#Current Affairs
130+ American Muslim Imams, Scholars and Community Leaders Sign A Statement On The Ongoing Oppression of Uighur Muslims
In the Name of God, the Benevolent, the Merciful,
All praise is due to Allahﷻ and may the Creator send His blessings and salutations upon our master, Muhammadﷺ, as well as upon his family and companions.
We, imams, scholars and community leaders, hereby affirm and declare the following fundamental points:
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The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.
We ask the People’s Republic of China to free Uighurs from its concentration camps, return children to their families, and restore their freedom of religion.
We call upon our neighbors of other faiths to support this demand.
We call upon fellow citizens to stop buying products produced through slave labor from these camps.
We thank the US government for raising the issue of human rights abuses and detainment in the concentration camps and ask the rest of the world to do the same.
We call upon all people to stand in solidarity with the Uighur people on April 6, 2019 in Washington DC.
Dr Yasir Qadhi, The Islamic Seminary of America, TX
Dr Muzammil Siddiqi, The Islamic Society of Orange County, CA
Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda, TX
Mufti Mohammad Ibrahim Qureshi, Islamic Center of Northridge, CA
Imam Malik Mujahid, SoundVision, Burma Task Force
Shaykh Furhan Zubairi, Institute of Knowledge, CA
Shaykh Suleiman Hani, Islamic Center of Detroit, MI
Chaplain Bilal Ansari, Hartford Seminary, Williams College, MA
Ustadha Zainab Ansari, Tayseer Seminary, TN
Ameer Esedullah Uygur, Ummah Uyghur Awareness Coalition
Hena Zuberi, Justice For All, Muslimmatters.org
Shaykh Hasib Noor, The Legacy Institute
Ashfaq Taufique, Birmingham Islamic Society, AL
Imam Yaser Birjas, Valley Ranch Islamic Center, TX
Imam Khalid Fattah Grigg, Community Mosque of Winston-Salem, NC
Zahra Billoo, CAIR-SF, CA
Ameer Mustapha Elturk, Islamic Organization of North America (IONA),
Imam Muhammad Abdul Jabbar, Muslim Center of Long Island, NY
Jenny Yanez MSW, Jefferson Muslim Association, LA
Imam Abu Qadir Al-Amin, San Francisco Muslim Community Center, CA
Dr. Sayed Moustafa al-Qazwini, Islamic Educational Center of Orange County, CA
Imam Mohamed Magid, VA
Sayyid M. Syeed, Islamic Society of North America
Shaykh Abdel Hamid, Noor Al Islam Society, NY
Dr Omar Shahin, Graduate Theological Foundation & North American Imams Federation (NAIF)
Khidr Nassam Bamba, Masjid Taqwa Bronx, NY
Dr. Hamud Al-Silwi, Bronx Muslim Center, NY
Imam Faisal Ahmad, The Fiqh & Dawah Center of America, NY
Adel Elmorsi, The Islamic Center of Morris County, NJ
Imam Ibrahim Atasoy, North East Islamic Community Center, NY
Shaykh AbdurRahman Ahmad , Islamic Center of New England, MA
Omar Kawam, Williams College Muslim Students’ Union, MA
Dr Ossama Bahloul, Islamic Center of Nashville, TN
Imam Abu Laith Luqman Ahmad, Mosque Without Borders
Dr Ahmad M. Hemaya, New Haven Islamic Center, CT
Imam Reda A Sallam, Masjid Almostafa, Waterbury, CT
Shaykh Hani Salem, Paradise Hajj & Umrah/Baitulmaal
Imam ibn Al-Saeed Fouad Al-Balawi, ICNEO, OH
Imam Taha Hassane, Islamic Center of San Diego, CA
Imam Imad Enchassi, ISGOC, CA
Imam Tamer Abdelaziz, Islamic Society of Northern Wisconsin, WI
