Quandary of Female Vaginal Discharge: Pure or Impure?
When I wrote my last piece on female wet dreams, I received many requests to add a portion on vaginal discharge as well. However, since vaginal discharge is a common quandary among Muslim women and a subject of controversy among the scholars, I wanted to write a separate entry on this.
Regular vaginal discharge has left many sisters confused as to whether a) it is najis (impure) therefore requiring her to wash off undergarments and legs b) it breaks one’s wudu or not. Many sisters turn to one of the most trusted websites, islam-qa, to find answers about this embarrassing and complicated topic. Many of them, then, pass along the answers based on the fatawa posted on the site. Links to the fatwas are listed below the post.
To summarize the info in the links below, feminine discharge has been classified into the same categories as the discharge of males:
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“The water (secretions) of a woman fall into the same categories as water secreted by a man; so maniy [semen; fluid emitted at the point of climax], madhiy [a fluid which is usually secreted as a result of sexual excitement] and wadhiy [a thick, white fluid which may come after urination or due to other reasons such as illness] are all secreted by her.”
It seems like wadhiy is what is considered a normal vaginal discharge, but, it is also assumed in some of the answers, that the vaginal discharge, other than sexual excitement, is only secreted on specific occasion like after urination or due to a disease.
In another fatwa there is specific distinction based on color and secretion. However, in this fatwa the wadhiy or the regular discharge which is named “moisture,” is not to be washed off the garments but it breaks wudu.
After reading these sets of fatawa, I felt more bewildered than educated on this matter. In my humble opinion, male scholars, no matter how much they research about this subject, cannot fully comprehend the complexity of the situation since they don’t experience it themselves. And as much as I love and respect the shayookh on that site, I must respectfully suggest that certain issues need to be taken under consideration before classifying vaginal discharge as a cause of breaking the wudu.
First of all, let it be known that all women have vaginal discharge throughout the day. Some have more, some have less; some women always have white discharge and some have yellowish, and some may even have brownish. Additionally, this also varies based on many factors, like age, hormonal changes, marital status, birth control, pregnancy, stress, psychological tension, physical fatigue, ovulation etc. It would not be incorrect to state that anything and everything not only affects the amount secreted but even the color of it.
This information has been verified by different gynecologists, one of them being Dr. Lalani who answered regarding vaginal discharge:
“Regarding vaginal discharge, yes there is a physiologic or normal discharge that most women have. It can vary from person to person in quantity and quality and vary depending on timing in the menstrual cycle (discharge is greatest at midcycle).”
Keeping this in mind,
1. If regular vaginal discharge breaks wudu, then it means that the majority of the women will have to renew their wudu for almost each and every prayer. Having to renew wudu for each prayer is usually required when a person is going through some sort of “abnormality” in their physique. However, if a discharge is normal, then how can a female be burdened with renewing her wudu for almost every prayer? This basically implies that women cannot stay in the state of taharah (purity) most of the time. Not only it is a hardship upon women while they are staying inside their homes, but more so if they have to leave the house for shopping or traveling, etc. At times, it is difficult to find a spot to pray; now she must go around looking for a bathroom to renew her wudu first!
2. Furthermore, if regular vaginal discharge were to be considered najs in addition to breaking wudu, the hardship would be increased even more. How many times a day is it expected of Muslim females to change their undergarments? In the case of being outside her home, she must find a place to wash off her underwear first, then find a place to renew her wudu, and then find a place to pray! In all honesty, I do not believe that Allah azzawajal would subject women to this great difficulty, wAllahu ta’ala ‘alam.
3. Based on the fatawa above, the vaginal discharge is further classified based on the color and texture. I believe women will easily acknowledge that this is an overly simplistic classification of a very complicated matter. Although, generally each woman knows her “regular” discharge, it can differ in its color and texture at different times of the same day depending on many factors like mental stress, physical stress, ovulation, PMS’ing, etc.
When I posed this question to Dr. Lalani, she answered:
“Yes this is definitely true. In my humble opinion, I don’t think that the discharge of women can be compared to that of men, but I don’t treat men, so if you know a Muslim urologist it may be helpful to get some input.”
4. Another point of classification mentioned in the above fatawa is the fact that female discharge is of two types, one secreting from urethra and the other from the uterus. The first being impure and the latter being pure. I posed this question to Dr. Lalani to find out if it was even practically possible for women to know which opening the discharge was secreted from, and her reply was:
“I think it is impossible to differentiate based on color or texture.”
If the rulings were so complicated, how would a normal-everyday-average-woman that is not knowledgeable about women’s anatomy be able to cope!
5. In addition to the entire dilemma above, some sisters mentioned yet another predicament with regard to above rulings. What happens when females are at Hajj or Umrah? People are told to eat and drink less especially during hajj so they can maintain their wudu for longer periods of time. How practical, during Hajj, is the implication of the ruling that regular vaginal discharge breaks wudu! What can the majority of the women do to keep away from a discharge that is secreted from their body REGULARY and is out of their control? Especially during Hajj, a time when everyone is physically fatigued. During such fatigue, a woman’s body is prone to increase its vaginal discharge, and can even change its color and texture based on the level of stress. Then how can it be expected of a woman to maintain her wudu for longer periods of time, unless what is considered by some scholars a cause of breaking the wudu, is actually not a cause to break the wudu, wAllahu ta’ala ‘alam.
Because of these factors, this predicament has left many Muslim women frustrated. Many sisters still struggle with distinguishing between the color of what marks the beginning and the end of their menstrual cycle, let alone knowing the different color/texture of daily vaginal discharge. Women of all ages, from young girls to older aunties, of various ethnicities, have discussed the dilemma of the inconsistency of the color of the discharge before and after menstruation. It is simply impossible to distinguish the color on a daily basis especially with such a sensitive situation where the prayer can be nullified based on the wrong judgment.
That is why, and Allah knows best, I fear that digging too much into the color and texture is inviting complications upon ourselves, similar to how it was invited by inquiring too much about the color and texture of the cow. For many of us, this issue has raised more questions than answers. And that makes me think, and Allah knows best, that there must be a reason why there is:
1. Lack of Textual Proof: There is no textual proof to make regular vaginal discharge a cause of breaking wudu. If it was a cause then it would have been explicitly mentioned in at least one narration. It is interesting that there are many narrations explicitly mentioning a number of things breaking the wudu, however, regular vaginal discharge has never been mentioned in any one of them.
2. Lack of Questions from the Women of Ansar: We always read about the enthusiasm of the women of the Ansar for learning their religion. It is narrated that Aisha, radiAllahu anha, said:
“How excellent are the women of the Ansar, shyness/modesty does not prevent them from understanding the religion.” (Bukhari)
They would not leave matters in confusion, but would rather find a concrete answer even if it required sending their pads to the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wasalam, to find out if their cycle had ended or not. Is it then logical that they would not specifically question about their regular vaginal secretion?
