“The Babies Are Coming” | Sunday Open Thread
(If you only speak baby, click here.)
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English (Sahih International)
O People, if you should be in doubt about the Resurrection, then [consider that] indeed, We created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clinging clot, and then from a lump of flesh, formed and unformed – that We may show you. And We settle in the wombs whom We will for a specified term, then We bring you out as a child, and then [We develop you] that you may reach your [time of] maturity. And among you is he who is taken in [early] death, and among you is he who is returned to the most decrepit [old] age so that he knows, after [once having] knowledge, nothing. And you see the earth barren, but when We send down upon it rain, it quivers and swells and grows [something] of every beautiful kind.
O ljudi, kako možete sumnjati u oživljenje – pa, Mi vas stvaramo od zemlje, zatim od kapi sjemena, potom od ugruška, zatim od grude mesa vidljivih i nevidljivih udova, da vam pokažemo moć Našu! A u materice smještamo šta hoćemo, do roka određenog, zatim činimo da se kao dojenčad rađate i da poslije do muževnog doba uzrastate; jedni od vas umiru, a drugi duboku starost doživljavaju, pa začas zaboravljaju ono što saznaju. I ti vidiš zemlju kako je zamrla, ali kad na nju kišu spustimo, ona ustrepće i uzbuja, i iz nje iznikne svakovrsno bilje prekrasno,
O menschen! indien gij in twijfel verkeert nopens de opstanding, neemt dan in overweging, dat wij u het eerst schiepen uit stof der aarde, daarna van zaad, daarna van een weinig gestold bloed, daarna van een stuk vleesch, voor een gedeelte volkomen en voor een gedeelte onvolkomen gevormd, ten einde onze macht duidelijk voor u te maken; en wij deden wat wij verkozen in den schoot blijven, tot den bepaalden tijd der verlossing. Daarna brachten wij u, als kinderen voort; vervolgens veroorloofden wij u, uwen ouderdom van volle kracht te bereiken; de een uwer sterft in zijne jeugd en een ander uwer is uitgesteld tot een hoogen ouderdom, zoo dat hij alles vergeet wat hij wist. Gij zaagt de aarde somtijds opgedroogd en onvruchtbaar; maar indien wij den regen daarop nederzenden, wordt zij in beweging gebracht en zwelt op, en brengt alle soorten van weelderige planten voort.
ای مردم! اگر در رستاخیز شک دارید، (به این نکته توجّه کنید که:) ما شما را از خاک آفریدیم، سپس از نطفه، و بعد از خون بسته شده، سپس از «مضغه» [= چیزی شبیه گوشت جویده شده]، که بعضی دارای شکل و خلقت است و بعضی بدون شکل؛ تا برای شما روشن سازیم (که بر هر چیز قادریم)! و جنینهایی را که بخواهیم تا مدّت معیّنی در رحم (مادران) قرارمیدهیم؛ (و آنچه را بخواهیم ساقظ میکنیم؛)بعد شما را بصورت طفل بیرون میآوریم؛ سپس هدف این است که به حدّ رشد و بلوغ خویش برسید. در این میان بعضی از شما میمیرند؛ و بعضی آن قدر عمر میکنند که به بدترین مرحله زندگی (و پیری) میرسند؛ آنچنان که بعد از علم و آگاهی، چیزی نمیدانند! (از سوی دیگر،) زمین را (در فصل زمستان) خشک و مرده میبینی، اما هنگامی که آب باران بر آن فرو میفرستیم، به حرکت درمیآید و میروید؛ و از هر نوع گیاهان زیبا میرویاند!
ô hommes ! Si vous doutez au sujet de la Résurrection, C’est Nous qui vous avons créés de terre, puis d’une goutte de sperme, puis d’une adhérence puis d’un embryon [normalement] formé aussi bien qu’informe pour vous montrer [Notre Omnipotence] et Nous déposerons dans les matrices ce que Nous voulons jusqu’à un terme fixé. Puis Nous vous en sortirons [à l’état] de bébé, pour qu’ensuite vous atteignez votre maturité. Il en est parmi vous qui meurent [jeunes] tandis que d’autres parviennent au plus vil de l’âge si bien qu’ils ne savent plus rien de ce qu’ils connaissaient auparavant. De même tu vois la terre desséchée : dès que Nous y faisons descendre de l’eau elle remue, se gonfle, et fait pousser toutes sortes de splendides couples de végétaux.
