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Ustadha Samia Mubarak, Guest

Samia Mubarak is the founder of Quranic Ocean, a guided platform dedicated to building personal and emotional connections with Allah’s words. She completed her Quran memorization shortly after attaining her Bachelor’s degree in Communications with a minor in Psychology from Florida State University. She is a student of the Muddakir Quran Tafseer and memorization program and of the Suhba Seminary by Al-Madina. She is a Quran teacher for Ribaat by Rabata and is currently working on an Ijaza (Quranic memorization certification) in Hafs recitation inshallah. She’s a single mom to two girls, one of which was born with a very rare syndrome called CHILD and has special medical needs, alhamdulillah. She is a home barista, and she loves making latte art! She hopes to help people dive deep into the Quranic ocean so they can find comfort and reassurance through Allah’s words amidst the varying circumstances of life.