Level up your duas by including those who least expect to be in your most private moments and get angels to say Ameen
By Janet Kozak Data gathered by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) shows that one in three women and one in four men will be...
“For some, this period [of religious development] was characterized by increased insularity, intolerance, and estrangement, sometimes from family…At the time, this felt right…But a curious thing...
Nothing compares to the pleasure of bonding with your sisters. Romantic love is not the only joy de vivre. It takes time spent with your sisters...
Na’ima B. Robert is “Muslim, Black, mixed-race, South African, Western, revert and woman all in one”. Descended from Scottish Highlanders on her father’s side and the...
From forging a sense of community to providing an iman boost, the benefits of attending a weekly halaqah are many. Umm Ismail shares seven good reasons...