A Jumu’ah treat for you. AbovMuslimMatters.org › Edit — WordPresse is the part one of the the two part speech, Defending the Prophet (S) Against Orientalist Critique, delivered by Yasir Qadhi in this part and by Yaser Birjas in the upcoming second part.But that’s not all! WasatStudios has uploaded the video in HD (720p), taking advantage of the latest update in technology from YouTube. For those of you with powerful computers and high speed internet that want to watch it in higher or HD quality, simply choose the quality of your preference here.
This speech was given at the 45th Annual ISNA Convention in Columbus, OH. The room was packed and some heard uncles later giving ta’reef, saying, “Khazi Saab ka speech bohoth zabardast tha” or something like that. In order words, for the non-Urdu speakers, you’re in for a good talk inshaAllah.
Here’s the description straight from the ISNA Program Guide:
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In light of the recent spate of attacks against the honor of our beloved Prophet (SAW), it is imperative that Muslims are aware not only of what is said, but, even more importantly, how to respond to such misinformation. How much of these slanders are pure fabrications? And how many have an element of truth but have been distorted or exaggerated? Even more profoundly, how does on understand and explain incidents that are indeed historically true, but are viewed in our times as being immoral or unethical? It is our goal to address a series of such incidents from the Seerah and explain the best methodology in defending the honor of our Prophet (SAW).
Stay tuned for part 2 with Yaser Birjas soon inshaAllah!
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Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. Help us get to 900 supporters this month. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month.
bismillah. mashaAllah! and jazak Allah khayr for the links to the HD edition. when i first clicked play, i assumed this was one of the treasures of IlmQuest. but learning that this speech took place at ISNA almost makes me want to go next year… or i can pray for more videos of the worthwhile content. :)
very nice and easy breakdown of orientalist criticisms (or sometimes, not necessarily criticism from their perspective, just re-writing of history). looking forward to part 2 :)
This is one the best speeches given by this Sheikh I have heard. I like his speeches, he sticks to the points, gets down to the basic nitty gritty (bottom line) and is not wavering nor distracting.
You talk EXACTLY like my FATHER did when I was a teenager………….
MashAllah this video did more justice to your knowledge and intellect than the first article I read a couple of months ago……………..:)
SubhanAllah the last point was spot on…. reminds me of something I read in relation to this:
Would the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) have been more grieved by a cartoon made by people who don’t know him or believe in him, or would he be more dismayed at how Muslims ridicule his teachings everyday?
May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala give us all the tawfeeq to truly defend him through our actions. Ameen.
At the universit I go to in Seattle, in the past couple of years there has been an increase in the number of orientalist “Islamic courses” being taught. The professor of many of these courses is supposedly a Muslim, but in class he repeatedly bashes Islam by cracking alot of jokes such as (a’udubillah) “the prohphet (SAW) had sex with his wives all in the same night”. Although as the Shaykh was saying in the lecture, this may be historically true from Islamic sources of knowledge, he says it in such a dirty, perverted, and jokingly way. My two sisters attended this class (titled “Muhammed” ) and they were abhored. I uterly dislike the fact that “orientalist Islam” is being taught at the universities, but they will never blow out the light of Allah with their tonges no matter how hard they try. And get this, this winter quarter, that same professor is teaching another class in the neareast (orientalist) department, this time about the Quran (titled:”Quran”). I shutter when I think about the corruption he will plant in the minds of non-muslims and muslims who will attend the course!
“At the universit I go to in Seattle, in the past couple of years there has been an increase in the number of orientalist “Islamic courses” being taught. The professor of many of these courses is supposedly a Muslim, but in class he repeatedly bashes Islam by cracking alot of jokes such as (a’udubillah) “the prohphet (SAW) had sex with his wives all in the same night”. Although as the Shaykh was saying in the lecture, this may be historically true from Islamic sources of knowledge, he says it in such a dirty, perverted, and jokingly way.”
Somebody said the same thing to me one time and you know what I said that “THEY WERE JUST JEALOUS”
i know i can be sometimes brutally honest……………..
I am not a person to stay quite when someone says things like that……………. I am extremely polite but really give them a piece of my mind.
I have also gone to the department head and complained………….. and if that doesnt’ work than i have gone to the PRESIDENT of the UNIVERSTIY
Personally to talk it out………………
Things usually get changed than……………
just my two cents worth.
Masha’Allah, May Allah reward you, Dear Sh. Qadhi, I was trying to attend but subhanAllah I was so sad after seeing HOOGE waiting line in front of the door to that conference room. I Hope insha’Allah next year they will plan you to do a lecture in main hall because your advices are very important for the Muslims arround the world.
Mumajjad, Mu-ayyad, Muhammad:
Glorious, Victorious, Muhammad.
Ajmal min kulli jameel,
Lam yakun ’anhu badeel,
I love Muhammad.
Ask Hamza Hanson or Michael Jackson,
Ask Yusuf Islam or Ingrid Mattson,
What’s in the world sweeter than a word
From the mouth of Muhammad?
Ask Suhaib Webb or Yusuf Estes
Why they brushed aside
Shakespeare and Cervantes
And followed with pride
The words of Muhammad?
Ask Sheikh Qardawi and Sheikh Tantawi
What but Muhammad’s Light
Made them stars brighter than the cars
In New York at night?
Ask every new convert, be it Jane or Albert,
Is there a man of whom you’d be a fan–
But Muhammad?
Sallo Ya Nass,
Sallo ’Alalhabeeb Muhammad!
What can I say on your day
When every day is your day?
O Muhammad ! O Taha ! O shafi’na on the Last Day!
From the day you stood to say:
O Man ! I’m but a man
Sent to save you, sent to tell you
The way that’ll lead you away
From the one who led you astray
To the One Who made you ’n the best way
And gave you beauty and bounty in every way
And will yet give you joy where you’ll stay
For ever and ever, as you say !
From that day,
O Muhammad ! O Taha ! O shafi’na on the Last Day !
Men came to you on foot and horseback;
They said as you said
And prayed as you prayed
And when attacked, they fought back.
You lived in a shack
While your beauty was brighter than the moon ;
You ate with your hands
While one with your beauty would use a gold spoon ;
You sat on the sands
While one with your glory
Would build himself storey upon storey :
And that’s why your story
Has gone as far as Brunei and Zinjibar
And London and New York
Where people eat with a knife and fork,
They too say as you said
And pray as you prayed
And when wrongly questioned, they answer back.
