In the words of his daughter, Leena: “We’re almost afraid to have hope because every time we do, we get knocked down. But, maybe, this time...
A year ago today, I was in Moroccoย leading a group of American teachers on a study trip.ย During our stay, we attended lectures and tours that...
Bah, you Americans and your incorrect way of writing out dates! It should be Open Thread Sunday 29-06-2008. dd-mm-yyyy makes a lot more sense than m-dd-yy...
It’s Open Thread Sunday once again, so comment away. As a nice refresher, below are some posts related to fiqh, some of its subtleties and the...
Many apologies for the late appearance of this thread! I was too busy enjoying the beautiful weather outside, masha’Allaah :D The advent of summer being well...
28 > 24. So it’s my turn to give the open thread thing a shot. Here’s a few random thoughts and then a look back at...
Please check out this upcoming conference in Toronto. The theme is Love of the Prophet sal-Allahu ‘alayhi was-Sallam and features many speakers, including Shaykh Tawfique Chowdhury....
Stop Bill C-50 from being passed! Bill C-50 is an alarming piece of legislation that every Canadian who believes in fairness, openness and multiculturalism should oppose....
Another Sunday… another opportunity to tell everyone what’s on your mind. Let’s also keep in mind our relationship with Allah, from oldie-goldies: Developing Consciousness of Allฤh...
For this week’s oldies, think Arabic and Quran: Quranic Verbs used for Purification and Exoneration Expressions for Giving And Getting Help in the Qur’an โAlhamdulillahโ –...