SIGN UP FOR CAIR MEMBERSHIP TODAY (it’s only $35 and your chance to not only help CAIR, but get back at WT) Washington Times is intensifying...
Assalamu Alaykum The last part of Muhammad al-Shareef’s series, Desert Rose, is up: It won’t be much longer so check it out!!
Next: Pew Survey- Muslims: Democratic, Socially Conservative, Concerned Citizens (Update #3) Analysis of Muslim Population in America- Methodology, Criticism and Other Sources (Update #4) ** The...
According to yesterday’s New York Times Sunday Magazine cover story, The Flight From Iraq, since 2003 the US has accepted 701 refugees from Iraq. The other...
I was asked to write about the victory of Nicolas Sarkozy in the recent French presidential election. Not knowing too much about French politics, I was...
A little bit of this, a little bit of that… enjoy! :) From sister Rukhsar, a beautiful poem: What Is Life? We sleep, eat, drink and...
Although my ‘intellectual activities’ have slowed down since last summer – when I had plenty of time to peruse sites like the Angry Arab, Al-Jazeera News,...
Updates: (1) Hat-tip to Umm Zaid for pointing to this article in NY Times, and the news that Abdullah Gul has stepped aside under undemocratic pressure...
While we should be mourning a tragedy, helping families cope, and seeing what led a crazed man to commit such a horrific act of indiscriminate violence,...
Last Update #11 posted on 5/11/07 with pictures of Janazah courtesy Facebook group (updates appended at the top) Action Alerts: (a) Make Dua’ for the brother,...