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The Ramadan Tafseer Series | Surah Yaseen Part 1 | AbdulNasir Jangda
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abu Abdullah
August 1, 2011 at 1:05 AM
mash Allah. may Allah guide us to understand and practice the examples of Qur’an without having any ‘ghill’ for any other who is Muslim.
August 1, 2011 at 2:15 AM
inshaAllah will follow the whole series….
jazakAllahu khairan
August 1, 2011 at 11:08 AM
Mash’Allah. How I would have love to hear this a few years ago, when I didn’t know any Arabic. Insh’Allah will try to find time to listen to. Alhumdullilah, so much tafseer is available now, compared to a few years ago (Bayyinah Juz 30, Sheikh yasir Qadhi Surah Yusuf, tafseer of baqarah here:
August 1, 2011 at 10:36 PM
MashaAllah we do have more tafseer now however, I crave that english tafseer through our shuyookh on muslimmatters like those at Al Huda Institute does tafseer in urdu or how Dr. Israr Ahmed did. InshaAllah I hope Bayyinah can start up something like that to benefit those of us that want to understand Quran tafseer in english through instruction…
If there is something out there of that nature please let me know!
JazakAllah khair! :)
Ramadan Mubarak to all and May Allah swt soften our hearts and increase our imaan, Ameen.
Hena Zuberi
August 2, 2011 at 12:02 AM
You can download the Bayinnah tafsir podcasts at their website.
August 2, 2011 at 2:20 PM
I am subscribed to their podcasts, but I was actually looking for a quran tafsir of the entire Qur’an. The podcasts are very detailed tafsir thats been on the juz 29 for quite sometime. I wanted a tafsir a little bit more abridged so to speak like those available in the urdu language. The tafsir they have currently isn’t the whole Qur’an yet.
Is there another podcast that I’m unaware of?
jazakAllah khair for your help :)
Hena Zuberi
August 2, 2011 at 9:45 PM
This is the Tafsir series from last year- I think it fits the bill to what you are looking for- let me know :) Ramadan Kareem
August 3, 2011 at 1:07 AM
mashaAllah these are very nice, but not exactly what I was looking for. See like Dr. Israr Ahmed has this Bayyan-ul-Qur’an where he does the entire tafsir of the quran, ayah by ayah, in a way that one can listen to that tafsir in the course of 30 days and so does Dr. Farhat Hashmi of Al- Huda Institute. The problem with that for me is that its in Urdu and their urdu is too difficult for me to understand.
Bayyinah is mashaAllah extremely detailed making it really lengthy making it hard to do a juz a day, but I want to be able to do tafsir of the Qur’an in the course of ramadan and i get jealous of my mom because she does the tafseer every ramadan of the entire Qur’an :) and I want to be able to do that.
InshaAllah Bayyinah will have the whole Qur’an done in the near future so then I can start listening to it and understand it better
jazakAllah khair for your help
August 4, 2011 at 4:18 PM
iCNA sisters wing does that in english. The info is on their website. You can listen live online or over the phone or listen to the recordingd at your convenience. However their speakers vary. Some are excellent, most are just ok.
August 3, 2011 at 1:16 PM
Assalaamu ‘alaykum. There is a tafseer that is being conducted this Ramadan that fits the description of what you are looking for. It is being conducted by Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed in English. It covers the entire Quran, ayah by ayah. It is being broadcasted daily during Ramadan, and the audio is also posted the same day as well. You can find the audio at http://www.islamicspirituality.org/lectures/tafsir/english-dawra
August 4, 2011 at 6:30 PM
This is perfect! jazakAllah khairun for everyones help :)
August 2, 2011 at 1:12 PM
Assalaamu ‘alaykum Ustadh,
jazaaka Allahu khayran for providing this series and aiding us in understanding the kalaam of Allaah. May Allaah subhanahu wa ta’aala accept your efforts and grant you the highest stations in Paradise – aamin.
Regarding huruf al-muqatt’aat: I’ve written in my notes from yesterday’s talk that the suwar beginning with the disjointed letters make mention of the Qur’aan in the very next verse (e.g. using the terms Qur’aan or kitaab). In this way, the point of these letters is to call our attention to the Qur’aan.
I then thought about Surah Maryam which begins with kaaf-Ha-ya-ain-Sad, but its next verse does not make explicit mention of the Qur’aan. If the pattern mentioned holds true, then is there an indirect mention of the Qur’aan? Is this perhaps alluding to the miracle that Allaah revealed stories to His Messenger (‘alayhis salaatu wa salaam) that he could not have otherwise known e.g. the communication between Allaah and Zakariyyah (‘alayhis salaam)?
