#Current Affairs
Letter to the Editor: Mass Graves of Rohingya in Thailand — Appeal to ASEAN
Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia (MERHROM) was deeply sad to hear about the finding of more than 30 graves of Rohingya in Sadao, Thailand. This news is not new to us. Ethnic Rohingya who fled prosecutions from the Myanmar government are vulnerable and always ended in this kind of situation. We became victims at every stage in our journey to seek refuge in neighboring countries. We became boat people in our journey to seek protection. Thousand of Rohingya died in the ocean over the years. Every years tens of thousands ethnic Rohingya men, women, children and elderly fled Arakan State due systematic prosecutions by the Myanmar government. We believe many more graves of Rohingya in Thailand as we continuously heard about it.
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May 15, 2015 at 7:55 AM
These Muslim rohingya were being prosecuted because they as Muslim will do the same to others if they become the majority. They have been wanting to be independent since 1947 and that is why the Myanmar will not take them in and also that is why no other countries want them including Muslim countries. They have no want to blame but themselves. If they sincerely want to live in peace with others, they should convert out of Islam to other religions and believe me, there will be many countries willing to take them including Myanmar.
John Smith
May 15, 2015 at 6:41 PM
“These Muslim rohingya were being prosecuted because they as Muslim will do the same to others if they become the majority.”
Blaming the victim for a crime they have not committed, with the crime their oppressors do to them. Hmmm yeah …
“They have been wanting to be independent since 1947 and that is why the Myanmar will not take them in … If they sincerely want to live in peace with others, they should convert out of Islam to other religions”
First you claim the problem is them wanting their independence, a political/civil rights decision. Then you claim the solution is their religion.
Your solution does not follow from your premise.
Humans are interesting. Many prefer to look away when there is a domestic violence problem. Ignoring the problem is easier than to face the truth. In this case there is no police to call and countries have to take responsibility themselves. That is the privilege and responsibility of being an independent nation.
Some background information
*Very brief YouTube videos*
TestTube: What’s Happening In Myanmar?
TestTube: Buddhists Are Killing Muslims In Myanmar
*Greed for Ilm Podcasts* (Ilm means knowledge)
EP6 Myanmar News – Provocateurs Killing Muslims?
EP94 – Dr. Rowley On The Myanmar Muslim Genocide
EP15 – Jamila Hanan talks about Rohingya genocide
May 17, 2015 at 10:42 AM
I am now more convinced than ever regarding the fact that nationalism has no place in Islam.
The actions of self-professed ‘Muslim’ countries, Malaysia and Indonesia have been downright disgraceful regarding the treatment of Rohingya people. By some accounts the most oppressed people in the world, the Rohingya are struggling to hold on to their identity, their dignity and their homes. Malaysian authorities response to these poor souls was to label them as “illegal immigrants” and throw them in detention centers. And believe me, I’ve seen first hand accounts of the state of detention centers in that country.
I think the officials of these countries should ask themselves how our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) would’ve acted. Would he be worried more about imaginary borders? Or would he lend out a hand, one Muslim’s hand to the other, regardless of their race, language or any other differentiating factors we Muslims are guilty of pandering about today? We all know the answer. Unfortunately the Rohingya are being made to pay for things beyond their control. In their own land, the Myanmar government refuses to recognize them as they’re not ethnically Burmese. The secular Bangladeshi government refuses to take them in despite religious, cultural and linguistic similarities with their own people, because after all, why would a secular government care about the plight of Muslims? Thailand, well say no more, their authorities are a disgrace. Malaysia and Indonesian authorities should be well and truly ashamed of themselves as well, but obviously shame is not something you associate with nationalists. After all,
“If you have no shame, then do as you please.”