UNLESS, the discharge was considered so normal and regular that it was obvious that it did not break the wudu. Perhaps, this situation was similar to the saliva in one’s mouth and how swallowing it while fasting does not invalidate one’s fast. But we don’t find any explicit text explaining it neither do we find any companion questioning the Prophet, sallallahu alihi wasalam, about it. Maybe because it was common sense and obvious and that’s why no one ever brought up this issue, wAllahu ta’ala ‘alam.
It may have been the same reason why no female companion ever brought up the issue of regular vaginal discharge. And, maybe, it was considered common sense that classifying it as a cause to break wudu would be a matter of great hardship, and Allah doesn’t intend hardship for us rather He makes matters easy. Similar to how the scholars concluded that since avoiding swallowing of the saliva is extremely difficult while fasting, and sharee’ah wards off unusual difficulty, then it must not be a cause to break one’s fast. Likewise, marking vaginal discharge as a reason to break wudu, doesn’t correspond with the spirit of ease, for Allah azzawajal said:
“Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you” [2:185]
“Allah does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you, and to complete His Favor to you that you may be thankful” [5:6]
“and [Allah] has not laid upon you in religion any hardship” [22:78]
If the textual proof had existed clearly distinguishing vaginal discharge as a cause for breaking wudu, as is the case with the other actions that break wudu and are mentioned clearly in a number of ahadeeth, then we would have withdrawn from the rational argument and would have “heard and obeyed” by Allah’s permission. However, the lack of textual evidence is a strong indication that there is room for logical reasoning.
Moreover, like any fiqhi matter, there is disagreement among the scholars on this issue too. And it seems that Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen changed his opinion by the end of his life, as stated on Islamtoday.com:
“About vaginal discharge by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qasim: ‘What comes from the vagina, emanating from the birth canal, is pure. It requires neither a ritual bath, nor wudu, nor the washing of affected clothing. The reason for this is the absence of any textual evidence – to the extent of my knowledge – that indicates the impurity of this discharge or that it invalidates a woman’s wudu. This is very pertinent, especially since this discharge is something that affects all women, from the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) up to today. If it had been impure or if it had nullified wudu, this would have been clarified by the Lawgiver. Also, this discharge is not a waste product – like urine and feces which are the waste products of our food and drink. It is a natural emanation from the womb. This is why it increases with pregnancy, especially during certain months. This ruling is the final opinion that Sheikh al-`Uthaymeen settled upon at the end of his life. It was also the view of Ibn Hazm. And Allah knows best.’
About vaginal discharge by Sheikh Ahmad al-Khalîl: ‘The moisture which comes out from women’s vagina is a matter of disagreement among scholars. The most correct rule, in my opinion, is that it is pure and does not invalidate wudu.’” (Answered by the Fatwa Department Research Committee – chaired by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhab al-Turayrî)
As for the rulings over other vaginal discharge that is secreted during sexual excitement or intercourse is obviously understandable and applicable as it is occasional and is caused by certain actions that are controllable. Hence, if a woman has discharge during sexual thoughts, foreplay, kissing etc., without an orgasm, then she should renew her wudu. And if she has intercourse, orgasm or a wet dream then she should make ghusal.
To conclude, I am in no position to give verdicts on Islamic rulings, neither is my knowledge anywhere close to the shayookh who have answered the questions in the links below. At the same time, I have not found any sister, so far, who finds the position of those shayookh, with regard to the REGULAR vaginal discharge, as sympathetic or an understanding approach towards female physique. I do believe that since it is a matter that our shayookh have not experienced themselves they cannot fully comprehend the difficulty of the situation, like they understood the situation of swallowing saliva during the fast. Nevertheless, I highly respect them and I understand that this is possibly another issue of ikhtilaf (disagreement). So if sisters choose to follow their position, by all means, the doors of differences of opinions have been left open and we must learn to agree to disagree on matters of fiqh. As for the sisters, who are confused and find the ruling difficult based on what has been discussed above, then they have a choice, in spirit of sharee’ah’s assurance of ease and simplicity, to consider the REGULAR vaginal discharge as pure and not a reason to break the wudu, wAllahu ta’ala ‘alam.
Let me end the article with a note from Shaikh Yasir Qadhi:
“The issue of female vaginal discharges is one of those that appears to be different between ‘theory’ and ‘existence’. Most male scholars simply assumed that it should take the same ruling as that of irregular male discharge (known as wady). This qiyas, in my humble opinion, is simply not warranted.
The average woman emits vaginal secretions throughout the day, albeit most do so in extremely minuscule quantities. Some are able to detect minor discharges, and it is these women who ask the status of wudhu after such a discharge.
Personally, while I do agree that a majority of our (male) scholars have historically considered this discharge to be najas, and to break the wudhu, I think that a feminine perspective is warranted on the issue. When so many women experience this discharge, and no textual evidence appears to indicate its status as najas, I believe that it is completely safe for a woman to follow the opinion that it does not affect the status of her wudhu. Nonetheless, if she were to take the majority opinion, just to be on the safe side, this would also be good.”
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Saba Syed (aka Umm Reem) is the author of International award winning novel, "An Acquaintance." Saba has a BA degree in Islamic Studies. She studied Arabic Language & Literature at Qatar University and at Cairo Institute in Egypt. She also received her Ijaazah in Quranic Hafs recitation in Egypt from Shaikh Muhammad al-Hamazawi. She had been actively involved with Islamic community since 1995 through her MSA, and then as a founding member of TDC, and other community organizations. in 2002, she organized and hosted the very first "Musim Women's Conference" in Houston, TX. Since then, she's been passionately working towards empowering Muslim women through the correct and untainted teachings of Islam. She is a pastoral counselor for marriage & family, women and youth issues. She has hosted several Islamic lectures and weekly halaqas in different communities all over U.S and overseas, also hosted special workshops regarding parenting, Islamic sex-ed, female sexuality, and marital intimacy.
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September 22, 2010 at 8:03 AM
mashAllah. Women really need articles on these topics so that we may understand our deen and our bodies.
It is desperately needed. JazakumAllah khair.
July 3, 2014 at 5:20 AM
I just wanted to ask about the discharges (I’m a young muslim teenage girl and is finding difficulty in keeping my wudhu )
I get them almost everyday it started last year
I used to do a lot of bad things just last year but I stopped as soon as I knew it was haram
It stopped for a few months but then continued months ago till now
It’s difficult for me to stop it
sexual thoughts or not it keeps coming in different colors
Ad when I get them I feel a strange feeling around the stomach area and the urge to use the toilet
I understand the discharges after period but what about that comes regularly
As she said “if these fluids come without orgasm you don’t need to make ghusl”
Sometimes clear , sometimes white and sometimes light yellow-green-like fluid
Sometimes the yellow-green fluid and white ones are spongy like
The yellow-green one sometimes appear dry especially when it’s spongy like
And since I always use a pad it can be a little hard to identify its odor
I do not know if it’s a sickness (because sometimes while im cleaning myself my private parts hurt/burns? i always thought it could come after urine or since the water i used to wash is a bit warmer ) or it’s just me since I had a bad past of these things
is there a cure for it? Please I need answers oh dear brother or sister
July 5, 2014 at 7:08 PM
Assalaamualaikum dear sister,
It appears to me that the discharge you are describing is due to an infection (especially the white “spongy” type which could be due to a yeast infection, also because u described that u feel burning down there. Green could signify infection….and u should not be having the urge to go to the bathroom like that.) I STRONGLY suggest that u go to a doctor and get checked. And don’t worry because if it as infection then yes it can be cured! I hope u get better soon, may Allah help you.
