Quran and Sunnah
Qualities of a Hafidh
GuestsBy Arif Kabir (Crossposted from Muslim Youth Musings – This article was originally given as a lecture at a Qur’an Competition CVQC.org 2010)
“Come in”, Shaykh Haroon Baqai said.
I walked in slowly, shaking from head to toe. I had only applied for the Hifzh School a few days ago, and now I found myself entering his office for a scheduled interview. Alhamdulillah, it went smoothly and after answering a few questions and memorizing an Ayah from Surah Saad and reciting it to him, the interview came to a close and I quickly sprinted out of the office in relief.
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By the grace of Allah, I was accepted.
For the next few years, I went through an indescribable experience with a close knit circle of friends. It was truly a time that clearly solidified my identity and clarified for me my purpose in life. In light of these experiences, I have observed that there are certain qualities that are essential in one’s quest to memorize the Book of Allah:
A Hafidh:
H– Has a good intention at all times.
“Actions are (judged) by intentions, so each man will have what he intended.” (Bukhari and Muslim).
Jannah is promised for the one who memorizes and acts upon the Qur’an. Crowns and coats of light are promised for the parents of those that memorized the Qur’an. In order to attain these high honors, one must make sure that their sole intention is to please Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) and that their primary aim becomes Jannah. A lot of attractions and temptations will come in the way, but it’s important to sidestep them for Jannah, the highest attraction of all.
A – Always remembers Allah
“The people of the Qur’an are the people of Allah and His special servants.” (An-Nisa’i, Ibn Majah, and Al-Hakim with a Hasan chain)
Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) holds the people of the Qur’an in special regard and they become equated, perhaps synonymous, with the people of Allah, as shown in the aforementioned Hadith. One of the many names of the Qur’an is Dhikr, a remembrance and reminder, and therefore, it’s essential that we remember Allah through our recitation and memorization of this Divine Book.
When I was getting close to finishing my Hifdh (memorization), I tripled my efforts and kept on reading and memorizing throughout the day and night, taking breaks only for eating and sleeping. SubhanAllah, I sincerely felt at that moment that the Qur’an was speaking directly to me; it was as if the events in the Qur’an were taking place right in front of me, and I found myself dually anticipating and trembling when Jannah and Jahannam were mentioned. It was a state of mind that heavily drained me physically, but it was one of the best times of my life as I felt very connected with the book of Allah.
F – Finds himself in the company of good Friends and with the support of his Family.
“A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so look whom you befriend.” (reported by Abu Dawood & Tirmidhee).
The first time that I seriously thought of dedicating myself to memorizing the entire Qur’an was actually during an Arabic class. I had a friend in that class with whom I had some serious rivalry; we used to compete in essay competitions, debate tournaments, science fairs, and various other activities and alhamdulillah, one year he would win first place and the other year I would win first place, and this continued for several years. So when he slipped in to the teacher, “Y’know, I think I might join the Hifzh School this summer”, I immediately exclaimed, “Yeah, I’m actually gonna do the same too insha’Allah” without a second’s thought. Only later did I fully realize that I had committed myself to a long journey in a split second, and that was due to a close friend. Alhamdulillah, to this day, we lead Taraweeh together in masajid during Ramadan, teach alongside at a weekend Qur’an school, and play on the same soccer team.
It takes good friends to inspire you and push you to accomplish greater levels of achievement than you ever thought possible.
In addition to good friends, it’s very necessary to garner the support of your family. After I had suddenly committed myself to memorize the Qur’an, I sought to get the support of my family.
“Ammi, can I join Hifzh School?”, I eagerly asked.
“No. It’ll be too much work for you”.
Hmph. For me, I had to memorize the Qur’an because my friend was doing it (talk about positive peer pressure!) and because I had grown up hearing the various rewards of a Hafidh. My mother also wanted me to memorize the Qur’an but she also knew the amount of struggles that we’d have to go through, and she wanted to make sure I was firm in my decision.
“Please? Please? Pleeeeease?”, I begged her.
I guess that was enough for her.
“Fine. But I’m warning you; there’s a lot of work involved.”
Try explaining that to a 12-year-old. I just excitedly nodded and dashed out, whooping loudly.