O Muhammad ! O Taha ! O shafi’na on the Last Day !
What can I say on your day
When every day is your day ?
From just a few those who came to you
Filled every hill, swamped every dale,
They made Time stand still till their tale
Made the mightiest kingdoms frail
And brought the Muslim flag as close as Prague !
The Arabian Nights tells of made-up knights
And of Harun al-Rasheed
Whose life the Truth of your Message
Made eed upon eed !
And yet someone came to draw
A pic of a man whose peer he never saw,
And papers and commentators
Seeking cheap money and fake glory
Made every story
Out of the Story of the man whose glory
Defies all Posts and all Tribunes and all Times !
O Muhammad ! O Taha ! O shafi’na on the Last Day!
What can I say on your day
When every day is your day?
When your name has brought fame
To a Dane who became insane?
What can I say on your day
When night and day
Souls repeat your words
As if they were songs of jungle birds!
Peace be upon you and all those who followed your way!
O Muhammad ! O Taha ! O shafi’na on the Last Day!
@Muslimah: Depends on which reciter you’re speaking about. The “bismillah” is, as mentioned above, by Imam Feysal Mohammed of Chicago. You can find his recordings at the link above.
The “Muhammad ar-Rasulullah”, however, is by Maher Al-Muaiqly. It’s from his Surah Fath recitation here: http://quranicaudio.com/quran/65
Where is part 2?
@Amir: Part two, as mentioned in the article, is coming soon (next Friday) inshaAllah. Stay tuned. :)
Allahu AKbar…May Allah exalt the sheikhs status for dealing with this major problem. This is very important and a big responsibility that the ulama bear and the sheikh has dealt with it well.
I disagree with our beloved Ustadh Yasir Qadhi when he says that this has NOTHING to do with freedom of speech. I don’t think we should argue that line…even though yes, a person who says racist things against blacks is ostracized in America, the Americans would respond by saying: “Although I think what he is saying is horrible and racist, I will defend his right to say whatever he wants. Likewise, I have the right to boycott him with my words.” So they will say that Ustadh Yasir is not understanding properly the issue of freedom of speech.
I think a stronger line of argumentation would be to question the idea of freedom of speech altogether. We should say that we support freedom of good and wholesome speech, whereas we shun evil speech. This entire idea of freedom of speech is a horrible tenet of Western civilization. Yes, we tolerate the discussion of ideas, healthy debate, etc. But this does not mean that we should tolerate hate mongering, curse words, sexual lewdness, vulgarities, racist words, blasphemy, etc.
“Somebody said the same thing to me one time and you know what I said that “THEY WERE JUST JEALOUS”
i know i can be sometimes brutally honest……………..
I am not a person to stay quite when someone says things like that……………. I am extremely polite but really give them a piece of my mind.
I have also gone to the department head and complained………….. and if that doesnt’ work than i have gone to the PRESIDENT of the UNIVERSTIY
Personally to talk it out………………
Things usually get changed than……………
just my two cents worth”
Jazakallahu Khayran Algebra,
The thing I didn’t mention is that my two sister’s went to the professors office hours (face to face with him), and even after responding timidly to the question of whether or not he’s Muslim, he disrespectfully spoke to my sisters and arrogantly refused to accept their request of saying “peace and blessings be upon him” after mentioning the name of the prophet (SAW). Little did we understand that this was a course about Islam being taught through an orientalist perspective, so it is common that lies and twisting of the truth concerning the life of the prophet (SAW) is the norm.
Just so you know, after this event in his office, my sisters went to the dean of academic affairs in the NearEast department to complain about his rude behavior, and guess what they did: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Like you mentioned, it was hard to sit in class and not feel like the honor of the prophet (SAW) was being attacked in every sentence through the entire course, and that’s why my sister tried to do something about it – to no avail.
***To the moderators: I hope my example isn’t off subject, I just thought it related to the Shaykh’s valuable lecuture. Can’t wait for part 2!
Jazak Allahu kulli khayr ya Shaikh for your presentation on this topic of paramount importance for us in this time in particular. It was very beneficial and touched on a number of great points. I had one question though in regards to the issue of the marriage of Rasul-Allah (saas) to Zaynab (ra). I believe you said in the presentation that this story was found only in one source and not in books like that of Ibn Ishaaq.
From my readings, it was in fact mentioned in the illicit manner you described in the seerah of Ibn Ishaaq and this is one of the big platforms of attack from orientalists who say, “Look, its in YOUR books!” I believe that this story is also mentioned, albeit in slightly tamer language and description in Tafsir at-Tabari and al-Qurtubi as well as in al-Jawaab al-Kaafi.
The understanding I have of their usage of these declaredly weak narrations was their inference that his alleged statement (saas) of “How lofty is Allah who changes the hearts of men” was because he had known her since she was a child and had never had an interest in her and was in a way surprised when Allah informed him that she would be his wife. When he saw her, and a number of the narrations state only that he saw her in a decent manner (as opposed to those who state that he saw her in a sheer nightgown or otherwise), that love entered his heart for her and he left immediately. The orientalists with their perverted minds can only conclude that he said that because of “lust” he had for her although this was never mentioned in any, not even the weak and fabricated narrations (and a few of these narrations I think don’t even have an isnaad at all!). They all state that love entered his heart. So this is what I understand was the reason behind the fact that some of these very respected and honorable ulamaa in our history may have looked into these narrations at all, wallahu a’lam.
I have also read that even though it was mentioned as an aside in al-Qurtubi’s encyclopedic tafsir, that he concluded at the end that the best conclusion after investigation was the position that what the Prophet (saas) had tried to conceal from people (as stated in the noble ayah) was the prophecy that Zaynab (ra) would indeed be his wife and NOT that he fell in love with her after seeing her in a semi-dressed manner. Al-Qurtubi stated that this was indeed the view of the hadith specialists (who could investigate the chains of narration of these strange reports and thus reject them) like Az-Zuhri, Al-Qadi Abu Bakr Ibn Al-’Arabi and others.
As for the other mufasireen like Ibn Kathir as you mentioned alhamdulillah, they rejected them on a scholarly and not emotional basis. Ibn Kathir states, “Abu Hatim [al-Razi] and Ibn Jarir mentioned here some narrations from some Salaf that we ignored due to their lack of authenticity. Imam Ahmad also related a strange narration by Hammad Ibn Zayd from Thabit from Anas which we also ignored”. Ibn Hajar also stated the same thing. Ibn Kathir further stated in his great book of Seerah something to the effect of, “there are a number of baseless reports on this issue (the marriage of the Prophet to Zaynab) which we will not even mention here.
