Who are you? You have always been there; long before I was born, or even my parents, for that matter. They say your roots go back...
“Mama, I am sorry that I am a very big trouble and difficulty upon you,” my son (who was 8 back then) said to me as...
Shadi season is just around the corner, and many practicing Muslim families will be asking themselves whether or not they should fully separate their wedding parties...
Yasir Qadhi added his bit: I’m writing from the convention center… I’m attending all of the lectures by our dear Shaykh Salah al-Sawi. He is giving...
I’ve just discovered my newest pet peeve: misogynistic women. That is, those women who believe in and perpetuate gender-related stereotypes… the most common one being that of...
Ok, ok, I know everyone’s quite sick of discussions around this program. But I was cajoled into watching the 8th episode to witness for myself the...
Chivalry: n. pl. chiv·al·ries a. The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women. b. A manifestation of any of these...
This is a post I have been thinking about writing for quite some time because I have a lot of thoughts on this issue (the reasons...
Now I am pregnant: Umm Reem has some interesting commentary on gender relations and ‘innocent beginnings’. Check it out. Do you agree or disagree? Also, the...