One of the things that happens with historical figures who continue to remain well-known and influential years after they can continue to speak for themselves is that...
While discussing an emotionally-heavy issue, my therapist brought up the point that in life we can reach a point of acceptance in regards to our difficult...
Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (may Allah be pleased with him) in the midst of the torture he endured at the hands of his oppressors used to...
The Quran tells the reader of the importance of gratitude in two ways. First, worship, which is the essence of the relationship between man and the...
Loving Allah and trusting the Wisdom and Purpose in everything He throws your way- even if it hurts. It is a time to learn.
My seven-year old son sat on the ground, digging a hole. Around him, other children ran, cried, and laughed at the playground. “He’s such a strange...
Ramadan is a time of sacrifice, and the Eid honors and celebrates the fulfillment of that sacrifice. But for many the hardships do not end.
Iblees was no ordinary worshipper. He worshipped Allah for thousands of years with thousands of prayers. He ascended the ranks until he accompanied the angels with his...
Growing up in Jeddah, every evening in Ramadan, we would pile into our car and whiz off to the mosque for Taraweeh prayers to Shoaibi Mosque...
When we look at the companions [ranhum], we see that they were people who when they saw such chances they took them.