“There are seven whom Allah will shade with His shade on the day when there will be no shade except...
“I wish trick or treating were allowed, and I don’t get why it’s wrong. It’s just for fun!” These are the words of a Muslim first...
Following the killing of three Muslim women in the span of three months, the North Texas Islamic Council’s (NTIC) Family Empowerment Committee held an emergency town...
Within the span of a month, from August 22nd to September 22nd, five tragic deaths of women took place in four different parts of the world....
A debate with a Christian, a woman flees abuse, and a black couple argue about their personal experiences of racism.
The reaction by some Muslims to the death of the British monarch represents a type of monarch-envy by people who are failing at self-governance.
“Masjid uncles” often get a bad rap: portrayed as grumpy immigrants, trapped in the past, squabbling over petty masjid politics, and oblivious to modern-day realities and...
Yasin Rahman must battle to the death against an invisible assassin, and another wearing a focus gem.
This article has been adapted from a Talk by Mufti Abdul Rauf Sakhrawi (DB), Darul Uloom Karachi on Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (ra)’s ‘Aadab-e-Muaashrat.’ [Translated by...
Captain Yasin Rahman is hauled in front of a panel of officers for a debriefing, and is given a shocking mission.
Uyghurs and other Turkic speaking people in Chinese occupied East Turkestan are starving to death under China’s forced starvation scheme.