The way I have responded to those bashers who try to use these dubious narrations has been to point out the fact that even if it was in a book that the ulamaa of this ummah respect and take from (like that of Ibn Ishaaq), that doesn’t mean that we accept everything that was in it, and it doesn’t even mean that Ibn Ishaaq himself believed it. A number of the ulamaa at that time gathered narrations to either investigate at another time, or to have someone else who was more specialized investigate. The fact of the matter is that even if it is in these books, this is not what the consensus of the ulamaa are upon and we can see that even scholars like al-Qurtubi included them out of a sense of completeness only to state in conclusion that this is not their position or the position of the Muslim scholars on this issue.
This is what I have understood but please correct me if I have come to the wrong conclusion or have misunderstood or misquoted some of these references. And once again jazak Allahu kulli khayr for your efforts to teach this deen and to honor our beloved Prophet (saas).
You mentioned that “The way I have responded to those bashers who try to use these dubious narrations…” Could you please let me know where these responses are…
@ J : I was trying to speak from within the Western paradigm, which is the one that we are de facto living in and dealing with. To go beyond than and critique the paradigm itself is valid, but one needs to choose the audience and setting. I don’t think its wise to argue that route in popular culture; rather that route works better in academic settings, and Allah knows best.
@ Abu Amin: I was referring to the version found in the Tafsir of Muqatil, with its inappropriate details; you are right that there are other versions found in classical sources that are clean but do depict a natural love. There are a number of different versions of the story; not all of them can be correct obviously. I have a more detailed analysis of this story, which I’l probably give in some Seerah lecture someday insha Allah. But the conclusion of Ibn Kathir is the one that most scholars would lean to as well.
I saw that you gave this lecture in August of this year, which was before the GPU fiasco that you wrote about. Since you very clearly mention in this lecture that you don’t support those people who are anti-Jewish and deny the Holaocust (in fact you compared them with racists more than once), why don’t you send this to the Minister who accused you of it? This speech must have been given before any accusations were made so it shows you didn’t just change your views because of it (I say this because there’s a famous anti-Muslim website in England that says you only said you only retracted since you were ‘exposed’ by the Minister).
Apologies if I changed the course of the thread, just thought I’d help!
You are right that this talk was delivered before any concerns had been raised about the alleged anti-Semitic remarks made. And had we lived in an ideal world where people genuinely follow evidence, I would indeed have pointed out that this lecture shows that I do not subscribe to the views of Irving and others like him. However, sadly, we live in a world where sensationalization is the norm, where its a given that Muslims are supposed to be extremists in every manner. So there will always be people who will read in what they want to read in, no matter how clear the evidences are to the contrary.
It is amazing that I confirmed with Islam Channel that the letter I wrote to them was indeed delivered to the office of the Shadow Home Secretary; it is inconceivable that it was not presented to him (since he was threatening to pull out because of this), and yet he still came on stage and said what he said. For me, this indicates a disingenuousness that is, sadly, typical in politicians.
So, bottom line: do what you can to clear your name, but don’t waste more time than you have to on it. And I think I’ve done enough for this matter.
No doubt many politicians are looking for a rallying point such as condemning/”dispatching” a famous (alhamadillah) Islamic speaker who is an “undercover extremist”.
I don’t know how serious the issue is in Britain, but please keep in mind that many (non-Muslim AND Muslim) will only hear what the secretary said (and that tidbit from cassette they put online) and not your responses.
I don’t think you should act or change your speech based on anti-Muslim conspiracy theorists, but insha’Allah just keep in mind the garbage spewing from their mouths next time you are asked about politics or controversial topics.
Well actually no, that might just put you in a state of constant defensiveness.
Allahu Alim, insha’Allah you find the right solution, if a solution is even necessary.
Qabeelat Wasat’s love and du’as, as always, are with you.
Omg, I just watched the most classical video ever on Geo tv..An Iraqi Journalis throws at Bush his show, not once but twice…lol so basically hits him with his shoes, one after another..
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW What a lovely departing gift Bush received from Iraq…Hats off to the journalist and YEAH GEO played the video not once not twice but ten times already..
SUBHANALLAH, people! This article has been dugg FIVE TIMES!!! You claim you like this article? Really? 5 times!!!??
Digg this article because it teaches defending the Prophet sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam in a manner that any Muslim could be proud of. We want the whole world to know that Allah gave us Islam to improve the character of mankind. We should start by spreading the word about how to defend the Prophet sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam in a manner enlightened by Islam. So digg this article like you were digging a shelter against a storm, and may Allah grant you shelter in this life and in the next.
JazakAllahu khairun for this well prepared academic lecture on this important topic. I know that time was probably limited and some of the things I’m going to mention may be discussed in the second part of the lecture, however, I’d just like to mention a few things (which i picked up from some seerah lessons) in hopes of complementing this discussion insha`Allah (this is just my naseeha as a layman).
The points that were discussed are indeed very important to be clarified, not only for non-Muslims, but the general Muslim public as well, as unfortunately these incidents have been clouded with some ignorance, confusion, and misconception as you alluded to.
1. Regarding the marriage of Aeisha (ra) and Zaynab (ra), it is very interesting to note that these two marriages (that are usually maligned and targeted) in specific were the two marriages that were directly divinely revealed, the first in the prophet’s dream (which is wahi) and the latter in the Quran.
2. Regarding the age of Aeisha (ra) and the false argument about the prophet’s (saws) alleged “lustful marriage”, we can note the following points.
a. The prophet (saws) was married to Khadija (ra) who was 15 years his senior at the age of 40. Although the Prophet (saw) was from Banu Hashim and at the age of 25 could have married any “young girl”, he did not.
b. The Prophet (saws) was married to Khadija until the age of around 50 years old and it has never been reported that he wanted to marry another wife during that time. The ages of 25 – 50 for a man are typically considered the “prime” ages for men’s desire for marriage, so during this prime era, the prophet (saws) was married only to Khadija (ra)And his love for Khadija (ra) was very strong as he always used to mention her name after she passed away and used to visit her friends / relatives.
c. If we look at all the marriages of the prophet and the age of his wives, we will find that Aeisha’s (ra) marriage was the only one that was at an early age and in fact that was his only virgin wife, all the other wives were either widows or previously married which refutes one of their claims..
d. Aeisha’s (ra) marriage at an early age was particularly important for us because Allah ta`ala had endowed her with great intuition, knowledge, understanding, and memory. This is why we have over 2000 hadeeth related from our mother, Aeisha (ra). As mentioned in Bukhari, when the prophet (saw) would relate things, the companions would typically absorb it without questioning (out of respect and obediance) , although Aeisha (ra) mentions she would ask about the things the prophet (saws) related because of her informal and intimate relation with the prophet (saw). Also, we attained from this blessed marriage of Aeisha (ra) many insights about the prophet’s sunnan, his worship, his habits, his treatment of kin, his character, etc. Aeisha (ra) was also resorted to by the companions for fiqh issues as she had great knowledge about these issues.
