and an expression of divine beauty for those living outside of it. But for too many converts it can also be dark, deep, and empty with no signs of life.
I was blessed to have a life jacket thrown my way when I needed one most, in the form of my friend Amr and his family. So I want to encourage converts and born Muslims alike to go out to your local MSA or mosque, find a recent convert to the community and be for them what Amr was for me. Go out there and answer someone’s Ramadan SOS.
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Ustadh Jameel Besada was born and raised in Los Angeles, California to a Peruvian mother and Cuban father. He accepted Islam in 2003 and went on to receive his bachelorโs degree from the University of California San Diego in Spanish Literature with a minor in International Migration Studies. Today, he is a student at the Islamic University of Madinah in the faculty of Islamic Law, where he will be the first Latin American student to complete a degree from the faculty of Sharia. You can find Ustadh Jameel on Facebook and Twitter.
June 9, 2016 at 8:33 AM
Yes a sincere prayer from the heart is always answered. Read the article A call from the Heart in the June 2016 issue of an inspiring online monthly magazine Blossoms.
June 9, 2016 at 12:55 PM
Masha Allah very insightful article.
Sir Magpie De Crow
June 12, 2016 at 2:57 PM
If Ramadan can be described as a month of mercy, then how can one explain the actions of a co-religionist who did the things that were done in that nightclub today in Orlando, Florida. 50 dead (at least)? 50 innocents… That is important to remember because I believe that their sexual orientation does not negate their inherent innocence and the potential good they could have done if they were allowed to live. Where did such a person receive their religious instruction? How can there be mercy if those who are gay/homosexual are treated and described in such hateful terms and language by so called religious leaders? Is the mere tolerance of the existence of gay people the only expectation one can expect from the pious? How relevant is it to combat Islamophobia if the potential victims of such prejudice actively engage in homophobia? I need to ask… Where was the mercy?
June 13, 2016 at 5:41 AM
The first question to any terror attack should always be, “Who benefits?”
The Muslim community definitely does not. Every terror attack that takes place has Muslims cringing inside, “I hope it was not a Muslim.”
And whether it was really a Muslim who did this or a set-up, it will be the Muslim community that suffers. It will be common Muslims who had nothing to do with this event who will face hate speech and victimisation. The tragedy that was perpetrated had nothing to do with Islam and is in fact, a horrendous crime in Islam.
The questions that you ask should be addressed to the perpetrator of the crime and not to the Muslim community who had nothing to do with and are as horrified by it as you are.
But wait, he is conveniently dead. Every effort should have been made to take him alive so that vital information could be extracted; information that could lead to further arrests and prevent future attacks. But he is dead and so is every other Muslim who was blamed for terrorist attacks. Why, cos the dead tell no tales.
Omer Riaz
June 10, 2016 at 7:11 AM
MashAllah Amazing Article. .very Inspiring. .Thanks for Sharing!!!
June 12, 2016 at 4:36 AM
That was a very inspiring read, tabarakallah. May Allah reward and bless you!
Tom the Taalib
June 13, 2016 at 1:42 AM
Thank you so much for writing this, it’s like you’re retelling stories and reflections from my own life.
Sir Magpie De Crow
June 14, 2016 at 5:09 PM
I ask again, where is the mercy? When someone here tries to claim that the Orlando Nightclub Massacre was some sort of setup for muslims you dishonor the memories of the dead, especially when the homophobia of the shooter (and his father) is readily apparent. I despise homophobia with ever fiber of my being. That distaste is the same for those who would blindly persecute others based on ethnicity, gender or religion. But like many people in this country I have a great intolerance for intolerance. Those of a Salafist mentality (or the mindset of far-right Iranian Shia mullahs) will find the atmosphere in America and the West will grow far more darker towards them if they persist with their hateful/intolerant rhetoric towards people on the basis of sexual orientation… esp. in the wake of that unspeakable atrocity in Orlando. The actions of those who stoke the hatred of people like the shooter bare not just a responsibility for the dead, but also the blowback the rest of the community experiences from the public. This is especially tragic given many muslims have no interest in partaking in such prejudice. Trump isn’t the only repulsive figure now associated with this awful incident. To many clerics in their recent comments condemning the actions of the shooter seem to be infected with a convenient form of amnesia. The following links are but a taste of what no doubt occurs among the discussions of so called pious religious leaders. To claim otherwise would be a vicious lie.
December 23, 2016 at 11:34 PM
I am one of these reverts. I recently said my Shahada and feel so alone right now. I live approx. 40 minutes from my closest masjid. I also sometimes feel like I don’t “fit” because my family is not Muslim, or I am Caucasian etc. On top of that I work two jobs and am very busy. My neighborhood and work environment have no other Muslim’s. My wife and children (teenagers) are all happily Christian, although they are very supportive of my choice to become Muslim. As I pray 5 times a day, ready myself as we enter this new year for Ramadan, cleanse myself of Vices, and subsequently abandon my social circle to some degree, I feel so alone in my faith and my choice right now. I do not regret my decision. I love Allah. This article rang true for me and also brought me solace, because now I know there are others who are going through what I am.