In recent years, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, a notable Islamic scholar from North America, has gained global prominence by supporting efforts by the United Arab Emirates (UAE)...
A short survey on what leading scholars and the four schools of law (madhhabs) have to say on the issue
American Muslims must go beyond simplistic and emotionally-charged approaches to the abortion question.
Lessons I learned Studying Theology (Aqidah) with a Local Islamic Scholar in Jordan
As Eid al-Adha approaches, the staff at MuslimMatters thought it would be beneficial to include some reminders about this blessed Sunnah. For your convenience, we have...
The Qur’an describes Muslims committed to its mores as “a moderate nation,” and that sense of balance qualifies them to stand as “witnesses over humanity” (Q...
Abortion is not a simple option of being pro-life or pro-choice, Islam recognizes the nuance.
Every Ramadan I’m asked by Muslims whether they should pray Taraweeh or make-up missed prayers. They have the guilt of missed prayers but the desire to...
Shaykh Abdullah Hasan and Shaykh Naveed Idrees discuss the many issues that crop up pre-Ramadan, seeking harmony amid confusion.
The undeniable primary role of prophets was to call society to Allah and establish a relationship with him. Along with their ideological engagement, the Quran references...