3. Most of the Prophet’s marriages (other than Khadija and Sawda (raa) were in the last 10 years of his life (age of 53-63) .. And we know that his multiple marriages had specific reasons and not just “lustful or whimsical”…some of the reasons can be enumerated as follows:
a. forging alliances with different tribes (i.e. Jawayreeya, etc.)
b. caring for his followers (if their husbands died, i.e. Sawda, etc.)
c. strengthening the bond of brotherhood with his companions (i.e. abu bakr, umar, uthman, ali, raa)..
d. conveying the message of Islam (since Islam is a way of life, it requires detail explanation of the daily life interactions and who better to relate these issues than those ppl who lived with him.. And also more than one wife would serve as a confirmation of what others would relate to keep harmony and constancy in the narrations…
4. regarding the incidents of breaking of treaties by some of the tribes of madina, I believe there were some earlier incidents (such as the murder of a great number of hufath which the prophet (saws) sent to teach ppl) which eventually led to the reciprocal actions that we observed.
Frankly, each of the points of discussion deserve more than just a few minutes to really drive the point home and clearly “contextualize” the facts and evidences. I would also hope and pray to see more literature, media, etc. on these important topics in order to counter these arguments in more systematic and methodical approach and to give it only the attention that it truly deserves, not more not less…
The U.N. General Assembly Thursday approved a “Defamation of Religion” resolution, largely supported by Islamic countries, condemning critical or offensive expressions directed at any religious faith.
Assalaamu alaykum. i dont really comment much on this site, but i think this reaaly needs to be seen. it shows the exact double standards the shaykh was talking about, regarding the prophet SAW and the holocaust
Someone on this site Answeringislam.org said Banu Quraydha were not traitors. And they have a bunch of proofs. And at the end they even said they went through the 9 books of hadeeth and found NOT 1 VERSE which indicates that Bani Quraydha either officially (or even unofficially) renounced the treaty, nor did they find a Hadeeth which indicates that Bani Quraydha violated the treaty in any way. Please Shaikh Yasir Qadhi, please destroy this website since they have a hand in giving christians the wrong views of Islam. I know a lot of christians who go by what this site says and it’s just very sad that no one is answering this site. Please answer this page that I’m going to give. After that just go onto http://www.answering-islam.org and please find a way to destroy this site all together by answering their sick claims and ignorant ideas, because they have MANY MANY more pages of proving Islam false and it’s getting more publicity than it needs and it can be very detrimental to a lot of muslims as well as non-muslims that wanted to convert. I am a sunni muslim with the deobandi thought. Even though I disagree with you on certain stuff because I am that, I do find you pretty knowledgeable in a lot of stuff. You are still my muslim brother. Please help !! JazakAllah.
“And Allah turned back the disbelievers for (all) their fury : no advantage did they gain ; and enough is Allah for the Believers in their fight. And Allah is full of Strength, Able to enforce His Will.”
“And those of the People of the Book (banu quraydha) who aided them – Allah did take them down from their strongholds and cast terror into their hearts, (so that) some you slew and some you made prisoners.”
Jazakumullahu Khairan for the talk, it is excellent – Alhamdulillah.
Since a few weeks ago I started getting nasty/vulgar emails with subject headers like this.
“Heroic Acts of Mohamad”
“I get my inspiration when I am in bed with Aisha-Mohamad”
“Truth about Muhamad”
“It is nothing for Muhammad to Kill Children”
“Pretty Zainab & Marrying own daugther-in-law”
“Muhammad- A Pedophile”
“Mariyah-the beautiful copt slave girl”
“Muhammad A Rapist”
These can be traced back to some anti-islam websites. Basically as Br Yasir mentioned they resort to outright lies, twisting the truth and de-contextualising the culture, values and norms and giving their own perverted interpretations.
I have a few of questions on this and if the shaykh and/or someone experienced in this could answer these I would grateful.
1. Should we respond to these accusation at all?
2. If so what is the best way to respond?
3. Are there already resources available on the internet or in printed form addressing these issues?
I am not so concerned about the people who send these but about the Muslims who receive these emails and get confused. I was thinking we should responds at least for the other Muslims’ sake. Any ideas and suggestions on this would be much appreciated?
So far I have come across these two talks (Defending the Prophet – part 1 and 2) and the following website on this subject.
December 12, 2008 at 4:55 AM
This is awesome. Now I can swoon over Yasir Qadhi’s beard in HD.
abu abdAllah, the Houstonian
December 12, 2008 at 8:06 AM
bismillah. mashaAllah! and jazak Allah khayr for the links to the HD edition. when i first clicked play, i assumed this was one of the treasures of IlmQuest. but learning that this speech took place at ISNA almost makes me want to go next year… or i can pray for more videos of the worthwhile content. :)
December 12, 2008 at 12:27 PM
salaam alaykum shaykh yasir,
very nice and easy breakdown of orientalist criticisms (or sometimes, not necessarily criticism from their perspective, just re-writing of history). looking forward to part 2 :)
July 20, 2016 at 6:41 AM
December 12, 2008 at 1:20 PM
This is one the best speeches given by this Sheikh I have heard. I like his speeches, he sticks to the points, gets down to the basic nitty gritty (bottom line) and is not wavering nor distracting.
Zabardast indeed!
December 12, 2008 at 2:17 PM
You talk EXACTLY like my FATHER did when I was a teenager………….
MashAllah this video did more justice to your knowledge and intellect than the first article I read a couple of months ago……………..:)
the dorritos one.:(
December 12, 2008 at 4:42 PM
December 12, 2008 at 4:57 PM
Jazak Allaho khairan Sh Yasir. Ma sha Allah, that was one of the most beneficial talks that I’ve heard from our beloved teacher.
December 12, 2008 at 9:02 PM
Where is part 2?
