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Podcast | Ho Ho Haraam | Ustadha Alima Ashfaq


Christmas is around the corner, and the Christmas carols, decor, and workplace parties hype is at its peak! What does that mean for Muslims? Can’t we all sing Muslim carols, have a crescent shaped tree, and celebrate the Mawlid of Prophet ‘Eesa (as)? Or is Christmas really haraam?

Ustadha Alima Ashfaq shares how Muslims can navigate the Christmas season in a way true to our Deen and sensitive to individual situations, without compromising our Islamic principles.

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Ustadha Alima Ashfaq has studied under numerous scholars, including Sh Muhammad Akram Nadwi, through institutes such as as-Salam Institute and is pursuing her ijaazah through the Critical Loyalty program. Ustadha Alima currently runs Barakah Madrassa, is the Head of Education for Sheffield New Muslims, and is the author of several books.


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Keep supporting MuslimMatters for the sake of Allah

Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. Help us get to 900 supporters this month. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month.

The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.

Zainab bint Younus (AnonyMouse) is a Canadian Muslim woman who writes on Muslim women's issues, gender related injustice in the Muslim community, and Muslim women in Islamic history. She holds a diploma in Islamic Studies from Arees University, a diploma in History of Female Scholarship from Cambridge Islamic College, and has spent the last fifteen years involved in grassroots da'wah. She was also an original founder of

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