December 17, 2015 at 4:24 PM
Diane, listen, it’s okay if you have discharges. I don’t think that you should pay attention to the different colours of the vaginal discharges. All of us women have discharges with many colors. Only if there is a strong feeling of desire accompanied by contraction of the vagina/uterus and with that feeling you find discharge, then ghusl is required. don’t worry about the feeling in the stomach that makes one want to urinate, I have it sometimes. as long as there are no crazy strong desire accompanied by continuously contraction of the private part, it’s okay (this feeling of crazy desire can be controlled). and like a sister said, please visit a doctor. im replying late so i hope you visited a doctor and that youre okay. I think it might be because of the pad you use. May Allah watch over you and may everything be easy for you and all muslims ameen. And please don’t worry about discharges as the author here said that some shoyuk said that vaginal discharges are pure and don’t required wuduu, and differences of opinions among shoyookh is from Allah’s mercy. So do what’s easy for you :)
December 17, 2015 at 4:42 PM
but try to control that feeling you get in your stomach that makes you want to urinate by saying istighfar. I mean try to distract yourself from it by saying zikr.
December 17, 2015 at 4:49 PM
oh and if there’s weak desire (without any contractions of the private part) and you found discharge then just do wuduu (im not sure though) I’m sorry because umm I mean since some shuyukh said that they’re all pure and don’t required wuduu then you can follow what they said :)
June 11, 2016 at 1:46 PM
Assalaamualaikum sister, discharge which is unaccompanied by feelings of pleasure along with contractions and such is a very normal phenomenon that all of us females go through. It can increase throughout your cycle and change color, and it does not affect wuduu. However, the texture and greenish color you are experiencing might be caused by an infection and if you can, visit a doctor. Discharge caused by sexual arousal requires wuduu and if this sexual arousal causes strong and continuous contractions then you need to do ghusl.
December 14, 2016 at 2:36 PM
Question #: 7673
Date Posted: 31-05-2015
I have regular discharge. I wanted to know if that requires wudu, ghusl or none.
Also, I heard that discharge with desire makes ghuls necessary. What does that mean? How does a woman know if they released something due to desire and how do you know when to do ghusl. Especially for women who discharge regularly.
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
Discharge experienced by women can be of many types: maniy, madhi, wadi, or discharge which is none of the above three.
1) Maniy is a sexual fluid which exits the private parts with ‘extreme’ desire (orgasm) or sexual climax (meaning, at the peak of sexual excitement) with sexual fulfilment and is accompanied by contractions, such as during sexual intercourse. For women, it is a thin yellow fluid. A Ghusl is necessary after the exiting of Maniy, and it is impure. The discharge of Maniy can also take place during sleep, and also through the unlawful act of masturbation. It is a common discharge in men, and not so common in women.
2) Madhy is a pre-sexual fluid which exits when one is aroused, e.g. sexual thoughts, foreplay, etc.
3) Wady is a fluid which exits after urinating.
Only Wudu is necessary after Madhy and Wady, but both are impure.
Note that the difference between Maniy and the other two is that in the case of Maniy the desire has to reach its peak and climax (orgasm) and there are also contractions, whilst in the case of Madhy and Wady, it is only mild arousal.
4) The fourth typeof discharge requires some detail:
a) At times, the ‘discharge’ could simply be the natural moisture/sweat of the body. This moisture is produced on the outside, i.e. the vulva, which is naturally a moist organ. This moisture/sweat is pure and does not necessitate Ghusl or Wudu.
b) Another possibility is that it could be actual discharge from the vagina (the part which is penetrated during sexual intercourse). This too is a moist organ because of the glands on the walls which secrete moisture for cleansing and comfort purposes. This “chronic female vaginal discharge” (called rutubat al-farj) is also pure and does not invalidate Wudu unless it is discoloured with blood or Madhy. This discharge is not due to illness and comes out normally and regularly in many women, and is clear white and not discoloured. When possible, it is better to perform Wudu in this case but not necessary.
c) Another type of discharge is that which comes from beyond the vagina, such as the cervix, and usually secretes when ovulating and is stretchy and clear. The discharge from anywhere beyond the vagina is considered impure and invalidates Wudu. (Based mainly on Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanawi’s Imdad al-Fatawa 1/65 and Rad al-Muhtar)
(قَوْلُهُ: بِرُطُوبَةِ الْفَرْجِ) أَيْ: الدَّاخِلِ بِدَلِيلِ قَوْلِهِ أَوْلَجَ. وَأَمَّا رُطُوبَةُ الْفَرْجِ الْخَارِجِ فَطَاهِرَةٌ اتِّفَاقًا اهـ ح. وَفِي مِنْهَاجِ الْإِمَامِ النَّوَوِيِّ رُطُوبَةُ الْفَرْجِ لَيْسَتْ بِنَجِسَةٍ فِي الْأَصَحِّ. قَالَ ابْنُ حَجَرٍ فِي شَرْحِهِ: وَهِيَ مَاءٌ أَبْيَضُ مُتَرَدِّدٌ بَيْنَ الْمَذْيِ وَالْعَرَقِ يَخْرُجُ مِنْ بَاطِنِ الْفَرْجِ الَّذِي لَا يَجِبُ غَسْلُهُ، بِخِلَافِ مَا يَخْرُجُ مِمَّا يَجِبُ غَسْلُهُ فَإِنَّهُ طَاهِرٌ قَطْعًا، وَمِنْ وَرَاءِ بَاطِنِ الْفَرْجِ فَإِنَّهُ نَجِسٌ قَطْعًا كَكُلِّ خَارِجٍ مِنْ الْبَاطِنِ كَالْمَاءِ الْخَارِجِ مَعَ الْوَلَدِ أَوْ قُبَيْلَهُ. اهـ. وَسَنَذْكُرُ فِي آخِرِ بَابِ الِاسْتِنْجَاءِ أَنَّ رُطُوبَةَ الْوَلَدِ طَاهِرَةٌ وَكَذَا السَّخْلَةُ وَالْبَيْضَةُ. (قَوْلُهُ: أَمَّا عِنْدَهُ) أَيْ: عِنْدَ الْإِمَامِ، وَظَاهِرُ كَلَامِهِ فِي آخِرِ الْفَصْلِ الْآتِي أَنَّهُ الْمُعْتَمَدُ (رد المحتار)
And Allah knows best
[Mawlana] Ibrahim Peerbhai
Checked and approved by:
[Mufti] Muhammad ibn Adam
Darul Iftaa
Leicester , UK
July 20, 2014 at 12:01 PM
Asalamualaykum brother or sister
I’m confused
What if one feels wetness even without thoughts
(I always fear this wetness coming and sometimes it does and im worried about it)
what if there is no discharge on the undergarment but might or have felt slimy wetness while washing the private parts
As it was said “the private part of a girl is always wet”
So how to tell if its there or not if its not even seen on the undergarment
I always get it so I’m unsure of it
also does it break fast?