My mom turned out to be correct; it was a lot of work, but she was there for me every step of the way. Once she was on board with the idea, she was the one that used to test me on my homework, the one that had to politely decline dinner party invitations on my family’s behalf whenever I’d have a lot of homework or upcoming exams, and the one that was always there whenever I needed her. My father did no less; he used to have to drive 15 miles each way to work, but that doubled as we moved to a house near the masjid. It used to be only about 20 minutes to drive to work, but it was now taking him almost 2-3 hours each way, but he never complained and made these sacrifice for the sake of Allah (May Allah reward them both with Jannatul Firdaus. Ameen).
Get your family to support you, and the path towards memorizing the Qur’an will become much smoother.
I – Is Involved in the community.
“Be pious scholars of the Lord because of what you have taught of the Scripture and because of what you have studied. (Surah Aali Imran, Ayah 79)”
It takes a village to raise a child. Because of this, and because we have an obligation to help those that have raised us, it is important for all of us to give back to our communities. When you start reciting and memorizing the Qur’an, you will realize that your mission is to be a Khaleefah, one who concerns himself with providing help and support to all those around him, on this Earth. What better way to help others than to share the beauty of the Qur’an? The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam) said, ““The best of you are the ones who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others” (Al-Bukhari). If we hope to attain the highest ranks of Paradise and to be among the best, it’s important that we follow the necessary steps in order to achieve that high honor.
D – Distinguishes himself with exemplary Discipline.
“O you who believe! Obey God and obey the Messenger, and those entrusted with authority over you” (Surah Nisa, Ayah 59).
This must be the biggest excuse that I always hear when one shies away from devoting themselves to memorizing the Qur’an: “I don’t think I have the proper discipline. I don’t know how I’m going to memorize and also homeschool. I don’t have any support so it’s basically impossible.” The answer to this, and a huge chunk of our problems for that matter, is that we simply have to work on our discipline. Why do you think we go through more than 16 years of school? It’s because we don’t have the discipline to learn ourselves and we need all these years to merely gain an introduction, otherwise known as a Bachelor’s, in that respective field of study.
When I was first taking my college entrance exam, I was surprised that the exam, as well as the SAT, is only comprised of three sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. I felt very sad as I realized that all those people that went to 12+ years of elementary, middle, and high school, spent all that time for just these three concepts. Sure, they may have taken high school classes in biology, physics, social sciences, humanities, calculus, and much more, but they were going to have to retake that material all over again for the next couple of years. If somebody went to school for that many years just to learn mathematics, reading, and writing, then the sad truth is, all of those years were wasted. One can easily accomplish much more, and all of this is possible with discipline. The difference between an A student and a F student, even in the secular academic field, is discipline; teachers recommend 3-4 hours of study for every hour that one is in school, and it is mainly those that are disciplined and abide by these guidelines that turn out to fare well in the class.
A great example of someone who had exemplary discipline while memorizing the Qur’an is none other than AbdulBasit Khan, a fellow MYM writer. We were classmates in Al-Huda School for a year and two years later, he started memorizing the Qur’an from home, while I began in the local Hifzh School. It was hard enough for us that were memorizing in a school setting, but masha’Allah, he was able to memorize the whole Qur’an from home. He used to memorize at least two pages per day (his small ‘break’ on weekends consisted of memorizing one page), and on Sundays mornings, he used to recite what he memorized for the week to Br. Karim, a teacher of ours and a local Imam at that time. Alhamdulillah, Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) blessed him with a lot of ajr, and after memorizing the Qur’an and immersing himself with studying knowledge with a high level of discipline and dedication, he became the youngest Imam in the DC Metro Area, leading the congregation of PGMA at the age of 17, masha’Allah. The giants of our ummah also accomplished great feats in their early years, many memorizing the Qur’an and several thousand ahadith before even becoming an adult, because they were focused and had great discipline on their part.
I firmly believe that every single Muslim has the potential to memorize the Qur’an. However, it is only those with discipline that will actually memorize the Qur’an.
H – Holds the Qur’an to be a part of their life.
