The khutbah notes below have been provided by Imam Abdul Malik and shared through Justice For All. Solidarity with Palestine ููุงย ุฃููููููุงย ุงูููุฐููููย ุขู ููููุงย ููููููุงย ูููููุงู ููููย ุจูุงููููุณูุทูย ุดูููุฏูุงุกูย ูููููููย ููููููย ุนููููย ุฃูููููุณูููู ูย ุฃูููย ุงููููุงููุฏูููููย ููุงููุฃูููุฑูุจููููย O you who have believed,...
In times like these, I frequently get asked โwhat can I do to help Gaza/Palestineโ. I created this comprehensive document in response. Note: it does not...
Ahh, niqabโฆ the face veil that evokes so many emotions amongst so many people. And it just so happens that youโve now decided that you want...
Authored by Umran Khan โThere is no more significant pointer to the character of a society than the kind of history it writes or fails to...
Thirty years ago, Bosnia and Herzegovina were among the top causes of the Muslims; up there with Palestine, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Kashmir, and other parts of the...
In a world filled with shadows and secrecy, truth is often elusive. When it comes to Guantanamo Bay, the truth to me is crystal clear: it...
Are Muslims dangerously flirting with the conservative right? This is the question Wajahat Ali asks – and answers in the affirmative – in his recent New...
In this blessed month of Dhul Hijjah, when two billion Muslims celebrated Eid Al-Adha, 30 men still remaining in Guantanamo with no charge or trial in...
Tuesday, the eleventh of July,ย one thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-five.ย (“I’d go back to die there!”) That date, around Srebrenica’s neck, was threaded up a thread...
The Muslim social commentator, Wajahat Ali, recently (June 23, 2023) penned an op-ed in the New York Times entitled, We Muslims Used to Be the Culture...