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Pakistan and the Afghan Insurgency: Could More Have Been Done?


The article was removed with the author’s consent. Staff-members and specialists felt that the article was not sufficiently researched, and that the conclusions could easily be misconstrued. We received some constructive criticism in the comments and like to reiterate that this is a group venture (no one speaks for everyone) and will not always be perfect, but we are constantly looking for ways to improve. We will not and cannot support, or even give the illusion of, the persecution and killings of innocent Muslims wherever they may be. And we know, even from recent episodes, that there are too many of “oops, sorry” type attacks that lead to the spilling of innocent blood.

Let’s also remember that there is no government in the Muslim world deserving of uncritical support. Likewise, many non-state actors who claim to carry the banner of Islam and jihad are also deserving of careful scrutiny. MM tries to maintain a balanced approach to these issues and strongly opposes the irresponsible use and dissemination of political propaganda.

Finally, the “war on terror” is a farce and until Western nations, led by US, recognizes that it needs a full-throttled adjustment and change of its foreign policies, it will continue to lose the battle of hearts and minds. As we saw from the Gallup poll on Muslim opinion, Muslims are not “jealous” of the West’s technology and freedoms. Rather, Muslims want the West to respect them as humans and to be fair and just in their policies. In other words, dump the double-standards and adopt justice. For Muslims, there is nothing more sacred than the concept of justice.

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If you have anymore questions or concerns please feel free to contact us. -Amad

Keep supporting MuslimMatters for the sake of Allah

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