I continued flipping through the suwar and then noticed that there are three others that do not have explicit mention of the Qur’aan; namely, al-‘Ankabut, ar-Rum, and al-Qalam. For Surat’l-Rum, I thought again that perhaps the indirect mention is in the miracle of the Qur’aan, but this time by the prophecies it contains.
Could you please shed some light on this matter: does the pattern hold in these suwar and if so could you please explain how?
Allaahu baarka feeka
AbdulNasir Jangda
August 2, 2011 at 3:25 PM
MashaAllah very astute observation. I will try to reply here, but Ramadan is keeping me busy walhamdulillah. In the meantime, you can listen to the following Tafseer of the beginning of Surah Qalam. I have explained it here: http://bayyinah.com/podcast/2010/12/17/68-qalam-pt-1/
August 3, 2011 at 6:27 PM
As for Surah Maryam, The ayah following the Muqattaat reads: ” Dhikru Raฤฅmati Rabbika `Abdahu Zakarฤซyฤ”
I’m not certain, but perhaps the first two words ‘Dhikr’ and ‘Rahmah’ here could in one sense be alluding to the Quran. The Quran has been described as ‘Dhikr’ (in fact, ‘The Dhikr’) in numerous places in the Quran. e.g. “Inna nahnu nazzalnadh dhikri(Quran) wa inna lahu lahafidhoon’ or ‘Alam ya’ninil latheena aamano an takhsha’a quloobuhum li thikrillah(Quran)”
August 3, 2011 at 6:35 PM
As for Surah Maryam, The ayah following the Muqattaat reads: โ Dhikru Raฤฅmati Rabbika `Abdahu Zakarฤซyฤโ
Iโm not certain, but perhaps the first two words โDhikrโ and โRahmahโ here could in one sense be alluding to the Quran.
The Quran has been described as โDhikrโ (in fact, โThe Dhikrโ) in numerous places in the Quran. e.g. โInna nahnu nazzalnadh dhikri(Quran) wa inna lahu lahafidhoonโ or โAlam yaโninil latheena aamano an takhshaโa quloobuhum li thikrillah(Quran)โ
As for ‘Rahma’, “Yaa iyyuhan naasu qadjaa at kum mau’ithatum mirrabbikum wa shifaa ul lima fissudoori wa hudaun wa Rahmatul(Quran) lil mu’mineen”
Also, in Surah Rahman,” Al Rahman, Allamal Quran.” shows that The greatest mercy of the exceedingly Merciful, the Lord of Mercy is ‘teaching the Quran’. The following third ayah “Khalaqal insaan” in fact shows that The Creation of Humankind ranks lower on the list of the Mercy of Allah than his teaching us the Quran. Teaching the Quran to man is an even greater manifestation of the Rahmah of Allah than creating man in the first place.
Wallahu a’lam
Lubna Ahmed
August 2, 2011 at 8:04 PM
Mash Allah, very useful n love to hear. Looking for the next episode but couldn’t find it. pl post the next one. Eagerly waiting for the next one.
Hena Zuberi
August 2, 2011 at 9:42 PM
Here is the link
August 2, 2011 at 11:57 PM
Salaams Shaykh Abdul Nasir,
Masha Allah, very inspiring commentary.
I just need clarification on one thing. We recently concluded study of Ahkaam Al Janaaiz, by Dr. Bilal Philips (whose work is based on a book of similar name by Shaykh Al Albani). In it he mentioned that the hadeeth encouraging the recitation of Surah Yaseen for the dying – is a very weak hadeeth.
You mentioned it as one of two ahadeeth in your discourse.
Can you (or anyone else who can) please clarify for me.
Jazaakallahu Khairan
AbdulNasir Jangda
August 3, 2011 at 7:05 PM
The Hadith in question is viewed as authentic by many classical and contemporary scholars. It can be found in the Sunan of Abu Dawud, Mustadrak of Hakim, and Musnad of Imam Ahmed.
Allah knows best.
abu Abdullah
August 3, 2011 at 10:03 PM
Dear Shaykh Abdul Nasir, Salamualaikum wa rahmatullah,
We said that, Surah yaseen in the hadith its mentioned is heart of the Qur’an. Can we have authentic isnaad for such a narration. Insh Allah I will appreciate it. I mean, its just part of Qur’an and is important anyways, or is it just one of ways people encourage those small Surah Yaseen only booklets in the sub continent. We should be very careful about where we take our deen from. Jazak Allah khayr jiddan for this series.