O ihr Menschen! Wenn ihr im Zweifel über die Auferstehung seid, bedenkt, daß Wir euch aus Staub erschufen, dann aus einem Samentropfen, der zu einem Embryo, dann zu einem Fötus wird, geformt oder ungeformt, um euch Unsere Zeichen zu zeigen. Wir lassen in der Gebärmutter für eine bestimmte Zeit, was Wir wollen. Dann lassen Wir euch als Neugeborene aus dem Mutterleib hervorkommen. Darauf lassen Wir euch aufwachsen. Einige unter euch werden abberufen, und andere lassen Wir die hinfälligste Altersstufe erreichen, so daß sie, nachdem sie vorher Wissen hatten, nichts mehr wissen. Die Erde siehst du kahl und trocken, aber wenn Wir Regenwasser darauf herabfallen lassen, regt sie sich, schwillt an und bringt allerlei prächtige Pflanzen hervor.
Ya ku mutãne! Idan kun kasance a cikin shakka a Tãshin ¡iyãma, to, lalle ne Mũ, Man halittaku daga turɓaya, sa’an nan kuma daga gudãjin jini, sa’an nan kuma daga taõka wadda ake halittãwa da wadda ba a halittawa dõmin, Mu bayyana muku. Kuma Munã tab batar da abin da Muke so a cikin mahaifa zuwa ga wani ajali ambatacce, sa’an nan kuma Munã fitar da ku kunã jãrĩri, sa’an nan kuma dõmin ku kai ga cikar ƙarfinku. Kuma daga cikin ku akwai wanda ke mutuwa, kuma daga gare ku akwai wanda ake mayarwa zuwa ga mafi ƙasƙancin rãyuwa dõmin kada ya san kõme a bãyan ya sani. Kuma kanã ganin ƙasa shiru, sa’an nan idan Muka saukar da ruwa a kanta, sai ta girgiza kuma ta kumbura, kuma ta tsirar da tsirrai daga kõwane nau’i mai ban sha’awa.
Hai manusia, jika kamu dalam keraguan tentang kebangkitan (dari kubur), maka (ketahuilah) sesungguhnya Kami telah menjadikan kamu dari tanah, kemudian dari setetes mani, kemudian dari segumpal darah, kemudian dari segumpal daging yang sempurna kejadiannya dan yang tidak sempurna, agar Kami jelaskan kepada kamu dan Kami tetapkan dalam rahim, apa yang Kami kehendaki sampai waktu yang sudah ditentukan, kemudian Kami keluarkan kamu sebagai bayi, kemudian (dengan berangsur-angsur) kamu sampailah kepada kedewasaan, dan di antara kamu ada yang diwafatkan dan (adapula) di antara kamu yang dipanjangkan umurnya sampai pikun, supaya dia tidak mengetahui lagi sesuatupun yang dahulunya telah diketahuinya. Dan kamu lihat bumi ini kering, kemudian apabila telah Kami turunkan air di atasnya, hiduplah bumi itu dan suburlah dan menumbuhkan berbagai macam tumbuh-tumbuhan yang indah.
Wahai umat manusia, sekiranya kamu menaruh syak (ragu-ragu) tentang kebangkitan makhluk (hidup semula pada hari kiamat), maka (perhatilah kepada tingkatan kejadian manusia) kerana sebenarnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari tanah, kemudian dari setitik air benih, kemudian dari sebuku darah beku, kemudian dari seketul daging yang disempurnakan kejadiannya dan yang tidak disempurnakan; (Kami jadikan secara yang demikian) kerana Kami hendak menerangkan kepada kamu (kekuasaan Kami); dan Kami pula menetapkan dalam kandungan rahim (ibu yang mengandung itu) apa yang Kami rancangkan hingga ke suatu masa yang ditentukan lahirnya; kemudian Kami mengeluarkan kamu berupa kanak-kanak; kemudian (kamu dipelihara) hingga sampai ke peringkat umur dewasa; dan (dalam pada itu) ada di antara kamu yang dimatikan (semasa kecil atau semasa dewasa) dan ada pula yang dilanjutkan umurnya ke peringkat tua nyanyuk sehingga ia tidak mengetahui lagi akan sesuatu yang telah diketahuinya dahulu. Dan (ingatlah satu bukti lagi); Engkau melihat bumi itu kering, kemudian apabila Kami menurunkan hujan menimpanya, bergeraklah tanahnya (dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang merecup tumbuh), dan gembur membusutlah ia, serta ia pula menumbuhkan berjenis-jenis tanaman yang indah permai.
Dadow haddaad Tihiin kuwo Shakisan oo Bixinta Annagaa idinka Abuurray Carro, Hadaana Dhibic Haddana Calaqo, Hadaana Goosin la Abuuray iyo Midaan la Abuurin si aan idiinku Caddayno (Qudrada Eebe) waxaana ku sugnaa Makaanka waxaan Doono Tan iyo Muddo Magacaaban, markaasaan idin soo Bixinaynaa Idinkoo Yar, markaas inaad Gaadhaan Xooggiinna: waxaa idinka mid ah Cid la oofsan (Dhiman) waxaana idinka mid ah kuwo loo celin Cimri Liita (Gabow) si ayna u Garanin intay wax Yaqiineen ka dib waxba, waxaad Arkaysaa Dhuloo Abaar (Dhimaad) ah markaan ku soo Dejinno Korkeeda Biyana way Gilgilataa wayna Kortaa, waxayna soo Bixisaa Nooc kastoo Quruxsan.