Imam Ibrahim Ezghair, Clear Lake Islamic Center, TX
Basem Hamid, Wasat Institute, Shadow Creek Muslim Community Center, TX
Imam Fateen Seifullah, Masjid As Sabur, NV
Shaykh Abdeljalil Mezgouri, Islamic Center of San Diego, CA
Mohamad Adam El Sheikh, Dar Al Noor Islamic Community Center, North American Imams Federation
Abdul Jebrin, Muslim American Society
Haj Dawoud S Abdullah, Islamic Cultural Center of Niagara Falls, NY
Imam Nadim Ali, Community Masjid of Atlanta, GA
Imam Ayman Soliman, AIC Masjid, IL
Imam Amr Dabour, Bay County Islamic Society, FL
Imam Amin Azim, Islamic Center of Yakima, WA
Imam Hussein Nasser, IL
Dr Yunus Adetunji Fasasi, Islamic Community of Puerto Rico, PR
Imam Mohamed Musa, IL
Moustafa Kamel, West Coast Islamic Center, CA
Wafaa Wahabi, AMC Everett Masjid, WA
Dr Mohammad Siddiqi, Kalamazoo Islamic Center, MI
Imam Obair Katchi, Islamic Society of Corona-NorCo, CA
Shaykh Abdelmoniem Elamin, Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center, VA
Abdallah Ddumba, Justice for All, Burma Task Force
Imam Azfar Uddin, Islamic Foundation North, IL
Mawlana Bilal Ali Ansari, Khalil Center, IL
Isam Zaiem, CAIR-Ohio
Imam Abdelghader Ould Siyam, Islamic Association of Cincinnati, OH
Ahmad Banna, MACE Islamic Center, OH
Imam Ashraf Ibrahim, Omar Islamic Center, MN
Mahgiub El-Arabi, Al-Umma Center of Santa Clarita Valley, CA
Naveed Ahmed, Helping Hand for Relief and Development; ICNA
Sheik Housein, Islamic Society of Washington Area, MD
Mohammed Saber Odeh, Mizquita Al Farouq, PR
Amir Al Hajj Khalid Samad, The International Council For Peace, Justice And Empowerment
Rudwan Abu-rumman, Anne Arundel County Muslim Council. MD
Shaykh Suhail Mulla, Islamic Society West Valley, CA
Dr Imam Khalid Nasr, Islamic Center of New England, MA
Imam Abdelsalam Abounar, Dareleman Educational Center, TX
Kadeer Ainiwaer, Ummah Uyghur Awareness Coalition
Salih Hudayar, East Turkistan National Awakening Movement
Zainab Chaudry, CAIR- Maryland
Waheedah Muhammad, CAIR-Kentucky
Ibrahim Sheikh, Islamic Society of Annapolis, MD
Imam Mohamed Elagami, Elhedaya Islamic Society, TX
Imam Ismail Bryant, National Amirate of Baytul Khaliq, NJ
Mahmoud Shalash, Islamic Center of Lexington, KY
Shaikh Joe Bradford, Houston Muslim Community, TX
Waqas Syed, Islamic Circle of North America
Yusuf Hanif, Dawah Brings Faith
Babatunde Ibrahim Tiamiyu, DeenUp Athletics
Imam Abdullah Sahin
Daoud Nassimi, Professor of Religion, NOVA Community College, VA
Imam Ismail Fenni, Yusuf Mosque, MA
Nihad Awad, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Imam Asif Hirani, Worcester Islamic Center, MA
Imam Adil Khan, ICCL – Islamic Community Center of Laurel, MD
Imam Mahmoud Harmoush, Islamic Center of Riverside, CA
Imam Obair Katchi, Islamic Society of Corona, Norco,CA
Imam Djilali Kacem, Ph.D, Dar-Aljalal Masjid, MO
Imam Ali M Bagegni, Ph.D, Northwest Islamic Center, MO
Imam Eldin Susa, St Louis Islamic Center Masjid Nur, MO
Dr Dris Djermoun, Islamic Council of New England, MA
Imam Ahmad H Durrani, Masjid Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, MO
Shaykh Saleh Saleh, Imam Council of Metro St. Louis, MO
Imam Abdur-Rahim Ali, Northeast Denver Islamic Center, CO
Imam M. A. Azeez, Tarbiya Institute, CA
Chaplain Nada El-Alami, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MA
