Shawwal: What to Do On Eid Night, Eid Day, and During the Month
Beginning of the Ashur-ul-Hajj
Shawwal is the first of the three months named as “Ashhur al-Hajj” (i.e. the months of Hajj). Although the major acts of Hajj are normally performed in the first ten days of Zulhijjah, yet the whole period starting from the first of Shawwal up to the 10th of Zulhijjah is held to be the period of Hajj because some acts of Hajj can be performed any time during this period. For example, the Tawaf-ul-qudum, followed by the Sai’ of Hajj cannot be performed before Shawwal, while it can be performed any day after the beginning of Shawwal. Similarly, an ‘Umrah performed before Shawwal cannot be treated as the ‘Umrah of Tamattu: while the ‘Umrah performed in Shawwal can be affiliated to the Hajj, making it a Hajj of Tamattu: Moreover, ihram of Hajj should not be started before Shawwal, because it makruh. For these reasons these three months have been named as the ‘months of Hajj’ and the month of Shawwal has the distinction of being the first of these.
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The second meritorious aspect of Shawwal is that it has been chosen by Allah Almighty for the celebration of “Eid-ul-fitr “, one of the only two annual festivals recognized by the Shari’ah. This happy day is designed by the Shari’ah as a sign of gratefulness by the Muslims on the accomplishment of Ramadan, and as an immediate reward by Allah for those who spent the month of Ramadan in fasting and performing other forms of ‘ibadah.
Instead of commemorating an event from the past, the Shari’ah has prescribed the first of Shawwal as an annual festival for the Muslims at an occasion when they themselves accomplish a great ‘ibadah. This approach reminds the Muslims that they should not rely only on the accomplishments of their ancestors, rather, they should themselves perform meritorious acts to please their Creator.
In prescribing the ways to celebrate the happy day, Islam has adopted another unique approach. The festivals of other religions or nations normally comprise of some acts of rejoicing and enjoyment. The whole happy day is normally spent in dancing, singing and playing.
In contrast, Islam has prescribed a simple yet graceful way to observe the happy day. First of all, it is mandatory on all the well-off Muslims to start their day by paying “Sadaqat-ul-fitr” to the poor of their society, so that they, too, may enjoy the day along with others, and may not be worried for earning their livelihood at least on that day of happiness.
After paying the “Sadaqat-ul-fitr”, the Muslims are required to proceed to an open place where they can offer the Eid prayer collectively. In this way, they are supposed to present themselves before their Creator and offer tworak’ats of this special type of Salah, which makes them receive blessings from Allah and start their celebration by these divine blessings.
After the Salah also, they are supposed to rejoice the day in a responsible manner, without violating the limits prescribed for them and never indulging in the acts prohibited by Allah.
Keeping this point in view, we will now discuss specific rules prescribed for observing the day of Eid-ul-fitr.
The Night Preceding ‘ Eid-ul-Fitr ‘
It had been the practice of the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, that he would not sleep in the night preceding the day of Eid-ul-fitr. This night has been named in a Hadith as the Night of Reward (Lailatul Jaiza). Almighty bestows his rewards on those who have spent the month of Ramadan abiding by the dictates of Shari’ah, and all their prayers in this night are accepted. Therefore, it is desirable to perform nafl prayers in this night. The Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, is reported to have said:
Whoever stands up (in worship) in the nights preceding the two Eids expecting rewards from his Lord, his heart will not die when the other hearts will die. (Ibn Majah)
To benefit from this opportunity, one should perform as much worship in this night as he can, and should pray for all his needs and desires.
Editor’s Note: It has come to our attention that this hadith has been classified as extremely weak by some hadith scholars. Please check with your local scholarship about the importance of this night.
