inSANE Terrorists Coming to a Masjid Near YOU!


What would you expect will happen when inSANE reports effect one or two average Joe 12-packs (doesn’t need many lunatics to cause a lot of harm, we all know that)? A brick:
UPDATE 4 from Tariq: Some lunatic apparently inspired by slander posted by Mr Gaubatz threw stones through the window at Dar Al Hijrah last night. Also some idiot who apparently reads their trash called me a “sh*tskin” in the comments last night that I deleted afterwards.
Coming soon to a Masjid near you: the inSANE terrorists. How are they terrorists? Because their goal is two-fold: (1) Terrorize Americans about the Muslim ‘bogeyman’, and (2) Terrorize Muslims in America by spying on them, harrasing them, and by slandering them. See their press-release here.
A team of seasoned intelligence and counter-terrorism experts and Islamic scholars (Arabs, Christians and Jews), many fluent in Arabic, Urdu, and Farsi, will visit America’s 2,300-plus mosques and associated day schools and collect information that includes statements by their leaders, the literature they use, the level of orthodoxy in prayer and discussion.
I thought it would be a good idea for Muslims and those who are not, to know more about these inSANE folks and about their ‘mission’, so if one pops up virtually on your blog or physically at your Masjid (to spy) or Church/Synagogue (to recruit), he should get the royal treatment (basically ignore him and show him out of the door or at least keep a watchful eye on him to prevent him from bothering the attendees; don’t provide him with any information that he can misconstrue and build slander upon). Pictures of two of main people can be seen below… if anyone comes across Snodgrass’s picture, please do let us know:
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From their own Mission Statement, they are white supremacists:
America was the handiwork of faithful Christians, mostly men, and almost entirely white, who ventured from Europe to create a nation in their image of a country existing as free men under G-d.
In other articles, they continue the emphasis on white supremacy, black inferiority and murderous nature:
There is a reason the founding fathers did not give women or black slaves the right to vote. You might not agree or like the idea but this country’s founders, otherwise held in the highest esteem for their understanding of human nature and its affect on political society, certainly took it seriously. Why is that? Were they so flawed in their political reckonings that they manhandled the most important aspect of a free society – the vote? If the vote counts for so much in a free and liberal democracy as we “know” it today, why did they limit the vote so dramatically?
Is there something unique about the Black American (or, at least the Black New Yorker) that leads him to murder so disproportionately and to most often kill and victimize his own? Do we see patterns of Black culture that arise out of Africa and the wanton murder of blacks by blacks there? Why have the colonized blacks of the African continent, after having acquired their freedom and independence, so willingly slaughtered their own and live in despicable disease and squalor despite a land of enormous riches while Indians of the Indian sub-continent have successfully moved from British rule to democracy and relative civility even in a country that still maintains social inequalities as a fact of their culture?
They reject party rule and democracy:
So at its core, SANE is dedicated to the rejection of democracy and party rule
They reject immigration from those that don’t fit the “bill” i.e. non-whites, non-Jews and non-Christians:
….allowing only those immigrants whose culture and commitment to America’s national existence will bring greater prosperity and strength to our country.
They reject multiculturalism:
A rejection of the Open Society agenda and Multiculturalism.
According to their “A SANE Act to Deal with the Islamic Threat to America’s National Existence (SADITANE)” (don’t they love moronic monikers):
[4] It shall be a felony punishable by 20 years in prison to knowingly act in furtherance of, or to support the, adherence to Islam.
[5] The Congress of the United States of America shall declare the US at war with the Muslim Nation or Umma.
[6] The President of the United States of America shall immediately declare that all non-US citizen Muslims are Alien Enemies under Chapter 3 of Title 50 of the US Code and shall be subject to immediate deportation.
[7] No Muslim shall be granted an entry visa into the United States of America.