Pls reply
December 17, 2015 at 4:37 PM
wetness (and vaginal discharge) doesnt break fast, sister. As long as there is no crazy feeling of desire with contraction of the private part then you found directly after the time of contraction the presence of discharge, then you have to do ghusl. that’s all I guess. I follow that to be honest with you. vaginal discharges cannot be stopped dear sister. How can we stop it? We can’t. Therefore, in Ramadan there must be no orgasm and your fast won’t be broken because if a lady doesnt experience orgasm then her fast is not broken. so don’t worry, okay? May Allah watching over you and make everything easy for you and all muslims amen :) i hope i made it clear for you that wetness is very normal
December 17, 2015 at 4:52 PM
if there is weak desire (without contractions of the private part) and you found discharges, you can do wuduu. I’m not sure though dear sister but since some shoyookh said that vaginal discharges are pure then you can follow that :)
Middle Way
January 10, 2016 at 2:22 AM
I Just came from a woman circle today where we discussed regular woman discharge- the lady sheik (may Allah bless her and open her mind more) has basically told each of us to cover the mouth of vagina with a cotton or tissue DAILY to not let the regular discharge ( in subject here) to prevent touching us or even underwear..so as it breaks Wudhu.And cant pray like that. She said she does that since she is 11 yr old and she daily changes those cottons or tissues etc( not talking bout pads here).
So this would allow a woman to keep taheer and able to pray. I opposed to her logicaly saying excatly what you mentioned above in this article. I have 4 kids and have always had regular clean looking vaginal discharge. I also work 8-5 everyday out in corporate im the only breadwinner for my children. I dont mind making wudhu for each prayer but cant imagine to wash- change my underwear- or cotton balls (!) for each prayer. How would sahabee women did with it out in desert ???
Since our gathering today and my argument with lady sheik then its been 4 hours and I was eating my heart out feeling guilty and less of a muslim by arguing her. But Now I felt Overjoyed that I was not wrong. My logic would not accept How Allah SWT would put us in such hardship..and how come we never saw an actual text evidence of this. MOST definitely we NEEDED THIS ARTICLE JAZAAAAKALLAH KHAYRAN
Umm 'Aaishah
May 26, 2018 at 6:58 PM
Jazakillaah Khayra for this article.
May Allaah guide us to what is best. Aameen
I usually use Islamqa website,May Allaah bless it
Just because you don’t agree with a Scholar does not mean that they should be disrespected.They have dedicated years of their life to spread the dheen and show people the right way
Umm Reem
September 22, 2010 at 8:18 AM
wa iyyaki…
wow…ur spa sounds fabulous mashaAllah!
September 23, 2010 at 10:50 PM
Asalumalaykum Umm Reem,
Jazak Allah alf khayr for this post. I’ve been married just two months Alhamdulillah and in the first month of our marriage, Ramadan had started. I went insane looking online for information about whether or not I have to take ghusl and whether my fast breaks due to discharge due to fondling while fasting. Till now, I found almost nothing and I couldn’t believe that this issue is not addressed clearly, or atleast that information about it is not available online. If you do know a shaykh who could clarify this point, I would be very grateful. Wassalam.
June 14, 2016 at 10:33 PM
salam dear sister um reem, please kindly tell me where can i find sheikhs changed his opinion in his last days on this matter, i will really appreciate that jazak-Allah
Daily Hadith Online
September 22, 2010 at 8:36 AM
Thank you for the lesson.
Daily Hadith Online
September 22, 2010 at 8:38 AM
I am just a customer. However I wish to spread the word on the allowed (not the prohibited, i.e eyebrow threading) women-only services.
I just got a haircut from there yesterday and was pleased with the results.
Just as it is difficult to find fulfilling explanations by Muslims on female related topics, it is also just as difficult to find a fulfilling women-only spa owned by a Muslimah
abu Rumay-s.a.
September 22, 2010 at 9:14 AM
jazakie Allahu khairun for the clarification…
I recall reading that Ali (ra) had a case of excretion at certain point in his life and that article mentioned sprinkling of water in that area where one sees it to cast out doubt that it maybe najis and that was in specific to uncontrollable discharge…is that something that would also be recommended in case of discharge of wadihy (some one pls correct me if I’m wrong, I dont have the source with me right now and it was quite some time ago)..
Also, is there another way to access those fatwas from islam-qa, that site is now banned from Saudi as a result of a new law that only government body can issue fatwas, that also applied to the arabic section of Shaikh Salman’s site (www.islamtoday.net), therefore I didn’t get a chance to read the fatwas you posted..
thanks again..
Umm Reem
September 22, 2010 at 11:41 AM
I recall the incident of Ali (ra) but I din’t quite understand your question, r u referring to wadihy for women’s regular discharge? if so than if one doesn’t believe it to be najs than there is no need to sprinkle water, wAllahu ta’ala ‘alam
And as for the islamqa, my sister recently told me who also lives in Saudi…it is funny that a saudi based website is banned in saudi!
I can try to email you the fatwas inshaAllah!
September 25, 2010 at 8:12 PM
@Abu Rmaysa
If you want to access islamqa in Saudi, simply google the question and click on “cached link” instead of the main link. You can also use http://cloud7.cz.cc/ as a bypass website and access islamqa. Hope it helps.
abu Rumay-s.a.
September 26, 2010 at 3:08 PM
thanks to both of you…
September 22, 2010 at 11:07 AM
Props to MuslimMatters for not being shy to discuss topics like these! JazechAllah khaira Umm Reem.
September 22, 2010 at 1:22 PM
A much needed and much appreciated article, JazakAllahuKheiran!
Ify Okoye
September 22, 2010 at 1:28 PM
Jazaki’Allah khayr, Umm Reem. Well said, I’ve always found it strangely more theoretical than practical to have men try to speak with any authority about women’s discharge because even though they may ask women about it, they have no real idea about it anymore than women can imagine what male physiology and regular discharge is like. And this issue has certainly led to quite a bit of neuroses because the issue of the validity of one’s salah is so incredibly important.
