There has been a cross-cultural migration of sorts in the past few years. The first is the migration of Muslim youth towards hip hop (aka the...
One of the goals I have for this blog is to start a small series of posts aimed at reviving Sunnah’s that are insha’Allah easy to...
2 Big Announcements insha’Allah The first is the launch of the July AlMaghrib Radio Broadcast – Divine GPS by Shaykh AbdulBary Yahya on July 26th, focusing...
You walk into the masjid for salah, and you see a group of about 15 people who you don’t normally see. They are influential people in...
In light of the recent events in London and Scotland, I thought it would be timely to post this piece by Dr. Ali al-Timimi that was...
by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah Come! Let us enter the presence of Allah and draw closer to the Abode of Peace; without fatigue, exhaustion, or toil: but...
Since it is the blessed day of Jumah, I thought it would be a good opportunity to post this. Umm Hisham bint Harithah ibn an Nu’man...
Originally written for the al-Ameen newspaper (B.C., Canada) Prepare yourselves, people, for a revelation sure to shock you and possibly turn your life upside down. Particularly...
Check it out here; these are two passages that particularly struck a chord with me: Even the scholars of Ahl al Hadith who were not proponents...
Disclaimer: I wrote this long before the Ummah Films vid came out! So don’t accuse me of being a copycat! :P Ah, Jumu’ah โ the best...