Apologies for the infrequent blog roundups… but here are a few of the latest gems to be found in the Islamosphere (or at least, the ones...
It does seem as though we have an obsession with lists, eh? :P Well, here’s another relevant subject forall of us living here in the West:...
As a third-generation washed-out-Desi Canadian Muslimah, I feel that I – and others in my situation – have a lot to mourn. I listen to what...
Right now I’m in the middle of reading Sheikh Yasir Qadhi’s book Du’aa: The Weapon of the Believer. Masha’Allah, it’s an amazing book with a great...
A little bit of this, a little bit of that… enjoy! :) From sister Rukhsar, a beautiful poem: What Is Life? We sleep, eat, drink and...
Although my ‘intellectual activities’ have slowed down since last summer – when I had plenty of time to peruse sites like the Angry Arab, Al-Jazeera News,...
Or rather, showing it. In keeping with what seems to be a trend here at MuslimMatters, this post is also going to be about the parent-child...
Chivalry: n. pl. chivยทalยทries a. The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women. b. A manifestation of any of these...
Something that is extremely important, yet which lacking sorely in our community, seems to be positive adult/youth relations. Adult/youth relations refers to the bonds between the...
This is an article that someone forwarded to me in an email, and although (apparently) written by a non-Muslim, I thought that it was pretty relevant...