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RTT News: Obama Launches Entrepreneurship Summit For Muslims


Advancing further the agenda he announced at the Egyptian capital Cairo a year ago, President Barack Obamaannounced a series of new partnerships and initiatives Monday evening to build up the trust between America and the Islamic world.

He went to Cairo nearly one year ago and delivered a major speech to the Muslim world, calling for a new beginning between the United States and Muslim communities–a new beginning based on mutual interests and mutual respect.

“We know that over the years, despite all we have in common, the United States and Muslim communities around the world too often fell victim to mutual mistrust,” Obama said as he launched a two-day Entrepreneurship Summit in Washington.

“That is why I went to Cairo nearly one year ago and called for a new beginning between the United States and Muslim communities–a new beginning based on mutual interest and mutual respect. I knew that this vision would not be fulfilled in a single year, or even several. But I knew we had to begin and that all of us have responsibilities to fulfil,” he said.

Noting that the U.S. and the Muslim communities around the world often fell victim to mutual mistrust, Obama said in his address to 250 successful entrepreneurs, mostly from the Muslim world, that his administration was launching several new exchange programs to bring business and social entrepreneurs from Muslim-majority countries to the United States and send their American counterparts to learn from those countries.

Women in technology fields could come to the United States for doing internships and acquiring professional development, he said, adding that “since innovation is central to entrepreneurship, we’re creating new exchanges for science teachers.”

by RTT Staff Writer

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Source: RTT News

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Muslim American born in Brooklyn, NY with Guyanese parents currently living in Virginia working full-time as a web developer.

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