Umm Reem
September 23, 2010 at 1:15 AM
wa iyyaki ify!
that’s true but at the same time we, sisters, too shy away from asking questions until we are satisfied with the answer.
I was told by a dear friend, very reliable source, how a sister in saudi found sh. ibn uthaimeen’s previous fatwa on this issue perplexing, and she kept approaching him until he was convinced that this issue was not as simple as it seems…rahimuhullah changed his opinion during his last days!
January 7, 2013 at 6:15 PM
subhanAllah i can’t believe he changed his mind! Alhumdulillah! this issue has been bothering me for a long time, and its a HUGE relief to find the discussion from a sister’s point of view which is more practical and understanding, instead of the somewhat inconsiderate rulings presented by male shuyookh (with all due respect to them)
September 22, 2010 at 1:57 PM
Excellent article and much-needed. We studied this topic in Arees, and I also came to the conclusion that had it been something that nullified wudu, there would have been some evidence of this in the sunnah. It also goes against reason to think that something that Allah made as a constant emission would break wudu. Very good article, indeed.
sister Li
July 28, 2014 at 6:10 AM
Assalamualaikum Sister
I have a question
What if one sister is new to this “puberty”
And has no idea of the discharges or is unsure if what she feels is pleasure
how will she understand or confirm if the discharge she is getting clean or requires ghusl? What if it was continuous and what if it comes out in different colors of the discharge
As i have read
The semen(maniy) of a woman/girl is thin and yellow and has a bad odour
If it comes out and seen on the garment
Ghusl is required
But what if it was not seen in her underwear does she still have to do ghusl? Or is just washing the private part enough?
Also if the fluid is white or transparent-like
With a little bit of green/yellowish like fluid is with it but has no bad smell
Is ghusl required?
What if she was outside
For example some place like the mall
And there is no place there that she can perform ghusl
How will she pray?
They said if ghusl cant be performed then do tayamum
But what if there is no clean dirt to be found nor water to perform ghusl and the time of prayer is almost over?
How will she deal with it?
December 17, 2015 at 5:03 PM
Sister, all I know is that if you have strong crazy desrire accompanied by contraction of the vagina/uterus and after these contractions directly you found discharges then ghusl is obligatory. But if there’s no crazy desire plus contraction plus discharges then why do ghusl?
It’s okay if vaginal discharges have different colors. This is normal with all of us ladies. So don’t worry dear sister.
By the way this crazy desire plus contraction of private part and then emission of discharges is called orgasm. During orgasm, a lady feels her heartbeats go faster and feels warmer. Plus contraction of private part then discharge.
If that doesn’t happen then don’t bother yourself :)
May Allah watching over you and make things easy for you and all muslims ameen
September 22, 2010 at 2:02 PM
JazakAllahu khair!!
This whole issue of white discharge is so cloudy.
All this time I have been following the opinion that it invalidates wudu and subhanAllah this was so hard to follow. It opens the door to so many waswasas because when your praying you ‘think’ white discharge has been excreted so then you check and theres nothing there. Sometimes I would pray really fast before the discharge comes because the wudu facilities in public places aren’t so good or other times I would delay my prayer very close to its end time… But all this is just not practical especially when you are working outside!
Alhamdulilah. This all makes sense. Closes the door to so many doubts, walhamdulilah.
Nevertheless, I’ll still try to follow the majority opinion whilst I am at home and its easy for me but not when I go outside for work. It’s difficult and at times makes salah purification a burden for me ( May Allah forgive me and forgive us all )
September 22, 2010 at 2:18 PM
posting my comment again! didnt seem to work..
thanks, love your insight and mercy! may Allah reward you for representing the women who have a trail of children at the mall doing who knows what while she makes wudu in a public restroom.
also, just thought you might be intersted in this blog entry I found online. Some sisters and I were discussing the popular issue. The commentators of the blog have seem to miss the whole point of wudu. Just thought you might be interested to see what other believers believe.
September 22, 2010 at 5:57 PM
Found the article very informative.. us guys arent usually allowed to stay in sessions that talk about women purification.
September 22, 2010 at 6:21 PM
I am so glad that this article exists because for the longest time I am torn between making wudhu and not. I usually make wudhu for every single prayer, but sometimes it is hard when I am out. Plus discharge comes and goes or gets more and then not noticeable maybe. It’s so confusing! And I always feel funny when I think about the discharge as coming under the same ruling as semen… I will continue to make wudhu before each prayer as much as possible. I feel better when I do anyways.
September 22, 2010 at 8:13 PM
JazakiAllah khair, this was so beneficial and much needed. I think this issue has plagued many sisters for so long. I always felt a little uncomfortable with the issue of discharge being compared to someone with urinary incontinence too, as I’ve read in some popular fatwas. Nonetheless I still tried my best to make wudu before the prayers, feeling anxious that my prayers might not be accepted if I did not, since from what I had always read the discharge did indeed break wudu. But this article really makes one think about this issue more.. and reading Shaykh Uthaymeen’s last fatwa about the issue, rahimullah, makes me feel alot more comfortable adopting this opinion about it. It definitely was difficult feeling like I could never be in a state of wudu for too long, before I would need to renew it!
September 22, 2010 at 8:47 PM
JazakhiAllahu Khieran Umm Reem.
This was very much needed. May Allah increase you in ilm.
Umm Reem
September 23, 2010 at 1:05 AM
wa iyyaki, amin!
July 30, 2015 at 7:14 AM
Salams Sister Reem, thank you for this article. I suffer from chronic yellow discharge and have seen doctors, had multiple tests (even a d&c)!, tried antibiotics and probiotics, used kursufs and pads…discussed the issue with male and female scholars…but still feel so overburdened, paralysed at times. The question of ” if I don’t repeat my istinja and wudu, my prayers may not get accepted”…this is one of the greatest causes of anxiety for me and discourages me from leaving my house. Cleansing oneself and repeating wudu is extremely difficult outside of the house.
Since your last update, has there been any further discussion on this issue by the shayookh?
Could this issue be re-visited and addressed by the scholars? I am trying to follow the majority opinion, but it is so very difficult and depressing.
Thank you!
September 22, 2010 at 9:42 PM
How about air that comes out from the vagina? Is that considered to invalidate wudu?
* note: The air comes into to your body when you are sitting down etc and then when you stand up you can feel it pass. This air doesnt come from your body and is not the waste product of food + drink.
I hope you can clarify this issue too!
[ I know Islam QA says it doesn’t but I have heard other scholars say it does… not sure! ]
Umm Reem
September 23, 2010 at 8:24 AM
Allah knows best…
Yasir Qadhi
September 24, 2010 at 8:21 AM
Salaam Alaikum
This air does not originally emanate from within the body but rather from without (as you yourself point out). Therefore in my humble opinion it has no bearing on one’s wudhu.
Allah knows best…
September 25, 2010 at 9:46 AM
JazakAllahu khair, Shaykh.