July 20, 2016 at 6:41 AM
December 12, 2008 at 9:24 PM
SubhanAllah the last point was spot on…. reminds me of something I read in relation to this:
May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala give us all the tawfeeq to truly defend him through our actions. Ameen.
December 12, 2008 at 11:15 PM
cant wait for the second part…
December 12, 2008 at 11:22 PM
Who’s the reciter in the first few seconds?
December 12, 2008 at 11:36 PM
Masha Allah, a very beneficial lecture.
At the universit I go to in Seattle, in the past couple of years there has been an increase in the number of orientalist “Islamic courses” being taught. The professor of many of these courses is supposedly a Muslim, but in class he repeatedly bashes Islam by cracking alot of jokes such as (a’udubillah) “the prohphet (SAW) had sex with his wives all in the same night”. Although as the Shaykh was saying in the lecture, this may be historically true from Islamic sources of knowledge, he says it in such a dirty, perverted, and jokingly way. My two sisters attended this class (titled “Muhammed” ) and they were abhored. I uterly dislike the fact that “orientalist Islam” is being taught at the universities, but they will never blow out the light of Allah with their tonges no matter how hard they try. And get this, this winter quarter, that same professor is teaching another class in the neareast (orientalist) department, this time about the Quran (titled:”Quran”). I shutter when I think about the corruption he will plant in the minds of non-muslims and muslims who will attend the course!
December 12, 2008 at 11:46 PM
“At the universit I go to in Seattle, in the past couple of years there has been an increase in the number of orientalist “Islamic courses” being taught. The professor of many of these courses is supposedly a Muslim, but in class he repeatedly bashes Islam by cracking alot of jokes such as (a’udubillah) “the prohphet (SAW) had sex with his wives all in the same night”. Although as the Shaykh was saying in the lecture, this may be historically true from Islamic sources of knowledge, he says it in such a dirty, perverted, and jokingly way.”
Somebody said the same thing to me one time and you know what I said that “THEY WERE JUST JEALOUS”
i know i can be sometimes brutally honest……………..
I am not a person to stay quite when someone says things like that……………. I am extremely polite but really give them a piece of my mind.
I have also gone to the department head and complained………….. and if that doesnt’ work than i have gone to the PRESIDENT of the UNIVERSTIY
Personally to talk it out………………
Things usually get changed than……………
just my two cents worth.
Arabian Mare
December 13, 2008 at 12:09 AM
@Sister intellect 1429
This might be a good website to go to learn about our Prophet(PBUH) you know hadiths and such……….
Pingback: Seeker’s Digest » Defending the Prophet (saas) Against Orientalist Critique - Pt. 1 of 2
Irfan Bosnian
December 13, 2008 at 4:16 AM
Assalamu alaikum,
Masha’Allah, May Allah reward you, Dear Sh. Qadhi, I was trying to attend but subhanAllah I was so sad after seeing HOOGE waiting line in front of the door to that conference room. I Hope insha’Allah next year they will plan you to do a lecture in main hall because your advices are very important for the Muslims arround the world.
December 13, 2008 at 8:03 AM
Habeeby Muhammad
Mumajjad, Mu-ayyad, Muhammad:
Glorious, Victorious, Muhammad.
Ajmal min kulli jameel,
Lam yakun ’anhu badeel,
I love Muhammad.
Ask Hamza Hanson or Michael Jackson,
Ask Yusuf Islam or Ingrid Mattson,
What’s in the world sweeter than a word
From the mouth of Muhammad?
Ask Suhaib Webb or Yusuf Estes
Why they brushed aside
Shakespeare and Cervantes
And followed with pride
The words of Muhammad?
Ask Sheikh Qardawi and Sheikh Tantawi
What but Muhammad’s Light
Made them stars brighter than the cars
In New York at night?
Ask every new convert, be it Jane or Albert,
Is there a man of whom you’d be a fan–
But Muhammad?
Sallo Ya Nass,
Sallo ’Alalhabeeb Muhammad!
What can I say on your day
When every day is your day?
O Muhammad ! O Taha ! O shafi’na on the Last Day!
From the day you stood to say:
O Man ! I’m but a man
Sent to save you, sent to tell you
The way that’ll lead you away
From the one who led you astray
To the One Who made you ’n the best way
And gave you beauty and bounty in every way
And will yet give you joy where you’ll stay
For ever and ever, as you say !
From that day,
O Muhammad ! O Taha ! O shafi’na on the Last Day !
Men came to you on foot and horseback;
They said as you said
And prayed as you prayed
And when attacked, they fought back.
You lived in a shack
While your beauty was brighter than the moon ;
You ate with your hands
While one with your beauty would use a gold spoon ;
You sat on the sands
While one with your glory
Would build himself storey upon storey :
And that’s why your story
Has gone as far as Brunei and Zinjibar
And London and New York
Where people eat with a knife and fork,
They too say as you said
And pray as you prayed
And when wrongly questioned, they answer back.
O Muhammad ! O Taha ! O shafi’na on the Last Day !
What can I say on your day
When every day is your day ?
From just a few those who came to you
Filled every hill, swamped every dale,
They made Time stand still till their tale
Made the mightiest kingdoms frail
And brought the Muslim flag as close as Prague !
The Arabian Nights tells of made-up knights
And of Harun al-Rasheed
Whose life the Truth of your Message
Made eed upon eed !
And yet someone came to draw
A pic of a man whose peer he never saw,
And papers and commentators
Seeking cheap money and fake glory
Made every story
Out of the Story of the man whose glory
Defies all Posts and all Tribunes and all Times !
O Muhammad ! O Taha ! O shafi’na on the Last Day!
What can I say on your day
When every day is your day?
When your name has brought fame
To a Dane who became insane?
What can I say on your day
When night and day
Souls repeat your words
As if they were songs of jungle birds!
Peace be upon you and all those who followed your way!
O Muhammad ! O Taha ! O shafi’na on the Last Day!
MM Associates
December 13, 2008 at 11:45 AM
@Muslimah: The reciter is Imam Faisal from Chicago. You can find some of his recitations here: http://www.dhikrullah.com/quran/faisal.html
December 13, 2008 at 12:04 PM
@Muslimah: Depends on which reciter you’re speaking about. The “bismillah” is, as mentioned above, by Imam Feysal Mohammed of Chicago. You can find his recordings at the link above.
