Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again...
The title of this article comes from a ḥadith.It is a Prophetic narration which amazed me the first time I came across it, and continues to...
It is a great favor and blessing that Allah has made for His servants; periods of time in which good deeds are magnified and multiplied. All...
by Shaykha Asma Bhaiyat As a solar eclipse is expected today, it is important that as Muslims we understand the Islamic perspective of such an event...
Last updated October 7, 2021 Why is it that a large number of Muslim communities in North America are all struggling with the same issues? Board...
You’re going on Hajj?! Congratulations! There are so many types of preparation for Hajj you should think about–including preparing to be the best version of yourself...
When I was 14, my blonde mother sat me down- unprompted- and did what blonde ladies do to tidy up their eyebrows…I think. She shaved the...
There’s something you already know: that your marriage is worth investing in.
It is undeniable that God loves forgiveness. It is also undeniable that God views forgiveness as exponentially more superior than blame, punishment, and retaliation. Personally, I...
“Your possessions and your children are only a trial, and Allah it is with Whom is a great reward.” – Quran 64:15 I was sitting in...