This article was written pre-COVID but is especially relevant this Ramadan I still remember the first time I heard of a women-only Tarawih congregation. I was...
We are definitely living in unusual and unprecedented times. I donโt think any of us ever imagined that we would live through a time when the...
It was all over the news. The earthquake had wiped out whole towns. The entire country was in shock. Upcoming festivals were cancelled and citywide donation...
Last verses of Surah Kahf
They say it takes a village to raise a child. Family, friends, neighbors, coaches, and teachers are all part of that community and the pillars of...
Ibleesย was no ordinary worshipper. He worshipped Allah for thousands of years with thousands of prayers. He ascended the ranks until he accompanied the angels with his...
Growing up in Jeddah, every evening in Ramadan, we would pile into our car and whiz off to the mosque for Taraweeh prayers to Shoaibi Mosque...
As Ramadan nears its end, many Muslims are thinking about paying their zakat in the last ten nights. But what is a worthy cause to which...
When we look at the companions [ranhum], we see that they were people who when they saw such chances they took them.