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Updates! Texas Dawah Convention — Day Two: Notes from Lectures


Yasir Qadhi added his bit:

I’m writing from the convention center… I’m attending all of the lectures by our dear Shaykh Salah al-Sawi. He is giving an intensive series on the Fiqh of Family life, very interesting.

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Its amazing to see ALL of us speakers, whenever we don’t have our own lectures, are eager to attend Sh. Salah’s lectures. Right now I have Kamal al-Makki, Isam Rajab and Yassir Fazaqa next to me (Yaser Birjas is giving his own lecture now, but attended the previous sessions).

It’s only in Arabic, so audience is the smallest out of all the lectures, but of course its the most academic.

May Allah bless Sh. Salah, and all of the other people of knowledge who benefit the Ummah!

Bro. ibnabeeomar was kind enough to stay up past his bed time in order to bring the MM readers a quick recap of Saturday’s talks on “Archetype of a Muslim Husband”, “Rules of Islamic Engagement” & “Men are from Mecca, Women are from Medinah”:

Archetype of a Muslim Husband, by Yaser Birjas

  • There are not enough lectures on how to take care of your wife – men know better than to attend! ;)
  • Correction: The “perfect” husband can only be found in Jannah.
  • To be a good man, you must be good inside the house as well as outside. Too many times men have one face outside, and transform into someone else when they come home.
  • Don’t look for someone that doesn’t have mistakes; look for someone who works at rectifying their mistakes.
  • Being strict does not make you more religious: be playful in the house; it is a concession we’re given so take advantage of it (as long as it doesn’t violate shari’ah).
  • Be generous to your family first before being generous to others, like guests.

Rules of Islamic Engagement, by Waleed Basyouni

  • The Qur’an says those daughters who were killed out of ignorance by their fathers will be asked why they were killed; Allah will not even honor the killers enough to directly ask them the question.
  • Women worry about their future until they get married; men don’t worry about their future until they get married.
  • Moral societies must be based on family units.
  • Love is the force behind every action on Earth“, Ibn al-Qayyim.

Men are from Mecca, Women are from Medinah, by “The Three Yasers” (Hilarious!)

  • Yasir Qadhi was asked to speak on this panel because Yaser Birjas and Yaser Fazaqa were already confirmed, so they asked him due to the fact that his name was Yasir: “Why are no women speaking on the panel? If any women here are named Yasir, they are welcome to come speak.
  • Yaser Fazaqa spoke after Yasir Qadhi because, as he said, they decided age will come before beauty.
  • Makkah was dry and rough; the Makki verses are short, small, and to the point. Medinah was more serene and peaceful; Madani verses are longer and more detailed (Kamal al-Makki was asked to speak since his last name is al-Makki, and he is short! :) )
  • The wife of Imraan prayed for a son that she could dedicate to the service of Allah – her dua was answered, but this exceptional son first needed an exceptional mother to give birth to him: Maryam (peace be upon her).

Keep supporting MuslimMatters for the sake of Allah

Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. Help us get to 900 supporters this month. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month.

The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.



  1. iMuslim

    December 23, 2007 at 7:45 AM

    It looks like the Three Yasers was brought in for the purpose of edutainment. ;)

  2. iMuslim

    December 23, 2007 at 12:06 PM

    Btw, i corrected a mistake i made whilst editing ibnabeeomar’s entry: i wrote “the perfect husband is the one who would take you to Jannah”, but it should have been “the “perfect” husband can only be found in Jannah”, i.e., sisters should work hard to get there, so they can meet him, insha’Allah.

    Apologies for any confusion!

  3. Amad

    December 23, 2007 at 12:54 PM

    I corrected another error: “Men are from Mecca, and Women from Madinah”— that was the title, not “women from venus”! :) I mean, we have different mentalities, but not that distant!! Error itself was funny!

  4. SaqibSaab

    December 23, 2007 at 2:39 PM

    Lovin’ it mA.

  5. Umm Layth

    December 23, 2007 at 2:50 PM

    Shaykh Yaser Birjas, masha’Allah, he is so funny. I remember at the Fiqh of Love class that we hosted in our city we just had a blast with him discussing the differences between men and women. Sometimes jokes were cracked in the most serious of conversations and aww I miss that class!

