A surgeon who performed two medical missions in Gaza details the challenges of treating patients without supplies, nutrition or security.
As we slowly approach a year of being witnesses to genocide, most of us canโt help but reflect on all that has transpired over the past...
Lebanon suffered its bloodiest day in decades as the Israeli airforce turned its gunsights north this week. Over five hundred people are confirmed to have lost...
In part 5, Imam Priester expounds on the purpose of the Israeli project, while Imam Bajwa expresses admiration for protesting students.
META has ruled against a blanket ban on "from the river to the sea" on their platform, arguing that it depends on the context.
In Part 4 of the interview, the chaplains point out how American leadership is following the Israeli party line.
In Part 3 of the interview, the chaplains discuss the positions of American Christians and Jews on the Gaza genocide.
MuslimMatters interviewed chaplains Omer Bajwa of Yale University and Abdul-Muhaymin Priester of Grinnell College for their thoughts on the campus protests.
Nearly a year into their genocide of Palestine, Israel managed to assassinate their highest-profile target, the Hamas leader and former Palestinian prime minister Ismail Haniyeh, when...
In these times of rampant injustice and oppression in Palestine, one figure seems to be constantly on the minds of the Muslim American: Musa . From...