Captain Yasin Rahman must deal with an insurrection from within his own brain.
“I wish trick or treating were allowed, and I don’t get why it’s wrong. It’s just for fun!” These are the words of a Muslim first...
Within the span of a month, from August 22nd to September 22nd, five tragic deaths of women took place in four different parts of the world....
A debate with a Christian, a woman flees abuse, and a black couple argue about their personal experiences of racism.
The reaction by some Muslims to the death of the British monarch represents a type of monarch-envy by people who are failing at self-governance.
“Masjid uncles” often get a bad rap: portrayed as grumpy immigrants, trapped in the past, squabbling over petty masjid politics, and oblivious to modern-day realities and...
Yasin Rahman must battle to the death against an invisible assassin, and another wearing a focus gem.
This article has been adapted from a Talk by Mufti Abdul Rauf Sakhrawi (DB), Darul Uloom Karachi on Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (ra)’s ‘Aadab-e-Muaashrat.’ [Translated by...
Captain Yasin Rahman is hauled in front of a panel of officers for a debriefing, and is given a shocking mission.
The Muslim community in the West has to carve out its distinctiveness beyond the narrow social and political debates in society. Speaking at the annual US...