In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful Evil thoughts savaged me from every angle, more intensely than I...
Being mindful of Allah is of utmost significance for us striving to live our lives as devout Muslims, and this...
The Myth of Getting Things Done and Inbox Zero Ever felt buried under the sheer overwhelm of work dropping into your lap like a hot potato?...
The terms “social justice” and “activism” are fairly new within public discourse, but their essence and meanings are not new to the Islamic tradition. In many...
As Muslim parents, how do we approach the issue of talking about Christmas with our young children? It can be difficult to navigate the “feels” of...
If you’re inviting a Muslim guest to a wedding, celebration, special event, or other types of gatherings, you may be wondering how to accommodate them and...
December 3rd marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This day was first proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly resolution back in 1992. It...
COVID-19 has changed our lives forever and one of the main impacts it has also had on Muslims is our ability to perform Hajj and Umrah...
On 2nd February 2021, Dr Abu Salman Shahjahanpuri, a widely acclaimed scholar from South Asia, was mourned not only in his home of Pakistan but among...
Thanksgiving. Thankstaking. Truthsgiving. These are all names associated with the national holiday in the United States of America which today revolves around a feast involving a...
This week President Joe Biden signed an order to address the ‘crisis of violence’ against Native Americans. The order directs federal agencies, including the departments of...
Just like many other household and family activity (mealtimes, chores, communication, etc.), prayer at home deserves attention and discussion—and maybe even more than other aspects of...