Reading Time Summary Transcript: ~17 minutes Full Transcript: ~3 minutes Learning Objectives Understand the unique status of fasting as a...
Written by Safeer Raza and Mohammad Saad The West, as Hamid Dabashi says, stands morally bankrupt. Its politics, philosophy, academia, and media are the proponents...
The rescue of four Israeli hostages held by Palestinian militants came in a veritable bloodbath at the Palestinian refugee camp of Nusairat on Saturday, where over...
Dr. Jawad Khan and Omar Sabha, two medical professionals who recently returned from a relief mission to Gaza, speak to Irtiza Hasan about the harrowing realities...
AMEEN has prepared three anonymous education-related surveys in which American Muslims are requested to participate.
Where I am in Malaysia, the first day of Dhul Hijjah was on Saturday. We are already in the final month of the Islamic calendar. It...
The lives of several very different people are connected in this short play that delves into themes of greed, gratitude and dua'.
Mufti Muntasir Zaman joins Irtiza Hasan on Man2Man to discuss his experiences during his journey in pursuing sacred knowledge and talks about some of his works,...
Ali bin Abi Talib reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Gabriel, upon him be peace, said to me: O Muhammad,...
by Dawud Walid and Dr. Hatem El Haj As Muslims committed to Islamic sacred law, we appreciate the sincere outpouring of concern among college students throughout...
Anniversaries of the foundation of the Israeli state in May 1948 are usually marked with grief over the loss of Palestine and the slaughter and displacement...