  6. AnonyMouse

    December 23, 2007 at 4:31 PM

    Man… these lectures – some of them, at least – should be recorded for those of us who are unable to make it to TDC!
    Ever thought of recording them, burning them onto CDs, and then selling them? Could make for some additional fundraising for TDC, no?

  7. Umm Layth

    December 23, 2007 at 4:46 PM

    they do record them and sell them

  8. Yasir Qadhi

    December 23, 2007 at 5:29 PM

    Salaam Alaikum

    I’m writing from the convention center… I’m attending all of the lectures by our dear Shaykh Salah al-Sawi. He is giving an intensive series on the Fiqh of Family life, very interesting.

    Its amazing to see ALL of us speakers, whenever we don’t have our own lectures, are eager to attend Sh. Salah’s lectures. Right now I have Kamal al-Makki, Isam Rajab and Yassir Fazaqa next to me (Yaser Birjas is giving his own lecture now, but attended the previous sessions).

    It’s only in Arabic, so audience is the smallest out of all the lectures, but of course its the most academic.

    May Allah bless Sh. Salah, and all of the other people of knowledge who benefit the Ummah!


  9. ibnabeeomar

    December 23, 2007 at 6:03 PM

    i heard the same about sh. salah’s lectures.

    i should also add one lecture that’s missing from the above post is that of the house of khadijah by sh. yasir, however i had too many notes to really type up. for that one, im simply going to recommend everyone try to get their hands on that cd. this one was truly a highlight.

  10. Amad

    December 23, 2007 at 6:45 PM

    This was posted in another comment from a sister who was attending:

    Yassir Qadhi’s lecture was transferred to the auditorium from the classroom – it was full, as usual – Alhamdullilah. The lecture was “the house of Khadija” Yasser Fazaqa was hilarious too – Mum, Dad I’m in love. Yaser Birjas was good – The Prophet (sallila alaihi wa salam)as a role model for husbands.

    … enjoyed the Eid mela very much on Friday. The TDC did very, very well – excelled themselves and even had the foresight to cordon off an area for the girls w.r. to the more active sports like rock-climbing; getting stuck to the wall by velcro and tangled cords that enabled you to fly in the air – Alhamdullilah. I want to send a letter of thanks to the organisers of the mela – ENCORE!!.

  11. iMuslim

    December 23, 2007 at 10:49 PM

    I corrected another error: “Men are from Mecca, and Women from Madinah”— that was the title, not “women from venus”! :) I mean, we have different mentalities, but not that distant!! Error itself was funny!

    That wasn’t my mistake, btw! Though i did notice it and scratched my head a little… hehe :)

  12. zfnd

    December 25, 2007 at 4:18 AM

    Jazakallah Brother ibnabeeomar for your notes!

    Gotta love our moderator, brother Kamal El-Mekki who informed us the order of the Yaser’s was age before beauty!

  13. UmmeRida

    January 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM

    Does anyone know where I can buy TDC CDs from? JazakAllah Khairun for the notes though!

  14. Kareem

    June 22, 2011 at 4:42 PM

    Salaams to all. I just have one question to ask the people or the organizers of this site: Where can I purchase this lecture, the one about “men being from mecca, women are from madeena”. My cousin got her hands on it a few years ago and gave me her copy, sadly to say, I lost the CD. So if anyone could tell me where I could find this lecture please do tell me, Jaza- Kallah in advance.

  15. Kareem

    June 23, 2011 at 3:06 PM

    Still did not find the lecture, if anyone could help.

  16. Nadia

    May 6, 2014 at 4:49 PM doesnt exist anymore. There were really some amazing lectures at the convention in 2007. Most of them were recorded and on sale at the end of the weekend. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi did a really enlightening lecture on the hadith about the 73 sects that my father really wanted. We asked if it would be available and were told they would email me when the rest of the lectures were recorded and available for sale. I never got an email and forgot about it. Now last week after 7 years my father reminded me about that lecture lol, so Im looking for it again. I see shaykh Yasir has a 35 minute video on youtube on this same topic, but I really wish I could get my hands on a CD of the whole hour lecture he gave at TDC. If anyone knows of another website where its available, please share!

  17. Abdullah

    May 7, 2014 at 12:38 AM

    The TDC talks from the 1st 3 conventions can be found here insha’Allah

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