“It will be said to the companion of the Qur’an: Recite and rise in status, recite as you used to recite in the world, for your status will be at the last verse that you recite.” (Classified as Saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 5/218, no. 2240)
Aisha (radhiAllahu anha) reported that the Prophet’s (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam) character was that of the Qur’an; he fully lived out the commandments and teachings of the Qur’an. It is our role to follow in his footsteps and to also try making our characters that of the Qur’an. I once received one of those chain emails, and the title was like, “What were to happen if you treated the Qur’an like your cell phone?” and then went to describe how we’d always carry it with us and check it everyday. The fact that this was taken off of a Christian Bible site is besides the point; it should make all of us reflect on what is our relationship with the Qur’an. Rasulullah (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam) said,
““The Qur’an is an intercessor, something given permission to intercede, and it is rightfully believed in. Whoever puts it in front of him, it will lead him to Paradise; whoever puts it behind him, it will steer him to the Hellfire.” [An authentic hadith found in At-Tabaraanee, on the authority of ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood]“
Out of the six billion people in the world, only one and a half billion people were chosen to be Muslim. Out of that billion and a half, there are only millions that know how to fluently read the Qur’an. Out of those millions, there are only a select few that were destined to become Huffadh, to become protectors of the Qur’an. Will you make it your mission to be among the best?
I pray that Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) accepts our good deeds, makes us among the Huffadh, and destines our final dwelling to be in the company of the Prophets in Jannatul Firdaus. Ameen…
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The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.
Ismail A. Sayeed
May 21, 2010 at 1:39 AM
Mashallah,this came at the right time for me.
May Allah Bless The writer as well as his teachers and the many Huffadh in the world.
May Allah give us the understandin,strength & ability to see the importance of the Quran & put it into our life.
May Allah also allow the love and greatness of the Quran to enter our hearts and be a means if the increase of our character and Iman!!! Ameen.
Jazakallahu Khairan!
May 21, 2010 at 4:45 AM
Ameen to your beautiful dua.
May 21, 2010 at 4:49 AM
This is a beautiful article mashaAllah.
Being a hafiz is one thing, living like one is another.
SubhanAllah- this was very inspring esp. for my younger brother who is almost a hafiz mashaAllah.
jazakAllah khayr
May 21, 2010 at 8:56 AM
Very inspiring, jazakamullah khair.
May 21, 2010 at 1:54 PM
SubhanAllah, amazing article. May Allah give us strength to act upon it, and hold the Qur’an close to our hearts.
May 21, 2010 at 4:21 PM
May Allah SWT make him and us from of those who have attained success.
May 21, 2010 at 4:55 PM
omg, this was originally a lecture? cool=)
May 22, 2010 at 12:44 AM
Cali Muslimah
May 22, 2010 at 4:00 AM
Subhanallah! Great Article. very inspiring. this article has helped me to come up with an action plan of sorts inshallah to memorize the quran, not just say “I wanna memorize quran”. Jazakallahkhair, May Allah swt inspire those reading this to aspire to memorize, implement, and teach the Quran. Ameen.
Umm Reem
May 22, 2010 at 5:18 AM
jazakAllah khair…
may Allah azzawajal make you, my children and the other huffadh uphold these qualities and more…
May 23, 2010 at 4:09 AM
I strongly recommend anyone who is seeking to keep the Book of Allah in their hearts, and not letting it be a proof against them, and maintaining sincerity with it for the sake of Allah alone..
to check this book out – You can read it many many times and is an amazing translation as well:
أخلاق Øملة القرآن Ùˆ أهله
The Character of the Bearers And People of the Qur’an – Imam Al Ajurri (d.360 AH) rahimahullah
Again I cannot stress how amazing this book is and is a read that one goes back to, TIME and TIME again.
In the environment where there is a constant influence of pop culture, to ‘advertise oneself’ and an indiscriminate flow of shaytan’s influence to constantly intend WITH Allah.. acts of the dunya, and worse, the dangers and pitfalls of riya’, and self amazement silently creeping into hearts.
With this very same back drop, in HIS time – Imam Al Ajurri rahimahullah wrote a TIMELESS masterpiece that aims directly to the core of the do’s and don’ts of being a Bearer of the Qur’an..
And the amazing thing is you would think I was describing OUR time right?
a time where the Ummah was seeing riches, and people were being influenced by it,
where the knowledgeable amongst the Scholars were even known amongst the common people due to the spread of fame,
and a time where the influence of Dunya increased in the hearts of those seeking knowledge and the bearers of the Qur’an… Imam Al Ajurri rahimahullah amongst other great scholars, answered in their amazing works in al Zuhd, Ahlaq and adab, and calling people to account for themselves and intend solely Allah ‘azza wa jal.
