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Non-Muslims & Islamic Finance


Seems there is a chunk of the non-Muslim population interested in Islamic financing. Not because it is more attractive in terms of return or cost (usually it isn’t), it is because these non-Muslims want an ‘ethical’ route to investing, where no part of their money goes to tobbaco, arms, etc. Interesting article in the BBC, hat-tip to a commentator on Austrolabe.

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  1. sheHATEme2

    March 24, 2007 at 10:29 AM

    Alhumdullah, Hopefully Ms Dellaway will find the true meaning behind the Islamic way of dealing with money and she will turn back to Islam.

    “In Malaysia up to 25% of Islamic accounts are opened by non-Muslims.” >

  2. Abdul Aziz

    March 30, 2007 at 5:12 AM

    Interesting article. It makes more sense to promote Islamic finance as “ethical” than as “Islamic” if you want to get non-muslims to support it.

  3. Pingback: Open Thread Sundae, 7/20/08 |

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