Twinkling lights, cheery music, traditional food, and exchanging presents with family and friends… the Christmas season comes with a great deal of nostalgia and emotional challenges from new(er) Muslims, who often struggle to navigate establishing boundaries as a Muslim while also maintaining positive relationships with their families.
Anse Hazel and Anse Eman share their own experiences as converts, discussing some of the most common and most difficult challenges that new Muslims face, as well as providing support to those experiencing backlash from family and friends. They offer advice, compassion, and a holistic understanding of maintaining Islamic values while strengthening family ties, too.
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Hazel Gómez is a Puerto Rican and Mexican Muslim convert of over 20 years hailing from Chicago’s west side. She graduated from Loyola University Chicago with double Bachelor’s degrees in Forensic Science and Biology. Hazel Gomez both studies and teaches at Ribaat Academic Institute, a seminary program under the tutelage of Shaykha Dr. Tamara Gray and other Muslim women scholars. She is also a community organizer, mentor, and activist, with many years of experience under her belt!
Emmannuelle (Eman) Manigat was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. She is a proud child of Haitian immigrants. She embraced Islam almost 24 years ago. Eman is the Convert Care Coordinator at Rabata and a graduate of Rabata’s Ribaat Academic Institute where she obtained her Ribaat Islamic Studies Teacher Certification in 2022 under the mentorship of Shayka Dr. Tamara Gray. Eman is currently working on completing her masters degree in Pastoral Studies with a Certification in Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy at the University of Toronto. She also provides counseling via, a Muslim counseling service.
Podcast | Ho Ho Haraam | Ustadha Alima Ashfaq
Muslims Celebrating Christmas: Why the “Petty” Is Powerful