The following acts are prescribed as Sunnah at the beginning of the day of Eid-ul-Fitr before proceeding to the Eid prayer:
1. To wake up early in the morning.
2. To clean one’s teeth with a Miswaak or a brush.
3. To take a bath.
4. To put on one’s best available clothes.
5. To wear perfume.
6. To eat a sweet food, preferably dates, before the Eid prayer.
7. To recite the following Takbir in the low voice while going to the Eid prayer:
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La Ilaha Ila Allah Wa Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa Lillahi Alhamd
Sadaqat-ul-fitr is an obligation for every Muslim, male or female, who owns 613.35 grams of silver or its equivalent, either in the form of money, ornaments, stock-in-trade, or in the form of some goods or commodities beyond one’s normal needs. Every person who owns such an amount has to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr, not only on behalf of himself but also on behalf of his minor children. The prescribed amount of Sadaqat-ul-fitr is 1.75 Kilograms of wheat or its value in money. This amount is prescribed for paying Sadaqat-ul-fitr for one person only. If a person has some minor children, the same amount has to be paid on behalf of each one of them separately. The following points must be remembered concerning the payment of Sadaqat-ul-fitr.
1. Sadaqat-ul-fitr is obligated on each adult male or female separately, and the relevant adult person himself is responsible to pay it. The husband is not required to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr on behalf of his wife nor is the wife supposed to pay it on behalf of her husband. Similarly, a father is not bound to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr on behalf of his adult children or vice-versa. However, if the head of the family, by his own free will, wishes to paySadaqat-ul-fitr for each one of the members of his family, he should seek their authorization for that purpose. In this case the Sadaqat-ul-fitr paid by him will be valid on their behalf. If he did not pay theSadaqat-ul-fitr on behalf of any of the members of his family, he will not be responsible for it. Rather, it is the duty of every adult member of the family to discharge his own obligation or to request the head of the family to pay it on his or her behalf.
2. It is a Sunnah that the Sadaqat-ul-fitr is paid before performing the Eid prayer. It can also be paid before the Eid day, but it is not advisable to delay it up to the performance of’ Eid prayer. However, if a person has failed to pay on its proper time, he should pay it as soon as possible, whereby the obligation will stand discharged.
3. The Sadaqat-ul-fitr is not necessary on behalf of a child who was born after the break of dawn in the Eid day, nor is it necessary to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr on behalf of a person who dies before the dawn of the Eid day.
4. Sadaqat-ul-fitr should be paid only to a person who is entitled to receive Zakah.
The second obligation on Eid day is to perform the Eid prayer. Some rules in this respect are mentioned hereunder:
1. The Eid prayer is Wajib (obligatory) on every male Muslim.
2. The Eid prayer can be performed any time between the Ishraq and Zawal.
3. It is preferable that the Eid prayer is performed at an open field and not in a mosque. However, if, it is difficult for any reason to perform it in an open field, it can also be performed in a big mosque.
4. It is not advisable to hold the Eid prayer in every mosque, rather it is preferable that the people from several small mosques get together to either perform it in an open field or, in its absence, in a big mosque which can accommodate a large number of people.
5. No Nafl Salah can be performed before the Eid prayer, neither in one’s home, nor at the place of’ Eid prayer. Similarly, Nafl prayer cannot be performed after the Eid prayer at the same place. However, it can be performed after one comes back to his home.
6. The Eid prayer has neither Adhan nor Iqamah.
The Eid Prayer has two rak’ah to perform in the normal way, with the only addition of six takbirs, three of them in the beginning of the first rak’ah, and three of them just before ruku’ in the second rak’ah. The detailed way of performing the Eid prayer is as follows:
The Imam will begin the prayer without Adhan or Iqamah. He will begin the prayer by reciting takbir of Tahrimah (Allahu Akbar). You should raise your hands up to the ears, and reciting the takbir, you give a little pause during which you should recite Thana’ (Subhanak Allahumma…….)· After the completion of Thana’ the Imam will recitetakbir (Allahu Akbar) three times, and after reciting each Takbir (Allahu Akbar) in a low voice, you should bring your hands down and leave them earthwards. But, after the third takbir, you should set them at the level of your navel as you do in the normal prayer.
After these three takbirs the Imam will recite the Holy Qur’an, which you should listen quietly. The rest of the rak’ah will be performed in the normal way.