So that’s two doubts cleared.
JazakAllahu khair, Umm Reem, for bringing up this issue. It all makes sense.
September 22, 2010 at 9:44 PM
jazaky Allahu khayrun Umm Reem! Masha’Allah this was a great article and very much needed! I appreciate you writing on so called taboo topics!
Umm Reem
September 23, 2010 at 1:07 AM
wa iyyaki…there are more coming in future inshaAllah, make du’a i get barakah in my time :)
September 22, 2010 at 10:08 PM
I have to concur with the rest of the comments and say jazaki Allah khair for discussing this issue. It is something that isn’t addressed very often, and we, as women, need it to be!
September 23, 2010 at 12:44 AM
JazakiAllahu khair for this article! If one of the MM Shuyukh would not mind sharing their reflections on the article and conclusion that would be highly helpful!
Umm Reem
September 23, 2010 at 1:08 AM
wa iyyaki…
read the part after the conclusion, sh. yq has given his reflections after reviewing the article.
September 23, 2010 at 1:48 AM
Jazakillah sister! It’s as if you penned my very thoughts on this subject. Great article.
Just a correction: Didn’t the women send their pads to Aisha r.a and not the Prophet sws?
September 23, 2010 at 1:55 AM
Interesting yet very gross…
September 24, 2010 at 1:21 AM
I take it your a brother. :S
Muslima muwahida
August 27, 2016 at 6:19 AM
does your mommy know what you are doing on the internet?
September 23, 2010 at 3:05 AM
jazakhillah for the article, this was really necessary. I read the islamqa fatawa and they don’t make much sense.
Women should give rulings about women issues, I found some of the text of the islamqa fatawa so ignorant of female issues that it was almost insulting to read
Umm Reem
September 23, 2010 at 8:33 AM
wa iyyaki….
just a small correction, *I* am not issuing a fatwa, i am simply highlighting the other opinion from the people of knowledge…it seemed like that this opinion was not as vocalized as it should have been
i myself am in no authority to issue verdicts….hope that’s clear…
September 24, 2010 at 12:45 AM
Yes, Islam q-a is hardly the authoritative site for any Muslim with an ounce of sense or of humanity. Such quotes as “Men are better than women” and ridiculous rulings stating that women shouldn’t drive because “men are more deserving” of the privilege, and that women should not be allowed to attend women’s-only gyms, book clubs, or social groups because they’ll annoy their husbands by talking about their own interests should be evidence enough that any opinion issued at the site is less than reliable and definitely not reflective of the majority of scholars’ opinions.
September 24, 2010 at 1:30 AM
Your post has really upset me Sister. I don’t know what your intentions are but it has really made me sad.
IslamQA might have fatwas that you may not like but lets not forget that these fatwas are coming from reputable scholars who have sacrificed their lives for Islam, they are the ones who have inherited from the Prophet (S). It is not befitting for us to talk about them in such way.
May Allah have mercy on ALL the scholars of Islam.
September 24, 2010 at 1:34 AM
Scholars at the end of the day are humans and they too make mistakes. Just remember this hadiths, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “During judging a case, if the judge exerts an effort to reach the right judgment and he reaches it, he gets two rewards; and if he exerts an effort to reach the right judgment but he errs, he gets one reward†(Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Read this too: http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?pagename=IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar/FatwaE/FatwaEAskTheScholar&cid=1119503549656
September 24, 2010 at 3:04 AM
My intention is to point out the woman-hating on Islam q-a.
You’re upset by my post, yet not upset that men who purport to be scholars are belittling women and contradicting the rights we were given by our Creator? Put aside your awe of the scholars for a moment and have some rahma for your sisters who are being dehumanized by such men.
Just because they’re scholars doesn’t mean no one can contradict them when they are obviously wrong and abusing their position.
Umm Reem
September 24, 2010 at 4:33 AM
@ Amal,
true…scholars are humans and they can certainly make mistakes. But we must disagree in respectful way and definitely with proof/evidence.
I am sorry if you found some answers on the site as harsh but I don’t think they were meant to dehumanize or belittle women, inshaAllah.
September 25, 2010 at 3:06 AM
astaghfirullah, wasn’t my intention to upset anyone sister, i fully repect the shuyukh, and just said how I felt about it. maybe also a lot is lost in translation between the arabic and english
Umm Reem
September 24, 2010 at 4:26 AM
jazakAllah khair sister amal for sharing your thoughts :)
Before i proceed, this article was not meant to be an islam-qa bashing piece. I hold that site in very high esteem and in fact consult it before i research elsewhere…no doubt the shayookh answering questions there are some of the most knowledgeable people of our time, rahimuhumallah.
Sometimes i find the translation in English not a 100% match of what they say in Arabic and sound harsher than what they may be saying in real life… i know that these people are not misogynist neither will they hold back the rights from Muslim women that their Creator has granted them.
At the same time, many of the answers that seem harsh deal with societal/social issues and lack any textual proof. When I was in US, even i used to find some of the answers quite harsh but only after moving to middle east did i realize that it is simply because of cultural differences.
Don’t be mistaken. The women here are not oppressed or abused rather what seems normal to us is not normal for them and what is normal for them may not be normal for us. And for that reason, i highly recommend that for such issues we don’t refer to islam-qa but consult a local shaikh, and similarly eastern women should stick to their local shayookh and not refer to western opinions, wAllahu ta’ala ‘alam…
September 23, 2010 at 8:11 AM
yes, i think men, especially those without a medical background, should be really cautious about issuing fatwas relating to the intricacies of women’s physiology. a misundestanding on the part of scholars about vaginal discahrge might have unnecesarily pathologiesed and burdened some women. you can almost imagine some poor reader looking at this fatwa and saying, “so that’s why i have to stay in my home”..
Umm Reem
September 23, 2010 at 8:39 AM
yes i agree…people of knowledge should thoroughly consult the doctors and random women to get an idea before issuing verdicts….and at the same time if women find a fatwa difficult and burdensome than they should speak up and bring it to the scholar’s attention….
I remember how Umar (ra) consulted his daughter, Hafsa (ra), when he heard a woman cry for her husband (who had gone with the army and hadn’t return for a long time, and she was crying that if it wasn’t for the fear of Allah she would have committed adultery….
Umar (ra) upon hearing this, inquired from her daughter that how long a woman can “survive” without her husband and she said four months…then he issued a verdict that a soldier cannot stay beyond four months away from his wife…
subhanAllah…indeed among the companions we find examples for us to follow….
October 7, 2010 at 12:20 PM
Salaam, I heard that incident before as well. Do you have the source for it?
September 23, 2010 at 9:05 AM
ABOVE SHOULD READ: “..stay in THEIR home..”
September 23, 2010 at 12:39 PM
jazakillah khair sister for the article. I just like to add that Shaykh Jamal discussed this issue in detail in his class on “Fiqh as Sunnah”. Here are the notes from the class.
