Ramadan 2012 Posts By: Muneeza Tahir, Islamic Relief This Ramadan, children around the world will wake with their parents in the quiet before dawn โ sleepy...
By Nada Shawish Modern Mary founder and designer Seema Sahin believes that modesty is something that all women can appreciate. At her Washington, D.C., boutique, she...
by Imam Zaid In the last three months, drought has escalated to famine in East Africa. Crops and livestock are dying, and very little food is...
In the last three months, drought has escalated to famine in East Africa. Crops and livestock are dying, and very little food is left to...
Update (5) Al Maghrib & Islamic Relief Fundraiser Updated on Friday, 27th August, 2010 [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQBmywF7LX4[/youtube] Update(4)ย Send relief packs to Pakistan free of charge! Friday, 27th Aug,...
As you may have heard, Pakistan’s North-West Province has been hit with the worst flood in its history, affecting over 1 million people and killing at...
Khutbah delivered on Janury 15th by Shaykh AbdulNasir Jangda This khutbah discusses crisis in Haiti and why it is an essential part of our religion for...
The following first-hand account of the IDPs was sent to us by one of our readers, Ibn Abdul Aziz (true identity withheld on request). We are...
ABOVE $153,000 collected! AlMaghrib Institute, the largest Islamic institute in North America, is stepping up to the plate with an online fundraiser with Islamic Relief. Shaykh...