After rising for the second rak’ah, the Imam will begin the recitations from the Qur’an during which you should remain calm and quiet. When the Imam finishes his recitation, he will recite three takbirs once again, but this time it will be before bowing down for ruku’. At each takbir you should raise your hands up to the ears, and after saying“Allahu Akbar’ bring them down and leave them earthwards. After these three takbirs have been called and completed, the Imam will say another takbir for bowing down into the ruku’ position. At this takbir you need not raise your hands. You just bow down for your ruku’ saying, ‘Allahu Akbar’. The rest of the Salah will be performed in its usual way.
Khutbah: The Address of Eid-ul-fitr
In this Salah, Khutbah is a Sunnah and is delivered after the Salah, unlike the Salah of Jumu’ah where it is Fard and is delivered before the Salah. However, listening to the Khutbah of Eid Salah is wajib or necessary and must be heard in perfect peace and silence.
It is a sunnah that the Imam begins the first Khutba by reciting takbirs ‘Allahu Akbar’ nine times and the second Khutbah with reciting it seven times.
Note: The way of Eid prayer described above is according to the Hanafi school of Muslim jurists. Some other jurists, like Imam Shafi’i, have some other ways to perform it. They recite Takbir twelve times before beginning the recitations from the Holy Qur’an in both rak’ah. This way is also permissible. If the Imam, being of the Shafi’i school, follows this way, you can also follow him. Both ways are based on the practice of the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
Six Fasts in the Month of Shawwal
It is commendable to keep six fasts in the month of Shawwal. The Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, has said:
Whoever completes fasts of Ramadan then adds to them the fast of six days in the month of Shawwal, it will carry the thawab of fasting for the whole year. (Sahih Muslim)
This hadith had described the great thawab of six fasts of this month. Therefore, the Muslims should take this opportunity of acquiring such an enormous reward from Allah. It is more preferable to start these fasts from the 2nd of Shawwal and keep fasting up to the 7th of it. However, if, they are kept in other days, it is hoped that the requirement of the above hadith may also be fulfilled.
This was written by Mufti Taqi Usmani and was originally posted at Al Balagh
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abou bakarr-kargbo
August 7, 2013 at 11:12 AM
thanks very much god bless us all.
August 7, 2013 at 12:58 PM
I was just reading in my inbox this morning, an article written by Sr Asma Bint Shameem on Mistakes Related to Eid, and so when I was reading this article, something caught my eye as I’m not familiar with this practice at all, so if someone qualified could clarify …
here is part of Sr Asma’s article with regards to worshipping on the eve of Eid:
Some people think that it is prescribed to spend the night of Eid in worship.
They even call it “Laylatul Jazaa'” claiming that this is the night that their efforts will be ‘paid off’ by Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala.
However, there is NO SAHEEH HADEETH legislating such a practice; not in Bukhaari, Muslim or any of the other authentic hadeeth books.
Rather this practice is based on a WEAK hadeeth which says, “Whoever stays up on the night of Eid, his heart will not die on the day when hearts die.” This hadeeth is NOT saheeh as classified by Shaykh al-Albaani. (Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth al-Da’eefah wa’l-Mawdoo’ah by Sheikh al-Albaani)
Ibn Taymiyah said: “The ahaadeeth in which the nights before the two Eids are mentioned are falsely attributed to the Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam).”
So do NOT single out the night of Eid for Ibaadah, as this is a kind of bid’ah that is NOT proven from the Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) or his Sahaabah. If it was a good thing to do, the Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam).” or his sahaabah would have done it and we would have evidence for it.
However, if you wake up every day for Qiyaam or Tahajjud and it is part of you NORMAL nightly routine to pray and worship at this time, then it is okay to do so.
But to pick out this night thinking there is extra reward and special status to worship this night is not correct.
Jazakum Allah khair.
August 11, 2013 at 8:45 AM
Walaikum assalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,
The writer of the aforementioned article on this page is a renowned scholar. There must be a good reason for him to mention the hadith even if it does not meet the standards of Bukhari and Muslim.
We can take this hadith from the Prophet (PBUH) as one that is stressing us to continue to do any good that we were doing in Ramadan and not waste time in prohibited acts (this is what I heard from a local scholar from my community).
