Reproduced from Commonweal with Michael Peppard’s permission. Last winter, I wrote for these pages about reports of religious abuse at Guantรกnamo (โThe Secret Weapon,โ December 5,...
Link to Full Coverage of Dr. Aafia’s Ordeal The following is a personal account by Dr. Aafia’s brother, Mohammad, content originally published at As we...
As some of you may have heard, a coalition of fascist groups are planning to hold a static demo outside the Harrow Mosque in NW London,...
“Muslim restaurant owners are forced to sign a document to remain open and continue selling alcohol during Ramadan” Remember the fall of Al Andalus, Muslim Spain...
By J.Hashmi The fourteenth of August was technically the Pakistani day of independence, but Pakistanis found little to celebrate this year; many citizens expressed their fear...
As I’ve mentioned on more than one occasion, I am subscribed to alerts from They Work For You – a free site that allows the public...
August 2nd, 1990 – It was a beautiful summer morning I wouldn’t soon forget, nor would the rest of the world.ย After performing Fajr salaah at...
A non-Muslim and family friend reacts to the plight and case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. This document began life in October 2008 as an e-mail to...
New site takes on the Looniness of Islamophobia Any conscious Muslim who was following the 2008 presidential election couldn’t help but notice the discourse revolving around...
— Islamophobia: a neologism that refers to prejudice or discrimination against Islam or Muslims (see Islamophobia: It Exists). What is the real meaning, the true face...