Colonel Thomas Snodgrass, U.S.A.F. (retired), SANE Director of Military Affairs (what military affairs?? how about Director of Terrorizing Muslims in America Affairs) maintains that America is in a ‘just’ war against Islam. He implies that there cannot be a real distinction made between civilians and non-civilians in this ‘just war’, and that nuclear weapons would be a good option:
Discrimination between combatants and non-combatants in the War Against Islam and its Jihadists requires the same kind of analysis as the criteria of proportionality. In other words, Just War doctrine cannot be applied in some Judeo-Christian vacuum when we confront an enemy operating wholly outside of that context.
Furthermore, as World War II era Americans accepted this reality and went on with the war approving whatever was necessary because “no prisoners” and “fire/nuclear bombing” were essential to quickly end an unjust Japanese-initiated war, so too Americans must now accept that all weapons and targets are justly within the “engagement” for US war fighters in this existential war against Islamic Jihad.
Of course, the Colonel is savoring at the possibility of war with Iran (he likens it to a football game; also see the cartoon that is attached to the opinion piece, typical of racist hate-mongers):
War is much like a football game where momentum can be a determining factor. Knocking Iran out of the world Jihad currently underway would have a devastating effect.
Additionally, administering defeat to Iran would have the effect of putting Syria on notice that their continued logistical support of Islamic Jihadists in Iraq will no longer be tolerated.
inSANE folks see the Islamic bogeyman in violent incidents across America, further proving their lunacy:
“The Salt Lake City Murders: A Jihad?” and “Suicide & Islam: The connection to the slayings at Virginia Tech“
Since the Muslims are the prime target of this group, they have devoted a complete sub-group for the purpose of terrorizing Muslims called ‘Mapping Shariah in America: Knowing Your Enemy’ with its own website.
We have already heard about their first slanderous project at Dar-al-Hijrah from Tariq (see below). Their team for this project is the same as the inSANE team. This is not surprising since the modus operandi of many fringe organizations is to create many names and many groups to impress upon gullible people that they are really significant in numbers and resources. The ‘undercover’ assignment was posted at the neocon hate-machine Washington Times, in their Insight magazine, targeting Dar-al-Hijrah, and supervised by ‘Mapping Shariah’ director, David Gaubatz. David is the same cuckoo who believes that he was led by Iraqis to Saddam’s invisible WMDs (only right-wing neocon newspapers such as NY Sun and WT paid any attention to him). To prove it, see picture below where David is being led by an Iraqi to the WMD in his backyard!
inSANE is linked with IASPS, an Israel-loving (the name is even listed in Hebrew) right-wing political think tank. inSANE’s founder, David Yerushalmi, is actively engaged with IASPS, boasting as being a ‘leading financial contributor’ and Chairman for over five years. David is an orthodox Jew who riles against ACLU’s anti-Christianity and secular Jewish support in this article, and how Jews and Christians need to come together against the common enemy: Islam.
The other organizations that inSANE links to are Global Defense Group, which by reading their mission statement, seems to be just another shadow group for inSANE: anti-immigration, xenophobic, Islamophobic and pro-war. Another group that inSANE recommends is ‘Thinking Catholic Strategic Center’, which is similarly opposed to Islam and is pro-Jewish (an anamoly for staunchly orthodox Roman Catholic organization). The Center proposes that “We need to, not just limit, but completely stop, all Moslem immigration into this country.”
Do only Muslims need to be concerned? No! Rather, all reasonable and fair-minded Americans need to be concerned. For instance, the group is committed to forming a Judeo-Christian theocracy in America. The IASPS-SANE Project Proposal has the following objected stated among its goals:
To challenge the very basis of university education, founded as it is on the science-humanities divide, which is another way of expressing in pedagogical form the science-democracy obversion. To build a new cadre of seriously minded Jewish and Christian political activists and policy specialists operating from the ground of a Judeo-Christian worldview and true American national existence.
It is anti-ACLU or anti any other organization that tries to protect citizens from government’s usurping powers:
The ACLU has drawn first blood in ACLU v. NSA. If left to the ACLU and the courts, it could likely be the last blood.