I am a layman, and from a layman’s perspective, I am quoting Mufti Taqi Usmani here again:
“…this night has been named in a Hadith as the Night of Reward (Lailatul Jaiza). Almighty bestows his rewards on those who have spent the month of Ramadan abiding by the dictates of Shari’ah, and all their prayers in this night are accepted. Therefore, it is desirable to perform nafl prayers in this night. The Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, is reported to have said:
Whoever stands up (in worship) in the nights preceding the two Eids expecting rewards from his Lord, his heart will not die when the other hearts will die. (Ibn Majah)”
The keywords in Mufti Taqi Usmani’s quotes are that it is “desirable” to perform nafl prayers. Hence, this may be a reflection of his understanding of the authenticity of hadith.
Finally, in my opinion, Mufti Taqi’s message and Ibn Taymiyyah’s opinion are not necessarily mutually exclusive. According to your research, if it is a normal nightly routine for a person to perform tahajjud then he may continue to worship on the nights before the two Eids. However note that only such a person is highly likely to perform worship during this night. In other words, it will be difficult to find a person that singles out this night of worship. For example, Prophet Muhammad (salAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) and many sahabah used to do tahajjud prayers at night anyways, and did not single out this night for worship.
And Allah knows best.
Tariq Ahmed
July 15, 2015 at 7:32 PM
Jazakumullahu khayran for your comment. Alhamdolillah I have made ‘itikaaf many times in masajid where shuyukh have been present such as Shaykh Waleed Basyouni. Never, not even one time, has anyone ever recommended that the musalleen go he and engage in worship. Never has anyone recommended to make qiyaam in that night nor any other ibaadat. And these are shuyukh who always use opportunities to encourage the sunnah.
So I can only say that there might be a different opinion on the authenticity of the hadith, but the opinion expressed in the article is not widespread, at least not in the cities I have lived in in Texas, California, New York, or in the DC area.
August 17, 2013 at 4:41 AM
Does the following Ahadith apply to women as well? Because women cant complete fast during the month of ramazan owing to the mensus periods they have:
Whoever completes fasts of Ramadan then adds to them the fast of six days in the month of Shawwal, it will carry the thawab of fasting for the whole year. (Sahih Muslim)
July 26, 2015 at 1:43 PM
Walaikum assalam warahmatullahi,
One opinion is that the woman should always fast the missed Ramadan fasts first because they are fard, and then the 6 Shawwal fasts after even if the 6 Shawwal fasts go over to the month of Dhul-Qidah. InshaAllah, she is excused due to a natural phenomenon and her intention was to get the reward of all the missed fasts as well as Shawwal fasts. But she should not let month of Shawwal itself go by without an excuse (i.e. purposely skipping days that could have been used to fast). Detailed info is at http://islamqa.info/en/40389 with complete explanation insha’Allah.
I heard from Sheikh ‘Alaa El-Sayed also that if a woman thinks she has many obligatory qada fasts of Ramadan to complete, such that the month of Shawwal will be over, then she can first do her 6 Shawwal fasts first and then do the qada Ramadan fasts afterwards. But if she knows that she can complete the obligatory fasts first and then not miss on Shawwal fasts, then she must perform her obligatory fasts first because they are fard whereas Shawwal fasts are sunnah.
And Allah knows best!
July 15, 2015 at 10:41 PM
The Hadeeth about the virtue of praying Qiyaam on the night before Eid in detail :
July 16, 2015 at 8:07 AM
What is Zawal? Thank you.
July 26, 2015 at 1:32 PM
Walaikum assalam warahmatullahi,
Zawal is the solar noon. Take the time of sunrise and time of sunset, and divide it in half. So if sunrise is at 7am and sunset is at 7pm, Zawal is around 1pm.
Zawal is immediately before Zuhur time. It’s basically when the sun has reached its zenith (when shadow of any object is at its shortest length).
And Allah knows best!
Haji Abdul Kareem Nandasena
July 16, 2015 at 7:31 PM
Haji Abdul Kareem Nandasena.
Sri Lanka.
July 22, 2016 at 10:39 PM
this book is on shawwal-ul-mukarram
Nasir Memon
July 25, 2016 at 1:04 AM
It is very nice to see the information related to Six Fasts of Shawwal.