Allahu ‘alam, We learn otherwise from here. http://www.islamqa.com/en/ref/6460/
Please understand I wished to make this personal communication and in no means to disrespect or challenge you the least. I understand (and respectfully disagree) the ahnaaf’s tendency to regard even weak hadith for fazail issues. I wished to be aware correctly about the issue and wanted to do it with proper adab but circumstances did not permit me to do so to do it in person.
barak Allah feek, dear Shaykh. may Allah preserve and protect you and your parents. ameen.
PS mash Allah, discussion in the comments about hurf muqattiat in good manners is interesting.
August 3, 2011 at 8:30 PM
August 3, 2011 at 11:36 PM
Shaykh, is there only one grader of hadith to have ever existed? Shaykh Al Albaani was a remarkable man and scholar, may Allah be pleased with him and have mercy on him, but were there other muhadithoon who differed over strengths of ahadith?
August 4, 2011 at 6:51 PM
Yes, one of the major causes of ikhtilaaff/difference of opinion among the scholars throughout the history of Islam has been the authenticity/soudness of the ahadith concerned.
Moreover, the Ulema had varying, legitimate Usool(principles) by which they approached the ahadith. For instance, the Hanafi and Maliki mathhab adopted the principle that ‘The actions of the sahaba or tabi’oon would be given preference over the statements attributed to them.’ So, if Abu Hurayrah(ra) narrated that the Prophet(s) prayed with his hands on the chest, yet the sahabi himself made salah with his hands folded below the chest, his actions would be given preference to his statement, for we believe that he better understood the proper application of the Hadith. (I don’t mean to spark controversy over ‘the proper way to pray’, I want you to get the message conveyed rather than the example itself)
Also, we have accounts of all the four mathahib accepting a Hadith as sound, but while three of them (Imams Abu Hanifa, Shafi’i and Malik) came to one conclusion while Imam Ahmed bin Hambal reached another, apparently opposite conclusion. (I’m referring to the Hadith about the status of the prayer(salah) of a person who, although living close by, does not pray in the Masjid.
So even if the Hadith is accepted unanimously as authentic, it is still, being indefinite in meaning, open to scholarly interpretations.
Another point to take from this example is that, the difference in opinion here arises over a meaning not present in the Arabic statement of the Hadith itself. The interpretations differed over what precise word, which was absent in the Arabic text itself, had to be employed to convey the exact understanding and method of application of the hadith. This is a matter of Arabic linguistics here.
We are used to throwing casual references from the Quran and Sunnah at those who do not accept our position. Most of these legitimate scholarly differences arise due to the text being Dhanni(indefinite) in its thubut(authenticity) or dalalah(meaning).
For understanding and applying a hadith, we clearly need, among other qualifications: An understanding of the Principles of approaching and interacting with the Hadeeth, a deep understanding of the classification of the ahadeeth (Saheeh, Daeef, Hasan, Gharib etc), a sound understanding of Classical Arabic.
These are just some things we require. Most of us clearly don’t qualify as Hadith commentators.
August 4, 2011 at 6:54 PM
Wallahu A’lam
Rellon Lawrence
August 3, 2011 at 3:41 PM
Please make the series downloadable, i would love to have it to keep and reflect. Or hopefully a box set that i can buy, the profits can go to great cause Inshaallah
August 6, 2011 at 5:32 PM
Just have a question, who is the reciter in the beginning? So beautiful, mashAllah, I would really love to know who’s reciting. Jazakallahkhair :)
Abdul Raheem
August 6, 2011 at 7:21 PM
@Sister Rabbia
Sheikh Abdur Rahman Sudais.
Mohammed Sinan
August 8, 2011 at 4:29 AM
Anyone have the audios of these ? my net is not fast enough to download so many videos :( please get back if any thing
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Bint Ishak
August 18, 2011 at 2:43 AM
I truly benefit from all these tafsir classes by Sheikh AbdulNasir Jangda,
May Allah reward all of you..
AbdulNasir Jangda
August 18, 2011 at 4:27 AM
Ameen and JazakAllahu khayran. Please make dua for me and my family.
August 21, 2011 at 7:17 AM
Will this series be added to the MM or Bayinah podcast? It would be great if it could be added.
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