The inside of the female private part has a membrane which needs to be moist and discharges regularly.
? This is normal for every women.
? There is fluid in the women’s private part to keep the membrane moist.
? This can appear anytime and does not do anything with sexual matter and can appear many times a day. Diff for diff women.
? This fluid is coming from the membrane itself not from any other source.
? Is this impure or not ?
o Abdul Aziz Bin Baaz, Salih Al Fawzan said it is impure.
o Many of the scholars says that it is impure also breaks the wudu.
o It is more similar to fluid that other parts of the body produce like sweat, spit, tears, since the place where it is coming from is the one which distinguished this fluid from the sweat and others. But the generation of this is similar that of sweat?.
o Without any evidence we cannot say it is impure and it was inflicting at the time of Prophet (sallAllah u alayhi wasallam) as well i.e. ummul balwa(general affliction).
o So it is pure and does not break the Wudu based on this principle.
o Ibn Utahymeen of the opinion it is pure and it invalidates the wudu.
o A Saudi Medical Doctor Ruqayyaih conducted 12 years of research on this before Sh. Ibn Uthaymeen died. She said once a young girl came to her and asked her what is the ruling on a female who does not wash of this discharge(which she mistakenly thought was sexual fluid) for 2 and half years.Finally Dr. Ruqayyah found out that the young lady was talking about the Female secretion. She researched on this issue, the source of it etc. and then she took her research to Sh. Ibn Uthaymeen an Sh Albani. Both Shuyookh changed their opinion that it is pure and does not require wudhu. Shaykh Bin Baz who she was not able to get to(because he passed away) held the opinion that it is impure and requires wudhu.
(rahimahumullah ajma3een).
o This issue has not been talked about in most of the Fiqh books. And Allah Knows Best.
Classes start with Shaykh Jamal this Sunday inshAllah. Enroll online at http://www.jamaalzarabozo.com.
September 24, 2010 at 1:24 AM
JazakAllahu Khair!
September 24, 2010 at 8:43 AM
wa iyyak!
September 23, 2010 at 3:21 PM
Surely these scholars have wives, and surely Islam has had women scholars at least in the past. If so why has there not been something comprehensive on this matter?
Given half the ummah are women, as well as women being physiologically far more complex, I am surprised there isn’t a fuller detail on this matter, especially one that takes into account the practicalities of life.
Also with advancements in understanding, it is reasonable to assume scholars may change their views based on this.
The problem with something like Islam QA is that an answer can only be as good as the question and sometimes it is hard to draw out a useful answer if the full detail is not given. Perhaps we should rely more on establishing a local imam or student of knowledge for such questions so that we get the benefit of being able to explain in detail as well as provide context of the environment we live in.
Allah knows best
September 24, 2010 at 12:48 AM
“Surely these scholars have wives, and surely Islam has had women scholars at least in the past. If so why has there not been something comprehensive on this matter?”
Perhaps because those who came before us had the good sense to realize that the naturally occurring and ever present fluid of the vagina (much like the moisture in one’s nose, or one’s saliva) is not filth. Since it’s so very obvious, perhaps they assumed that their descendants would also be rational and thoughtful enough to avoid obsessing over something so obviously natural and clean?
September 24, 2010 at 8:46 AM
yes, that discharge is essential to vaginal health. the mucus membrane of the vagina maintains itself and the continuous discharge is but a completely natural and healthy result of this process.
“The vagina is self-cleansing and therefore usually needs no special treatment. Doctors generally discourage the practice of douching. Since a healthy vagina is colonized by a mutually symbiotic flora of microorganisms that protect its host from disease-causing microbes, any attempt to upset this balance may cause many undesirable outcomes, including but not limited to abnormal discharge and yeast infection. The acidity of a healthy vagina is due to lactic acid secreted by symbiotic microorganisms which retards the growth of many strains of dangerous microbes.”
September 23, 2010 at 3:39 PM
I recommend the book “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” by Tony Weschler to every woman out there. The book will teach you everything you need to know about your body, and goes into depth about vaginal discharge and how it is a perfectly natural and healthy part of the woman and her reproductive cycle. It is actually plays a key role in achieving pregnancy.
In summary the author points out that unless the discharge has a bad smell or is any color beyond the normal (abnormal as in brown, greenish, red), it is a completely natural part of your cycle.
September 23, 2010 at 4:01 PM
how many women have been unnecessarily burdened by not questioning these rulings?
unfortuantely, this ignorance of female physiology remains widespread even amongst women and that cuts across all faiths/groups. i was on a website once on which some of the women said that until fairly late in life, they actually thought they urinated out of their vaginas, a lot of women don’t fully understand the menstual cycle. i think the fact that women don’t question these rulings comes down to the fact that female genitalia is associated with impurity and false beliefs about menstrual blood being thought of as more highy polluting and toxic than other bloods. there is no basis for this in islam but in many societies these beliefs remain strong. look at the popularity of these potentially harmful douches and perfumes that are marketed to women in the west. in very many societies.
so, it’s not jsut school boys with their false beliefs about erect nipples being a sign of sexual arousal (rather than a sign she’s freezing) but women themselves who need to be disabused of some of the myths concerning their genitalia.
September 24, 2010 at 2:28 AM
i agree with you there, it is education and questioning things that get rid of ignorance. Ignorance in itself is nothing that is incurable, i’m for instance am quite ignorant about mathematics. Women are often even too shy to talk about these issues even with their own family, since I grew up in a household as almost the only female I did not have anyone I trust. Maybe that’s why I’d prefer to have fatawa about female things issued by females or even if it’s just advice. It always has a strange flavour when a male discusses female genitalia
September 23, 2010 at 7:15 PM
I read the title and remembered Sheikh Uthaymeen’s(rahimahullah) fatwa that it is pure after he’d consulted a doctor and he gave a logical reasoning for it,which is why I never had to think too much on the topic, Alhamdulilah.
Jazakillahu Khairan ukhti.
September 23, 2010 at 7:55 PM
Jazakum Allah khair for this fantastic article!!!!! I have just been stressing about this very issue and feeling handicapped by the fact that I couldn’t access any well-informed scholarship about the question. It just seemed absolutely improbable that Allah swt would require *all* women to be in a constant state of losing wudu! And the male scholars seemed totally unaware of the fact that *every* woman between puberty and menopause has continuous normal healthy vaginal discharge throughout the month – whether much or little….!
Anyway thank you SO much for addressing this essential point.
umm Ibrahim
September 23, 2010 at 11:30 PM
ma sha Allah, great and interesting read. I for one never knew some scholars considered regular normal vaginal discharge as nullifying the wudu subhannallah. This brings me to the question of abnormal vaginal discharge for example if one is having a yeast infection or something worse..and it changes color , odor or becomes more abundant.
Is there any ruling on this?
Jazakillah khair.