The “Muhammad ar-Rasulullah”, however, is by Maher Al-Muaiqly. It’s from his Surah Fath recitation here: http://quranicaudio.com/quran/65
@Amir: Part two, as mentioned in the article, is coming soon (next Friday) inshaAllah. Stay tuned. :)
December 13, 2008 at 1:45 PM
Allahu AKbar…May Allah exalt the sheikhs status for dealing with this major problem. This is very important and a big responsibility that the ulama bear and the sheikh has dealt with it well.
December 13, 2008 at 7:13 PM
I disagree with our beloved Ustadh Yasir Qadhi when he says that this has NOTHING to do with freedom of speech. I don’t think we should argue that line…even though yes, a person who says racist things against blacks is ostracized in America, the Americans would respond by saying: “Although I think what he is saying is horrible and racist, I will defend his right to say whatever he wants. Likewise, I have the right to boycott him with my words.” So they will say that Ustadh Yasir is not understanding properly the issue of freedom of speech.
I think a stronger line of argumentation would be to question the idea of freedom of speech altogether. We should say that we support freedom of good and wholesome speech, whereas we shun evil speech. This entire idea of freedom of speech is a horrible tenet of Western civilization. Yes, we tolerate the discussion of ideas, healthy debate, etc. But this does not mean that we should tolerate hate mongering, curse words, sexual lewdness, vulgarities, racist words, blasphemy, etc.
December 13, 2008 at 7:51 PM
@ Algebra
“Somebody said the same thing to me one time and you know what I said that “THEY WERE JUST JEALOUS”
i know i can be sometimes brutally honest……………..
I am not a person to stay quite when someone says things like that……………. I am extremely polite but really give them a piece of my mind.
I have also gone to the department head and complained………….. and if that doesnt’ work than i have gone to the PRESIDENT of the UNIVERSTIY
Personally to talk it out………………
Things usually get changed than……………
just my two cents worth”
Jazakallahu Khayran Algebra,
The thing I didn’t mention is that my two sister’s went to the professors office hours (face to face with him), and even after responding timidly to the question of whether or not he’s Muslim, he disrespectfully spoke to my sisters and arrogantly refused to accept their request of saying “peace and blessings be upon him” after mentioning the name of the prophet (SAW). Little did we understand that this was a course about Islam being taught through an orientalist perspective, so it is common that lies and twisting of the truth concerning the life of the prophet (SAW) is the norm.
Just so you know, after this event in his office, my sisters went to the dean of academic affairs in the NearEast department to complain about his rude behavior, and guess what they did: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Like you mentioned, it was hard to sit in class and not feel like the honor of the prophet (SAW) was being attacked in every sentence through the entire course, and that’s why my sister tried to do something about it – to no avail.
***To the moderators: I hope my example isn’t off subject, I just thought it related to the Shaykh’s valuable lecuture. Can’t wait for part 2!
December 13, 2008 at 8:46 PM
Ali Shehata
December 13, 2008 at 10:01 PM
Salaam alaikum
Jazak Allahu khair Shaikh Yasir, it was very beneficial and a much needed topic.
Abu Amin
December 13, 2008 at 10:36 PM
Salaam alaikum
Jazak Allahu kulli khayr ya Shaikh for your presentation on this topic of paramount importance for us in this time in particular. It was very beneficial and touched on a number of great points. I had one question though in regards to the issue of the marriage of Rasul-Allah (saas) to Zaynab (ra). I believe you said in the presentation that this story was found only in one source and not in books like that of Ibn Ishaaq.
From my readings, it was in fact mentioned in the illicit manner you described in the seerah of Ibn Ishaaq and this is one of the big platforms of attack from orientalists who say, “Look, its in YOUR books!” I believe that this story is also mentioned, albeit in slightly tamer language and description in Tafsir at-Tabari and al-Qurtubi as well as in al-Jawaab al-Kaafi.
The understanding I have of their usage of these declaredly weak narrations was their inference that his alleged statement (saas) of “How lofty is Allah who changes the hearts of men” was because he had known her since she was a child and had never had an interest in her and was in a way surprised when Allah informed him that she would be his wife. When he saw her, and a number of the narrations state only that he saw her in a decent manner (as opposed to those who state that he saw her in a sheer nightgown or otherwise), that love entered his heart for her and he left immediately. The orientalists with their perverted minds can only conclude that he said that because of “lust” he had for her although this was never mentioned in any, not even the weak and fabricated narrations (and a few of these narrations I think don’t even have an isnaad at all!). They all state that love entered his heart. So this is what I understand was the reason behind the fact that some of these very respected and honorable ulamaa in our history may have looked into these narrations at all, wallahu a’lam.
I have also read that even though it was mentioned as an aside in al-Qurtubi’s encyclopedic tafsir, that he concluded at the end that the best conclusion after investigation was the position that what the Prophet (saas) had tried to conceal from people (as stated in the noble ayah) was the prophecy that Zaynab (ra) would indeed be his wife and NOT that he fell in love with her after seeing her in a semi-dressed manner. Al-Qurtubi stated that this was indeed the view of the hadith specialists (who could investigate the chains of narration of these strange reports and thus reject them) like Az-Zuhri, Al-Qadi Abu Bakr Ibn Al-’Arabi and others.
As for the other mufasireen like Ibn Kathir as you mentioned alhamdulillah, they rejected them on a scholarly and not emotional basis. Ibn Kathir states, “Abu Hatim [al-Razi] and Ibn Jarir mentioned here some narrations from some Salaf that we ignored due to their lack of authenticity. Imam Ahmad also related a strange narration by Hammad Ibn Zayd from Thabit from Anas which we also ignored”. Ibn Hajar also stated the same thing. Ibn Kathir further stated in his great book of Seerah something to the effect of, “there are a number of baseless reports on this issue (the marriage of the Prophet to Zaynab) which we will not even mention here.
The way I have responded to those bashers who try to use these dubious narrations has been to point out the fact that even if it was in a book that the ulamaa of this ummah respect and take from (like that of Ibn Ishaaq), that doesn’t mean that we accept everything that was in it, and it doesn’t even mean that Ibn Ishaaq himself believed it. A number of the ulamaa at that time gathered narrations to either investigate at another time, or to have someone else who was more specialized investigate. The fact of the matter is that even if it is in these books, this is not what the consensus of the ulamaa are upon and we can see that even scholars like al-Qurtubi included them out of a sense of completeness only to state in conclusion that this is not their position or the position of the Muslim scholars on this issue.
This is what I have understood but please correct me if I have come to the wrong conclusion or have misunderstood or misquoted some of these references. And once again jazak Allahu kulli khayr for your efforts to teach this deen and to honor our beloved Prophet (saas).
