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Update! Imam Anwar al-Awlaki Released!


This article was posted before the al-Awlaki’s militant views were known. Because of this, while MuslimMatters has decided to leave this post, we in no way endorse or associate ourselves with the Awlaki’s more recent extremist rhetoric.

Cageprisoners has confirmed that Imam Anwar al-Awlaki has been released from prison in Yemen (hat-tip to Jinnzaman’s FB message)

Update: Email from the Imam to all well-wishers (via Cageprisoners):


“The time I spent in detention was a great blessing from Allah. They were moments of contemplation and study which I was greatly in need of. Alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed me during that time of solitude with tranquility and peace to the extent that at most of the time I was preferring detention over freedom. Now that I am free I ask Allah to enable me to thank Him for his blessings.

“I am greatly moved to know that many of my brothers and sisters have been asking about my situation and praying for my release. I thank them all. May Allah reward all of you with Paradise.”

Imam Anwar Al Awlaki Released From Custody can confirm that Imam Anwar Al Awlaki was released from prison on 12th December 2007, after almost a year and a half behind bars in Yemen.

We thank all of you who took action on his behalf and remembered him in your prayers.

If you would like to send Imam Anwar a message, please email us at and we will pass it on.

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Alhamdulillah this is great news. I urge all the brothers and sisters to send a quick email to Imam Awlaki, telling him how happy we are that he has been released from his unlawful and undeserved imprisonment, back to his family and friends. May Allah protect our scholars and students of knowledge from the oppressors and the dictators of the world.

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Abu Reem is one of the founders of MuslimMatters, Inc. His identity is shaped by his religion (Islam), place of birth (Pakistan), and nationality (American). By education, he is a ChemE, topped off with an MBA from Wharton. He has been involved with Texas Dawah, Clear Lake Islamic Center and MSA. His interests include politics, cricket, and media interactions. Career-wise, Abu Reem is in management in the oil & gas industry (but one who still appreciates the "green revolution").

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