¡Hombres! Si dudáis de la resurrección, Nosotros os hemos creado de tierra; luego, de una gota; luego, de un coágulo de sangre; luego, de un embrión formado o informe. Para aclararos. Depositamos en las matrices lo que queremos por un tiempo determinado; luego, os hacemos salir como criaturas para alcanzar, más tarde, la madurez. Algunos de vosotros mueren prematuramente; otros viven hasta alcanzar una edad decrépita, para que, después de haber sabido, terminen no sabiendo nada. Ves la tierra reseca, pero, cuando hacemos que el agua baje sobre ella, se agita, se hincha y hace brotar toda especie primorosa.
Enyi watu! Ikiwa nyinyi mna shaka ya kufufuliwa basi kwa hakika Sisi tulikuumbeni kutokana na udongo, kisha kutokana na manii, kisha kutokana na kipande cha damu ilio gandana, kisha kutokana na kipande cha nyama chenye umbo na kisicho kuwa na umbo, ili tukubainishieni. Nasi tunakiweka katika matumbo ya uzazi tunacho kitaka mpaka muda ulio wekwa. Kisha tunakutoeni kwa hali ya mtoto mchanga, kisha mfikie kutimia akili. Na wapo katika nyinyi wanao kufa, na wapo katika nyinyi wanao rudishwa kwenye umri wa unyonge kabisa, hata mtu awe hajui kitu baada ya kuwa anakijua. Na unaiona ardhi imetulia kimya, lakini tunapo yateremsha maji juu yake husisimka na kututumka, na kumea kila namna ya mimea mizuri.
Ey insanlar ! Eger öldükten sonra dirilmekten süphede iseniz, (bilin ki) ne oldugunuzu size açiklamak için süphesiz biz sizi topraktan, sonra nutfeden (spermadan) sonra bir alekadan (embriodan) sonra yapisi belli belirsiz bir et parçasindan yaratmisizdir. Diledigimizi belli bir süreye kadar rahimlerde tutariz. Sonra sizi bir çocuk olarak çikartiriz, sonra sizi, olgunluk çagina erismeniz için birakiriz. Bununla beraber kiminiz öldürülür, kiminiz de önceki bilgisinden sonra, hiçbir sey bilmemek üzere, ömrünün en fena zamanina ulastirilir. Bir de yeryüzünü görürsün ki kupkurudur; fakat biz onun üzerine su indirdigimiz zaman, harekete geçer, kabarir ve her güzel çiftten bitkiler bitirir.
Or rather, “Babies.” All the above paragraphs attempt to capture the beauty and meaning of the fifth ayat of Surah Al-Hajj, the Arabic text at the top of this page. Babies really are from the signs of Allah: how they are fashioned, how they are made to live, be born, and mature.
A new documentary attempts to capture the plain wonder of four babies (not the ones pictured here) from four very different parts of the world. Remember that movie that made everyone talk about penguins? Well, this one registers even higher on the cuteness scale. Please note: the link takes you to a New York Times compilation of clips. The trailer contains music and a few shots of a pregnant woman’s midriff. Skip the trailer and go straight to the clips to avoid these things. Or simply enjoy slides of the babies, no music in the audio track.
If the penguins’ march across popular culture is any indication, this new documentary presents us with opportunities to “coo” and “ahh,” and to remind people to be in awe of Allah.
Keep supporting MuslimMatters for the sake of Allah
Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. Help us get to 900 supporters this month. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month.
The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.
Bismillah walhamdolillah. May Allah accept my repentance and yours. I am an attorney, a stepfather, a husband, a son, and a Muslim. Studying Islam is a means, reflecting what I have learned is a must, and to Allah is the inevitable return. If you would like my help, know that Allah is the source of all aid. If you would like to contact me, try tariqnisarahmed at Gmail, LinkedIn, Twitter, or add me as a friend on Facebook.
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MuslimMatters Still Stands With Imam Nick
May 9, 2010 at 6:36 AM
Where is urdu translation? This is racism…
May 9, 2010 at 2:43 PM
May 9, 2010 at 8:05 AM
Mash’Allah. That verse always amazes. Just imagine losing all the knowldege you thought you had and then transforming (mentally) into the baby you once were. I know, creepy!
But see how everything belongs to Allah(swt).
”And you see the earth barren, but when We send down upon it rain, it quivers and swells and grows [something] of every beautiful kind.”
