Sometimes it feels like we are living in two parallel worlds. If you follow the media in certain countries, this is the worst World Cup in...
In a world ravaged by debates over masculinity and femininity, Muslims are left wondering what Islam says about men and masculine traits. Characteristics such as courage,...
[Disclaimer: This film review contains spoilers] The Nakba, or catastrophe, of 1948 is a seminal event seared in the minds of every single Palestinian family across...
How can Muslim readers distinguish between flawed Muslim characters vs a book that glorifies sins? When Muslim readers pick up a book by a Muslim author,...
Rahman's life is saved. Ammar Abuzaid tells his story, and it's more shocking than Rahman ever imagined.
Captain Rahman wakes up from a dream to find his body and mind under attack.
From The MuslimMatters Bookshelf is a new monthly column from MM staff members -which you can look forward to on the last Thursday of every month...
Captain Rahman meets an old friend on the highliner, and is given a mysterious message.
In a cabin in the woods, Tarek Othman experiences a period of peace and happiness for the first time in his life.
Captain Yasin Rahman must deal with an insurrection from within his own brain.