Grand Mosqee de France, Paris (Copyright: The following is an appropriately timed guest submission by sister Aisha Mijndadi Ajikobi Eid in Nigeria is popularly...
The banking group, Lloyds TSB are forcing the Islamic Bank of Britain to close Interpal‘s account – a UK-based charity dedicated to helping poor Palestinians (which...
Somehow, this year I found myself in the position of leading Eid prayer for the first time in my life. Actually, ‘somehow’ is a vague description....
Now that Eid has come and gone, I thought it might be worth briefly revisiting my recent Ramadan: The Ultimate Sin-O-Meter post with a post-Ramadan self-assessment....
‘Eid Mubarak. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala accept our deeds this month from us and from you. would like to present a gift to you....
Eid Mubarak; the Eid greetings from to all readers continue. Here’s an Eid gift for all of y’all (more to come tomorrow inshaAllah!). The khutbah...
An Eid greeting from to all our readers All praise is for Allah,ย the One Who sent a strong wind that turned out the lights...
During the Eid day, we get hugged and kissed more in an hour than others would in an entire lifetime. Eid day becomes a hug-athon day,...