Today’s Challenge: Level 1: Create a list of 5 Du’as, Level 2: Create a list of 10 Du’as, Level 3: Create a list of 15 Du’as...
Today’s Challenge:
Again And Again And Again And Again Posted by Tariq Tourรฉ on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 We back screaming I can’t breathe again From the morning light...
Recitation of Ayahs 63-77 of Surah Furqan The Holy Qur’an And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and...
Hady Toure was the first Senegalese reciter to win a world competition in Saudi Arabia in 1992.
This Ramadan is going to be different. No Taraweeh in the masjid. No parties for Iftar. All dressed up and nowhere to go. Except exactly where...