Bismillah walhamdolillah. [youtube][/youtube] Watch the video, please. The Muslim who reported the suspicious behavior at the masjid — that man doing his civic duty — he...
[youtube][/youtube] She said that she would prefer a broken neck to another broken heart. I said โRemember, even the beauty of birth leaves its own scars...
Bismillah I ask Allah that He illuminate our hearts with that which brings benefit to us and to the rest of humanity, and to increase our...
To Veil or Not to Veil?: Hijab and Muslim Women’s Rights in Afghanistan and Franceย Part I Part II: France In 2004, a law passed in...
He was an adventurer, a scholar, and possibly a spy — but as Dutchman Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje proved with his rare 1885 photographs and sound recordings...
By Amani Elsawah October 30, 2010 was to be a day like any other, a day with no known cultural, historical or religious significance.ย But thanks...
The Irish Revenue in October 2010 published its latest report on Islamic finance, namely ‘Guidance Notes on the Tax Treatment of Islamic Financial Transactions’ which relate...
A video by Fadel Soliman: [youtube=] Related on MM: Yasir Qadhi | The Lure of Radicalism and Extremism Amongst Muslim Youth A Message to Muslim Youth:...
Ah the joys of high-speed rail: efficient, comfortable, good for the environment and great for business. It’s easy to understand why Israelis who sit in three...
We’ve been dealing with the same threats for decades. But we used to be a lot calmer about it, less self-defeating. Here’s a scenario: Middle Eastern...