The da’wah of their time was a call to return to Allah in the time where the Ummah was given probably the MOST riches and blessings..
this backdrop makes it entirely practical for our time – when we are seeing the weakness of our Ummah, though riches surround us and influence us just as it did then.
(i hope insha’Allah it convinced you to get it – 4 British Pounds . well worth the money)
May 23, 2010 at 1:43 PM
Jazaak Allahu khayran, I had no idea it was translated.
May 23, 2010 at 4:21 PM
Wa iyyaaki.
I still support buying it – but one brother informed me they’re having issues with trying to buy it from the publisher so
it is available online –
May 24, 2010 at 11:00 AM
Jazak Allahu Khayran
May 24, 2010 at 3:53 PM
This was a really beautiful article, Maa Sha Allah. I am a native Nigerian, and thus Arabic is not my first language. I began trying to memorize the Qur’an on my own, but I found it very difficult because I also wanted to teach myself and understand the meaning while I read. I still have the drive in me to memorize the Qur’an Insha Allah, but I wanted to know the best ways or words of advice on how you think I should go about it. May Allah continue to increase your Knowledge. Jazakhallah Khairan.
May 31, 2010 at 9:37 PM
i wanted to do the same thing as you (memorize with the meaing as well). so i used this to memorize:
this not only helped me memorize, but it also helped me learn alot of arabic . one thing i would suggest though is not to memorize from this directly. try to memorize from your own mus’haf and use the link only for the translation.
Arif Kabir
October 19, 2010 at 11:16 PM
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gives 13 awesome tips on how to memorize the Qur’an: http://muslimmatters.org/2009/10/27/13-steps-to-memorize-the-quran-by-yasir-qadhi/.
Personally speaking, it’s best to get a teacher and/or enroll in a Qur’anic institution. It’s also recommended to do whatever you’re doing consistently.
Regarding your question on how to best deal with the problem of whether or not one should learn Arabic first or if they should memorize the Qur’an first, it’s best to first memorize, and I’ve come to this conclusion after consulting with several Mashaayikh. It’s been in our tradition, as done by ‘Umar (radhiAllahu anhu) and many others, to first memorize and then to ponder over it and act upon it. I would personally recommend to read those books that go over the most common vocabulary words in the Qur’an, and then begin memorizing. Towards the end of my memorization, I used a Qur’an that had the Arabic script exactly like the Uthmani script, but it had Qur’an translation on the borders. If you don’t have that, then just memorize first and then go through the meanings. Allah Knows Best.
May 27, 2010 at 12:17 AM
May i please copy your article for our local islamic magazine ‘My Deen’ back here in Uganda? its beautiful masha’Allah. please give me the permission to share it wit our magazine readers.
May 27, 2010 at 1:06 AM
sure, pls see our rules for offline publishing:
December 27, 2010 at 3:36 AM
very nice way of breaking it down :)
and well-written!
May 17, 2011 at 8:50 AM
JazakaAllah very inspiring this post, very useful information you have shared,thanks for sharing it.
June 16, 2011 at 6:21 PM
All praises are due to AllahIt is an Arabic term and is the most correct name for the one true God (Almighty). The term ‘Allah’ is derived from Al-Ilaah and means literally ‘The One’,’The God’ or ‘The One God’. and Salaat and Salaam be upon our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions. This method is excellent for the strength of memorization and its solidity (deep-rootedness) and the quick speed of memorization and quick completing the Quraan. And this is the method, taking the example of Sura Jumu’ah:
* Read the first verse 20 times
* Read the second verse 20 times
* Read the third verse 20 times
* Read the fourth verse 20 times
* Read these (above) four from the beginning to the end, to link them, 20 times.
* Read the fifth verse 20 times
* Read the sixth verse 20 times
* Read the seventh verse 20 times
* Read the eighth verse 20 times
* Read from the fifth verse to the eighth verse 20 times to consolidate between them
* Read from the first verse to the eighth verse 20 times to perfect this page.
And like this you persist with this method for every page of the Quraan and do not increase your daily portion exceeding more than one eighth (of a chapter) because the parts memorized will increase and the memorization will be ruined (i.e. it will be difficult to retain what you have memorized).
June 16, 2014 at 7:42 PM
January 11, 2015 at 7:09 AM
thnk u mls broz & sistz
akram nsanja
January 11, 2015 at 7:15 AM
barakalkahu fikumu