June 1, 2009 at 10:00 AM
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum
You mentioned that “The way I have responded to those bashers who try to use these dubious narrations…” Could you please let me know where these responses are…
Jazakumullahu Khairan
Yasir Qadhi
December 13, 2008 at 11:32 PM
Jazakum Allah for all the comments
@ J : I was trying to speak from within the Western paradigm, which is the one that we are de facto living in and dealing with. To go beyond than and critique the paradigm itself is valid, but one needs to choose the audience and setting. I don’t think its wise to argue that route in popular culture; rather that route works better in academic settings, and Allah knows best.
@ Abu Amin: I was referring to the version found in the Tafsir of Muqatil, with its inappropriate details; you are right that there are other versions found in classical sources that are clean but do depict a natural love. There are a number of different versions of the story; not all of them can be correct obviously. I have a more detailed analysis of this story, which I’l probably give in some Seerah lecture someday insha Allah. But the conclusion of Ibn Kathir is the one that most scholars would lean to as well.
December 14, 2008 at 12:10 AM
Shaik Yasir, jazakallah for this lecture.
I saw that you gave this lecture in August of this year, which was before the GPU fiasco that you wrote about. Since you very clearly mention in this lecture that you don’t support those people who are anti-Jewish and deny the Holaocust (in fact you compared them with racists more than once), why don’t you send this to the Minister who accused you of it? This speech must have been given before any accusations were made so it shows you didn’t just change your views because of it (I say this because there’s a famous anti-Muslim website in England that says you only said you only retracted since you were ‘exposed’ by the Minister).
Apologies if I changed the course of the thread, just thought I’d help!
December 14, 2008 at 3:42 AM
As usual, wasat is at the forefront of websites, recordings and things related to Shaykh Yasir
Dr. Sadaf Sheikh
December 14, 2008 at 11:04 AM
JazakAllahu khayran Sh. Yasir Qadhi for this useful talk.
Yasir Qadhi
December 14, 2008 at 11:16 AM
Sr. Tina,
Salam and jazak Allah for your comments.
You are right that this talk was delivered before any concerns had been raised about the alleged anti-Semitic remarks made. And had we lived in an ideal world where people genuinely follow evidence, I would indeed have pointed out that this lecture shows that I do not subscribe to the views of Irving and others like him. However, sadly, we live in a world where sensationalization is the norm, where its a given that Muslims are supposed to be extremists in every manner. So there will always be people who will read in what they want to read in, no matter how clear the evidences are to the contrary.
It is amazing that I confirmed with Islam Channel that the letter I wrote to them was indeed delivered to the office of the Shadow Home Secretary; it is inconceivable that it was not presented to him (since he was threatening to pull out because of this), and yet he still came on stage and said what he said. For me, this indicates a disingenuousness that is, sadly, typical in politicians.
So, bottom line: do what you can to clear your name, but don’t waste more time than you have to on it. And I think I’ve done enough for this matter.
December 14, 2008 at 2:11 PM
No doubt many politicians are looking for a rallying point such as condemning/”dispatching” a famous (alhamadillah) Islamic speaker who is an “undercover extremist”.
I don’t know how serious the issue is in Britain, but please keep in mind that many (non-Muslim AND Muslim) will only hear what the secretary said (and that tidbit from cassette they put online) and not your responses.
I don’t think you should act or change your speech based on anti-Muslim conspiracy theorists, but insha’Allah just keep in mind the garbage spewing from their mouths next time you are asked about politics or controversial topics.
Well actually no, that might just put you in a state of constant defensiveness.
Allahu Alim, insha’Allah you find the right solution, if a solution is even necessary.
Qabeelat Wasat’s love and du’as, as always, are with you.
December 14, 2008 at 3:10 PM
Omg, I just watched the most classical video ever on Geo tv..An Iraqi Journalis throws at Bush his show, not once but twice…lol so basically hits him with his shoes, one after another..
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW What a lovely departing gift Bush received from Iraq…Hats off to the journalist and YEAH GEO played the video not once not twice but ten times already..
December 14, 2008 at 3:11 PM
I mean shoe, not show..lol (I am so excited about the video that I was so excited that I had no clue what I was typing hehe)
December 14, 2008 at 7:56 PM
Asalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah,
JazakAllahu Khayr for posting this lecture. When can we expect the second part to be posted inshAllah?
December 14, 2008 at 8:35 PM
@Sarah: Part two will be posted next Friday.
Jazak’Allahu khairan for sharing such a beneficial lecture.
December 14, 2008 at 10:42 PM
the Bismillah in the beginning by sheikh feysal, what surah is that from, do you have any links?
MM Associates
December 15, 2008 at 12:25 AM
bismillah. [address complaints to abu abdAllah for this comment]
SUBHANALLAH, people! This article has been dugg FIVE TIMES!!! You claim you like this article? Really? 5 times!!!??
Digg this article because it teaches defending the Prophet sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam in a manner that any Muslim could be proud of. We want the whole world to know that Allah gave us Islam to improve the character of mankind. We should start by spreading the word about how to defend the Prophet sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam in a manner enlightened by Islam. So digg this article like you were digging a shelter against a storm, and may Allah grant you shelter in this life and in the next.
Abu Rumay-s.a.
December 16, 2008 at 2:06 AM
JazakAllahu khairun for this well prepared academic lecture on this important topic. I know that time was probably limited and some of the things I’m going to mention may be discussed in the second part of the lecture, however, I’d just like to mention a few things (which i picked up from some seerah lessons) in hopes of complementing this discussion insha`Allah (this is just my naseeha as a layman).
The points that were discussed are indeed very important to be clarified, not only for non-Muslims, but the general Muslim public as well, as unfortunately these incidents have been clouded with some ignorance, confusion, and misconception as you alluded to.
1. Regarding the marriage of Aeisha (ra) and Zaynab (ra), it is very interesting to note that these two marriages (that are usually maligned and targeted) in specific were the two marriages that were directly divinely revealed, the first in the prophet’s dream (which is wahi) and the latter in the Quran.
