Hakeem Olajuwon is insha’Allah being inducted to the Hall of Fame today. Having grown up in Houston, I have fond memories of Hakeem and the work...
Here is a guest article entitled, “Domestic Violence – A Societal Imperfection With No Place In A Perfect Religion” by Asma Hanif, contributing writer for Muslim...
The following is a short interview with an 84 year old British man who accepted Islam. He discusses his experience and what led him to realise...
This video comes courtesy of The Deen Show. [youtube BA92oxF9Bm8]
Beautiful words by Br. Ismail Royer, sent to MM by his wife. Br. Royer is incarcerated at Terre Haute (address provided below; please try to drop...
Before I get too far and people wrongfully accuse me, I wish to be clear that I am indeed very much in favor of free speech...
The Toronto Star has had a flurry of articles recently which have caught the attention of many Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Before continuing, the articles are...
This is a transcript of the True Happiness Khutbah by Yasir Qadhi which we posted earlier. One of the sisters who reads the site, Bint AbdelHamid,...
New Khutbah delivered on May 16 at IIOC by Shaykh Yaser Birjas. [google -3137567587058241368] We will also be podcasting the mp3 of this talk, so please...
This is a new khutbah recently delivered by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi in Bath, UK on happiness. [audio:http://muslimmatters.org/audio/True%20Happiness.mp3] (Direct Download) *Please make sure to subscribe to our...