Hasan Hammad, Islamic Society of Baltimore, MD
Dr. Ed Tori, Islamic Society of Baltimore, MD
Shaykh Tarik Ata, Orange County Islamic Foundation, CA
Zahid Bukhari, ICNA Council for Social Justice (CSJ)
Ismet Akcin, Islamic Society of Baltimore, MD
Saleem Ahmad, Baltimore County Muslim Council, MD
Adileh Sharieff, Islamic Center of Maryland, MD
Amin Ezzeddine, MAS Maryland
Saqib Ali, Former State Delegate Maryland
Jameel Aalim-Johnson, Prince George’s County Muslim Council, MD
Yusufi Vali, Islamic Society of Boston, MA
Imam Johari Abdul-Malik Ibn Seale, Muslim Society of Washington, DC
Mohamed Helmy, Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center, VA
Nasser Saleh, Al Firdaus Jinnaza Service, VA
Hossein Gosl, Dar Al Hijrah, VA
Mirvais Ayubi, Dar Al Hijrah, VA
Kuzzat Altay, Uyghur Entrepreneurs Network
Rafi Uddin Ahmed, Muslim Association of Virginia, Dar Al Noor Islamic Center, VA
Shaykh Omar Suleiman, Yaqeen Institute, TX
Khalid M. Mirza, Muslim Communities Association of South Florida, FL
Naveed Alvi, Chino Valley Islamic Center, CA
Mohamed Almasmari, Muslim Unity Center, MI
Chaplain Saffet A. Catovic, Drew University, NJ
Muhammad Farooq, Islamic Center of Northern Virginia Trust, VA
Shaykh Ismet Akcin, Islamic Society of Baltimore, MDImam M. Musa Azam-Ibrahimi Majlis Daawatul Haqq of America, IN
Imam Ayman Soliman, AIC, IL
Sr. Erin Ogborn, Tri-State Islamic Center, Dubuque, IA
Memet Emin, Columbia University, NY
Sahar Alsahlani, Religions for Peace, USA, NY
Qutaibah J. Abbasi, Duncanville Islamic Center, TX
Aneelah Afzali, MAPS-AMEN (American Muslim Empowerment Network), WA
Rafik Beekun, University of Nevada and AMSS, NV
Jawad Rasul, Islamic Society of Augusta, GA
Imam Nadim Bashir, East Plano Islamic Center, TX
Morsy Salem At-Tawheed Islamic Center, MI
Imam Ali Siddiqui, Muslim Institute – Interfaith Studies & Understanding, D.C.
Zohra Lasania, CAIR Pittsburgh
Linda Sarsour, MPower Change, NY
Dr. Jobeh Nasser, Muslim Brotherhood, MI
Imam Qasim ibn Ali Khan, Masjid At-Tawhid, TX
Imam Qasim ibn Ali Khan, Masjid At-Tawhid, TX
Chaplain Bilal Mirza, Babson College, MA
Mufti Mohammed Uddin Kawthar, Rihlatul Ilm Foundation, PA
Imam Mahad, AMCC, FL
Imam Mohammad Kibria, Darul Uloom New York, NY
Imam Qarib Ur Rahman, Manassas Muslim Association, VA
Imam Ibrahim Ahmad, Masjid Noor, Huntington, NY
Imam Nihad Yesil,The Islamic Institute, Dallas, TX
Ahmed Abdurrab Rabbani, Islamic Association of Greater Detroit, MI
Mufti Sulaiman Yusufi, ICMC, NJ
Chaplain Kaiser Aslam, Center for Islamic Life at Rutgers University, NJ
Shaykh Burhan, Peace Children Academy, Brooklyn, NY
Mohammad Kawser, Darus Sunnah USA, NY
Imam Lateef Rahman, Islamic Society Of Tracy, CA
Chaplain Mohammed Shahid, Somerville Masjid,MA
Fathi Alam, Darul Uloom New York, NY
Mahdi Baitul Hamd Institute, NY
Imam Abdurrahman, DQWS, NY
Shaykh Osman Umarji, UC Irvine, CA
Imam Omar Khan, Khatme Nubuwwat Center, VA
Shaykh Afzal Sheikh Jr, Islamic center of Deer Park, NY
Imam Abrar Malik, Masjid Alfalah New York City, NY
Imam Mufti Shazad M. Hussain, A.I.M. Masjid Noor VA
Shaykh Afzal Sheikh Jr, Islamic Center of Deer Park, NY
Ismail Hossain, Islamic Foundation of NJ, NJ
Amir Ali Muwallif Muhammad, The Islamic Freedom Foundation, MD
Imam Sabur Abdul-Salaam, New York State Department of Correction, NY
Aisha H.L. al-Adawiya, Women In Islam, inc.