2. Regarding the age of Aeisha (ra) and the false argument about the prophet’s (saws) alleged “lustful marriage”, we can note the following points.
a. The prophet (saws) was married to Khadija (ra) who was 15 years his senior at the age of 40. Although the Prophet (saw) was from Banu Hashim and at the age of 25 could have married any “young girl”, he did not.
b. The Prophet (saws) was married to Khadija until the age of around 50 years old and it has never been reported that he wanted to marry another wife during that time. The ages of 25 – 50 for a man are typically considered the “prime” ages for men’s desire for marriage, so during this prime era, the prophet (saws) was married only to Khadija (ra)And his love for Khadija (ra) was very strong as he always used to mention her name after she passed away and used to visit her friends / relatives.
c. If we look at all the marriages of the prophet and the age of his wives, we will find that Aeisha’s (ra) marriage was the only one that was at an early age and in fact that was his only virgin wife, all the other wives were either widows or previously married which refutes one of their claims..
d. Aeisha’s (ra) marriage at an early age was particularly important for us because Allah ta`ala had endowed her with great intuition, knowledge, understanding, and memory. This is why we have over 2000 hadeeth related from our mother, Aeisha (ra). As mentioned in Bukhari, when the prophet (saw) would relate things, the companions would typically absorb it without questioning (out of respect and obediance) , although Aeisha (ra) mentions she would ask about the things the prophet (saws) related because of her informal and intimate relation with the prophet (saw). Also, we attained from this blessed marriage of Aeisha (ra) many insights about the prophet’s sunnan, his worship, his habits, his treatment of kin, his character, etc. Aeisha (ra) was also resorted to by the companions for fiqh issues as she had great knowledge about these issues.
3. Most of the Prophet’s marriages (other than Khadija and Sawda (raa) were in the last 10 years of his life (age of 53-63) .. And we know that his multiple marriages had specific reasons and not just “lustful or whimsical”…some of the reasons can be enumerated as follows:
a. forging alliances with different tribes (i.e. Jawayreeya, etc.)
b. caring for his followers (if their husbands died, i.e. Sawda, etc.)
c. strengthening the bond of brotherhood with his companions (i.e. abu bakr, umar, uthman, ali, raa)..
d. conveying the message of Islam (since Islam is a way of life, it requires detail explanation of the daily life interactions and who better to relate these issues than those ppl who lived with him.. And also more than one wife would serve as a confirmation of what others would relate to keep harmony and constancy in the narrations…
4. regarding the incidents of breaking of treaties by some of the tribes of madina, I believe there were some earlier incidents (such as the murder of a great number of hufath which the prophet (saws) sent to teach ppl) which eventually led to the reciprocal actions that we observed.
Frankly, each of the points of discussion deserve more than just a few minutes to really drive the point home and clearly “contextualize” the facts and evidences. I would also hope and pray to see more literature, media, etc. on these important topics in order to counter these arguments in more systematic and methodical approach and to give it only the attention that it truly deserves, not more not less…
and Allah ta`ala knows best…
December 16, 2008 at 4:34 AM
Intellect1429… I’m curious to know which University you attend, and who this professor is, if you don’t mind.
December 18, 2008 at 10:55 AM
@ Mohsin:
Its the University of Washington (UW); professor: Brown.
December 18, 2008 at 2:49 PM
Moro – In a word – WOW. That took my breath away.
Abu Rumay-s.a.
December 21, 2008 at 10:16 AM
The U.N. General Assembly Thursday approved a “Defamation of Religion” resolution, largely supported by Islamic countries, condemning critical or offensive expressions directed at any religious faith.
Abu Rumay-s.a.
December 21, 2008 at 10:17 AM
Ibn Yusuf
December 30, 2008 at 11:05 PM
Assalaamu alaykum. i dont really comment much on this site, but i think this reaaly needs to be seen. it shows the exact double standards the shaykh was talking about, regarding the prophet SAW and the holocaust
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=X9NCkBLUFp0 about 4 minutes in. plz watch, jazakallah
March 27, 2009 at 3:20 PM
Someone on this site Answeringislam.org said Banu Quraydha were not traitors. And they have a bunch of proofs. And at the end they even said they went through the 9 books of hadeeth and found NOT 1 VERSE which indicates that Bani Quraydha either officially (or even unofficially) renounced the treaty, nor did they find a Hadeeth which indicates that Bani Quraydha violated the treaty in any way. Please Shaikh Yasir Qadhi, please destroy this website since they have a hand in giving christians the wrong views of Islam. I know a lot of christians who go by what this site says and it’s just very sad that no one is answering this site. Please answer this page that I’m going to give. After that just go onto http://www.answering-islam.org and please find a way to destroy this site all together by answering their sick claims and ignorant ideas, because they have MANY MANY more pages of proving Islam false and it’s getting more publicity than it needs and it can be very detrimental to a lot of muslims as well as non-muslims that wanted to convert. I am a sunni muslim with the deobandi thought. Even though I disagree with you on certain stuff because I am that, I do find you pretty knowledgeable in a lot of stuff. You are still my muslim brother. Please help !! JazakAllah.
Siraaj Muhammad
March 27, 2009 at 7:50 PM
Salaam alaykum Imran,
They must have somehow missed ayaah 33:25-26.
“And Allah turned back the disbelievers for (all) their fury : no advantage did they gain ; and enough is Allah for the Believers in their fight. And Allah is full of Strength, Able to enforce His Will.”
“And those of the People of the Book (banu quraydha) who aided them – Allah did take them down from their strongholds and cast terror into their hearts, (so that) some you slew and some you made prisoners.”
June 1, 2009 at 9:07 AM
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum
Jazakumullahu Khairan for the talk, it is excellent – Alhamdulillah.
Since a few weeks ago I started getting nasty/vulgar emails with subject headers like this.
“Heroic Acts of Mohamad”
“I get my inspiration when I am in bed with Aisha-Mohamad”
“Truth about Muhamad”
“It is nothing for Muhammad to Kill Children”
“Pretty Zainab & Marrying own daugther-in-law”
“Muhammad- A Pedophile”
“Mariyah-the beautiful copt slave girl”
“Muhammad A Rapist”
These can be traced back to some anti-islam websites. Basically as Br Yasir mentioned they resort to outright lies, twisting the truth and de-contextualising the culture, values and norms and giving their own perverted interpretations.
I have a few of questions on this and if the shaykh and/or someone experienced in this could answer these I would grateful.
1. Should we respond to these accusation at all?
2. If so what is the best way to respond?
3. Are there already resources available on the internet or in printed form addressing these issues?
I am not so concerned about the people who send these but about the Muslims who receive these emails and get confused. I was thinking we should responds at least for the other Muslims’ sake. Any ideas and suggestions on this would be much appreciated?
So far I have come across these two talks (Defending the Prophet – part 1 and 2) and the following website on this subject.