David Yerushalmi rails against libertarians, who he accuses of opposing ‘national existence’, which in his language means the preservation of the ‘white Christian fraternity’ (interestingly, he is Jewish, so he must suppose that the WASP culture now must be WASJC):
Why do libertarians like The Wall Street Journal editors oppose immigration reform? Why do they incessantly promote Open Borders? Why do they shudder when Peter Brimelow and Pat Buchanan speak about the importance of preserving the white Christian fraternity which binds this People as a nation? Because unlike what they tell themselves and the world, they oppose nation-states on principle.
Does this make libertarians unpatriotic? As libertarians, yes. That no one who loves his nation can abide libertarianism, including those who lay claim to the title libertarian, just explains why it is they are so conflicted and confused.
Insisting on the wackiest of allegations in ‘political cartoons’, including with respect to Democrat candidates and on race relations. Here is a sample: Agreeing with nutty Lisa Benson that Osama would support Obama
There is so much more trash on these websites that it would take pages upon pages to lay all of it out. But, hopefully the readers have gotten the point. Organizations such as this are a cancer for the American society, a cancer that if it spreads will engage the country in racial, religious and civil discord. We cannot let these enemies of society, enemies of reason and enemies of good-will set the agenda for our societies. They have to be defeated along intellectual lines. All people of good morals and human ethics should come together to make such organizations worthless, as they truly deserve to be.
For Muslims, be warned… be on the watch for the people below. Be especially weary about strangers lurking around the Masjid, new converts showing ‘great zeal’ and asking all the ‘shariah, jihad, qitaal’ questions. Know that whatever you say, the context will be stripped off, exaggerations will be added and you will become the center of slander and libelous attacks. If you recognize these folks or one of their foot-soldiers, politely show them the door. Don’t try to engage in discussions with them because they do not recognize or understand reason. When they see you, they see an enemy and their hatred has already consumed their reason, and will consume your reputation. Don’t become a victim! You have been warned! And please let others in your community know as well. I do also hope that some fair-minded laywer(s) will sue this group for the slander about Dar-al-Hijrah for starters. It will be a good way to stop them in their heels.
David Gaubatz:
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Abu Reem is one of the founders of MuslimMatters, Inc. His identity is shaped by his religion (Islam), place of birth (Pakistan), and nationality (American). By education, he is a ChemE, topped off with an MBA from Wharton. He has been involved with Texas Dawah, Clear Lake Islamic Center and MSA. His interests include politics, cricket, and media interactions. Career-wise, Abu Reem is in management in the oil & gas industry (but one who still appreciates the "green revolution").

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Pingback: » Malicious Slander of Dar-al-Hijrah Promoted by Washington Times
June 16, 2007 at 10:24 PM
Islamophobes and their websites are like farts. They may sound obnoxious and smell bad at first, but the truth will cause their lies to dissipate, just as the wind blows the fart away, leaving nothing but clean air.
June 16, 2007 at 10:59 PM
That was a humorous and quite yucky smelling analogy!
Evelyn L. Koster
June 17, 2007 at 7:41 AM
Why can’t all people of this beautiful earth see that Allah,God, Jehovah created us to worship ONLY Him….we are all brothers & sisters. May Allah guide us to the truth taught by all His Prophets from the beginning of creation….May we know the difference between THE TRUTH and DISTORTED ideas of man
abu ameerah
June 17, 2007 at 8:58 PM
Unfortunately this ain’t the first time Dar al Hijrah has been vandalized by peace-loving Patriots…
Pingback: Thawrat ash-Sha’ab » The "Sane" Mapping Shariah Project
George Carty
June 19, 2007 at 5:41 AM
Why can’t all genocide advocates be dealt with the same way that Julius Streicher was dealt with?
June 20, 2007 at 2:21 AM
“Sniff””Sniff”……. Do u smell that :~…….
“Sniff””Sniff”……. Smells like Obnoxious Islamophobes
June 21, 2007 at 12:11 AM
Islam is under attack; was and always will be. make du’aa to Allah and know that judgment day is nearing.
Pingback: KKK takes new form called SANE « Just your average Muslim
George Carty
June 24, 2007 at 7:11 AM
Why not call these bast***s what they are – Nazis?
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