Hijaab… a concept and a command from Allah that has fueled many discussions, hot debates, and provoked the passions of many – Muslim and non-Muslim alike....
It’s that time of the year again – sunshine, spring fever, allergies and oh yes, the hype of graduation for high school seniors! Few students can...
As someone who’s constantly complaining about how backwards British Columbia’s Muslim community is compared to the rest of Canada and North America, I’m happy to announce...
In the Qur’an, Allah directs us over and over to ponder over the miracles of His creation, and even swears by them: the sun, the moon,...
Walk into the toy store, and you’ll find “baby” dolls dressed in clothing reminiscent of prostitutes’ outfits. Walk into the clothing store, and prepubescent girls are...
For once, MM is slightly behind on an interesting and relevant news story – you can blame me for that, though! :) The notorious Neil MacFarquhar...
In Case You Didn’t Believe Us the First Time ‘Round I dunno about you, but I’m getting bored of all these “revelations” that the majority of...
While death is a subject often discussed in khutbahs and duroos and something that I’d heard and read about from an Islamic point of view, I’d...
It seems that the Hollywood writer’s strike is affecting not just Hollywood, but the news too! Because when I look at the latest headlines, they result...
One of the challenges of doing Da’wah in a multicultural society is in being able to effectively reach out, push past, and touch the hearts of...