SubhanAllah. Beautiful description of the resurrection of the earth as an example of ours.
Jazak Allah khair!
May 9, 2010 at 12:10 PM
as salamu alaykum, hassan. no just a limited interface. when I copied urdu text it did not post well. frankly I cannot tell if many of the languages above pasted/posted well.
but the texts are all from, which has a multitude of languages available.
wa eeyakum, elham.
May 9, 2010 at 7:01 PM
Playing with babies is one of the best parts of Muslim events.
May 9, 2010 at 7:45 PM
MashAllah… I recognized my mother thongue… Hausa!
Baby Enthusiast
May 11, 2010 at 1:38 AM
“Babies really are from the signs of Allah: how they are fashioned, how they are made to live, be born, and mature.” SubhanAllah, such a good point. I think a lot of parents need to reflect on this!
And that looks like such a good movie! MashaAllah, I really loved the trailer and the clips. So cute!
May 11, 2010 at 11:26 AM
Just saw the ad for the movie yesterday! Gotta wait for it to be uploaded online so I can do my free downloading :)
abuabdAllah Tariq Ahmed
May 11, 2010 at 1:32 PM
As salamu alaykum. It is sad to think that for many people, especially in America, these may be the only babies at whom they have smiled today, or this week, or even longer than that.
These filmmakers followed 4 babies around quite a bit. So they saw a lot of changes, and yes, they could pick and choose what moments to share with us. So of course the scenes are calculated to elicit smiles.
But if your world is devoid of babies, what are your priorities? Either we have families of our own, bi’idhnillah, with babies — because the Prophet sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam encouraged us to have large families. Or if we are too old to have babies, we have grandkids and great grandkids, and somewhere among them are babies. Or if we are too young to reproduce (and hence to marry) then we are parts of families with babies in them, (eg, our siblings and cousins, or their kids).
Of course only Allah grants us progeny (may Allah multiply your rizq and mine), and children are notorious for making their own choices, so they will seek marriage and babies on their own terms. But then there are babies in our extended families, and at our masajid, which can be considered part of our super-extended family (if you truly loved your brother in Islam as your brother).
So cute wonderful babies, signs from Allah, sources of smiles and laughter, reminders of our own humanity, barakat and rizq for healthy families and communities, really are all around us, unless we do not give emphasis to growing our families, or unless we have distanced ourselves from our near and far relatives and from the families at our masajid.
Anyone who manages to go a day much less a week without at least smiling at a baby somewhere is in a similar position to someone in a coma or in prison, or men stationed on the borders of a Muslim country protecting it from invasion. The latter all have excuses. But why do so many people voluntarily cut themselves off from babies?
May 11, 2010 at 2:35 PM
Assalaamu alaykum
Is there a reason MM no longer provides whole posts in its RSS feed? Got to admit, it’s kind of annoying having to visit the site for every single post…
May 12, 2010 at 12:26 AM
We are in the process of testing… sorry for any inconvenience.
May 13, 2010 at 12:24 AM
Very Nice…. Subhan Allah!
Sarrah B.
May 13, 2010 at 2:17 PM
Just a warning if you plan on seeing the movie, the Namibian woman is from a tribe that does not cover the upper body at all and it is not censored.. And almost all 4 women felt the need to breastfeed on camera, or I should say, the director felt the need to capture all 4 women breastfeeding completely uncovered, I guess that is art.
The movie was full of cute scenes, especially the interactions between babies and animals, but it got long. I think I enjoyed watching the trailer more than the actual movie.
abuabdAllah Tariq Ahmed
May 13, 2010 at 4:13 PM
Jazak Allah khayr for the warnings. :)
I had already discussed with my wife that if we were to watch the movie it would be on video with the sound off to avoid the music. But maybe we will forgo it all together, or wait for the version of the film that KSA censors would permit. :)
Given his hatred of French women who choose to cover from their desire to please Allah, France’s Sarkozy must love Frenchmen filming women breastfeeding. Now I am glad that none of the families in the film were Muslims — how disgusting to think that the filmmakers might even ask a believing woman to uncover like that.
May Allah guide them and those families to what is better for them than their ignorance and lack of modesty.
May 19, 2010 at 3:12 PM
Salam alaykum,
I’ve spotted my mother’s tongue too which is Malay!
The babies are very very cute indeed. They are born in the fitrah-nature which is the tauhid of Islam. According to the Prophet s.a.w, the things that can change a child into becoming Jewish and Christians are the parents and the environment.
oh and I have that in Malay as well;
Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud: รขโฌลSetiap anak dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah (suci bersih), maka ibu bapa bertanggungjawab sama ada menjadikannya Yahudi, Majusi atau Nasrani,รขโฌย (Riwayat Muslim).
Wallahu a’lam.
January 8, 2015 at 7:05 AM
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