Shaikh Hafiz Abu Sufian, United Imam and Ulama Council USA, NY
If you are a scholar, imam, an organizational or a masjid leader and would like to sign the statement please do so here
Keep supporting MuslimMatters for the sake of Allah
Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. Help us get to 900 supporters this month. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month.
The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.
Hena Zuberi is the Editor in Chief of Muslimmatters.org. She leads the DC office of the human rights organization, Justice For All, focusing on stopping the genocide of the Rohingya under Burma Task Force, advocacy for the Uighur people with the Save Uighur Campaign and Free Kashmir Action. She was a Staff Reporter at the Muslim Link newspaper which serves the DC Metro. Hena has worked as a television news reporter and producer for CNBC Asia and World Television News. Active in her SoCal community, Hena served as the Youth Director for the Unity Center. Using her experience with Youth, she conducts Growing Up With God workshops. hena.z@muslimmatters.org Follow her on Twitter @henazuberi.
pa.Mohmed Ameen
February 7, 2019 at 11:10 PM
What China should try is to give full autonomy to the region where these people live as China has done to Hong Kong
The region of of Xinjiang is also called as East Turkestan and inhabited by Uyghurs who are culturally and geography near to the Central Asians
China has illegally occupied East Turkestan along with region of Inner Mongolia and Tibet and has secured them by establishing close ties with some of neighboring countries , Pakistan and Tajikistan being one of them.
China has close military ties with Pakistan and has been assisting them in areas of infrastructure development and technology transfer of military equipment. Pakistan should help to bring a peaceful resolution to the conflict
The Uyghurs are not religious bigot all they want is independence from Chinese Oppression. They look towards Tajikistan , Afghanistan and People of Pakistan to stand for them but none of these nation are match to China since they are too weak.
Thus they are fighting for their independence which is looked by Chinese as ‘terrorism’. The casualties and losses in these attacks are negligible and the intensity is very low
pa.Mohmed Ameen
February 7, 2019 at 11:13 PM
In the Muslim world some big nations like Indonesia , Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh are close friends of China many are impressive still, and the political leaders of these nations have the deceptive capacity shouting Islamic unity and but keeping silent about the oppression of Muslims in China and to some extent in Burma
They ignore the Islamophobia raging in their most favoured state called China .
That’s real unacceptable politik from the point of view of Islamic brotherhood .
How does the Ummah react to the anti-Muslim bigotry across Europe and North America .
The Ummah suppose that the Pakistani Prime Minister’s will make the next passionate speech on Sino-Pak friendship over the sound of the invisible elephant making a loud noise in the room.
Islam is a priority but for many Muslim nations politics though injustice is given priority
The game is Americans or Chinese Or Russians?NOT ISLAM and its followers
February 7, 2019 at 11:22 PM
Every man made ideologies like communism will be thrown into the dust bin of history
China will get disintegrated as USSR if China persists in its oppression of Uyghor Muslims on the pretext of preventing the advance of Islam in China
This is what the imam meant in his letter to Gorbachev It did happen
mam Khomeini, Letter to President Gorbachev, January 3, 1988
Now a country, such as the Soviet Union, that was a military powerhouse, that had its own industry, culture and strength; while having its share of economic problems due to crippling sanctions, could – with some sensible restructuring and reform (that didn’t compromise its ideology) – become self-sufficient.
How did such an entity succumb so catastrophically to the illusions presented by those who were instrumental in the soft war against her?
Abu Muhaya
February 8, 2019 at 12:21 PM
Its not just the Uighurs, even the Hui are affected, my FIL was murdered by these animals, just 2 weeks after being detained, we don’t know what happened to him, he entered detention a healthy man and 2 weeks later, my MIL was contacted to meet him at hospital, unable to speak, a day later he died. He was a simple farmer, a 65 year old man who worked hard his whole life for his family. Yet these people tortured him to death, they MURDERED him, plain and simple! Half of my wife’s village was taken away including my brother-in-law, I don’t know how many thousands of Muslims were taken and tortured in these “reeducation” camps. Yet the silence of the Muslim world is deafening
Bisma Jamil
February 23, 2019 at 10:16 AM
Thus they are fighting for their independence which is looked at by the Chinese as terrorism. Pakistan, iran, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries with Pakistan.