In the four years following India’s revocation of the special status of the Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi’s most significant action in asserting its authority over...
By Uyghur Whistleblower The Muslim Ummah may wonder about the support of certain Uyghur organizations for the Israeli government because they see a contradiction between the...
Muhammad Abu Zaghrouta of the Palestinian Youth Movement speaks to Zainab bint Younus about the most important things to know about what’s happening in Gaza and...
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful When Israel, a nuclear state with the 18th most powerful army globally, kills civilians under...
The khutbah notes below have been provided by Imam Abdul Malik and shared through Justice For All. Solidarity with Palestine ููุงย ุฃููููููุงย ุงูููุฐููููย ุขู ููููุงย ููููููุงย ูููููุงู ููููย ุจูุงููููุณูุทูย ุดูููุฏูุงุกูย ูููููููย ููููููย ุนููููย ุฃูููููุณูููู ูย ุฃูููย ุงููููุงููุฏูููููย ููุงููุฃูููุฑูุจููููย O you who have believed,...
Ahh, niqabโฆ the face veil that evokes so many emotions amongst so many people. And it just so happens that youโve now decided that you want...
As autumn creeps closer, parents across the globe find themselves preparing for the upcoming school year. Choices about education have been made, school supplies and resources...
Can Muslim parents make du’a against their children? Do adult children still have to obey their parents in all things? Do Muslim parents have unlimited rights...
Alแธฅamdulillฤh, we are currently in the lunar month of Rabฤซสฟ al-Awwal, the month in which our beloved master and leader, the seal of prophets and messengers,...
Blessings from Allah are generally perceived as a tick of approval, whereas trials and hardships are a distasteful aftermath โ something that arrives not to impart...