September 24, 2010 at 11:16 AM
salamu ‘alaikum,
before i had read this article (like 2 days ago), and apparently my husband had read it…he quizzed me, as he likes to : so, do you know if you have to make wudu for your vaginal discharges? Without even thinking I said, no, it never even occurred to me as necessary as it is just how women are. I never considered it najas or a cause to redo wudu. Then he smiled and said the majority of scholars have said it is but there’s an article on Muslimmatters that suggests what you have said.
i just now read the article and I can totally relate to the point that the ansar women/sahabiyyat never asked this question…like, i would have never thought to ask either because it feels common sense that it’s a non-issue. not till i read this article did i realize it’s an issue that ppl have asked about.
jazakillah khair for posting on this!
September 24, 2010 at 12:26 PM
Jazakillah khair Umm Reem.
I have to admit to being in the seriously confused camp when I started practicing. And yes, Hajj was hard for that reason!
This topic reminds me of the need for more shaykhas (not sure of the plural of shaykha!). I have only met one in my life (knowingly), and perhaps the article will inspire more to step forward, insha’Allah. :)
Mehdi Sheikh
September 24, 2010 at 2:59 PM
A very beneficial article Insha’Allaah. May Allaah increase Sister Umm Reem in benefit.
I think that in many ways its good that the women of the Ansaar did not ask too many questions concerning these private matters. By leaving these questions unaddressed it left the matter upto the discrestion of the sisters themselves. Perhaps if the questions were raised the matter may have become restrictive and we’d have people claiming that a bunch of men gave us rules about somehting of which we had no idea.
This also goes to show you the importance of having women raised as Aalimahs. Many men go out to seek knowledge of the deen but for many cultural, worldly and even practical reasons most women are unable to do so. Maybe in the future insha’Allaah.
September 24, 2010 at 10:27 PM
salam alaikum
This case reminds me the practical method which the Muslim jurists adopted to treat some private matters of women. in more than one occasions scholars would ask their relative women to describe any matter naturally happening with them in explicit… before passing any decree or taking any stance.
they would likely want to know the nature of matter, how it occurs, to what extent it affects ….. etc…. Allahu Akbar.
the current article denotes the nature of this matter as well and how it occurs …and supports its stance with some verifications from the specialist. All these ways makes the finding more convincing. likewise, the article strictly makes use of some considerable rules of jurists in arriving to a decree on any matter…
I concur with you on this fatwa as it is rightly proved and guided with the rules on which Islamic decree is based…Although, this article came as an abundant effort supporting the finding from Dr. Rukayyah Bint Muhammad Al-Muhaarib on the course. I read for the latter writer some months ago and when I found the current discussion I feel more contented to pass on this fatwa.
Jazakillahu Khairan Umm Reem… and May Allah provide you with more knowledge and wisdom… put more effort and may Allah crown it for you with Aljannatul Firdous.
September 25, 2010 at 12:10 AM
Jazak Allah Khair
A truly beneficial article I struggle with this issue and have been considering myself in the state of Istihadha but good to know there are opinions outside the majority and good to see the opposing evidence. Also have been wondering about the air which enters and then leaves the vagina and wondered about its ruling JKK to Sh Yasir for addressing it.
May Allah increase the female Ulama so that such important matters are also addressed for us.
September 25, 2010 at 2:56 AM
the whole discussion and some fatawa (not all, and with respect to the shuyukh who wrote it) reminds me of Al Baqara.
Why? The whole surah is full of important commands and laws of Islam, but it is named after the story of the Cow sacrifice from chapter 67 onwards. This story explains how Allah commands Musa saw to sacrifice a cow but the jews found it so difficult to find a suitable animal. they went hugely into detail and made a fuss out of it that it was said that they almost didn’t sacrifice it. For me the naming of the surah indicates how important it is that the practice of Islam should be easy and hair splitting should be discouraged.
This is about worship, and we should not overcomplicate things and not delay our salah or even tell women that they have to undergo hardship and do complicated things to be able to worship Allah swt.
Just my thoughts you might not agree
September 25, 2010 at 11:48 AM
well, i agree!
September 26, 2010 at 2:56 PM
Jezaki kair sister
i thank you for this article , event though i agree with some and did not agree with other point,,, as i try to find this thing answer ,, alhamdu lilah i just use pad ,, and each azan time or before praying just go change the pad and clean and pray. rather than praying with discharge that will make my mind cleaner to pray. in imam shafi i heard it is nejes inpur in imam malik we can pray alahu aelem i heard it at mosqu.
it is good rather than saying our shaks do not know bec they did not exprience it why???????? a lot of our deen has been transferd by man like prophet sahaba sososososo most of the thing they teach or told us did not experienc it our deen came directly from allah and jebril then who has to experienc the thing?????????
mentiinig this subject is very good for all of us who are woman in this site alhamdu lilah but we realy has to be very carful how we address it… everything has a reason and allha only knows all reason .
for me as having ragular discharge all the time … each time i do wudo sometime it is so diffuclut but i have hope that i will get more ager.. more reward. i do my best each time when i go out i just use any toilet just to change bad now days it is not hard there is a lot of things we can use . to protect our underwear.
about hajje inchalla we can do our best to be clean and for that situwation we can pray or du our tewaf,,, that is hard i know but as u mention for those kind of siutuation those ayat u mention work. that he will not make things difficult for us .
i know some girl bec of lazyness they just hold there wudu from zuhr till isha and conplain about discharg but allhau aeal any way think about it when u want to pray how one want to be clean is in that nice praying will ur so clean every were . for me i prefer every part of my body clean and even my anderwear wanted to be so clean to stand and pray and ask forgivness whth confidence.
imagin praing with thos discharge for me as i mentioin it i can not do it , my heart can not let me even thou sometime it is not easy…. but as hajje and extrim difficult situwation i will do it. and .
again sorry if i say any thing to hurt or any word of confution i,,,it is just my idea .
fi amani lah and jezakilha jena
September 27, 2010 at 4:41 AM
JazakAllah for this article. It ended all my confusion and queries regarding this topic. thank u so much.
Amatul Wadood
September 27, 2010 at 9:02 AM
Salam wart wabrt dear Umm Reem! :)
JazakAllah Khair Alf for addressing this topic! i pray that AllahSWT grant you and your family relief in this world and akhira just like how you have bought relief to your sisters.ameen!
Ali Al-Afghani
September 27, 2010 at 4:31 PM
Jazaki Allahu Khair. What about the qiyas the scholars use with regards to the discharge of women as it breaking the wudhu as is mentioned in Fiqhus-Sunnah
“when Fatimah bint Abu Habash had a prolonged flow of blood, the Prophet told her, “If it is the blood of menstruation, it will be dark and recognizable. If it is that, then leave the prayer. If it is other than that, then make ablution and pray, for it is only due to a vein.” This is related by Abu Dawud
To Yasir Qadhi and Umm Reem:
Is this hadith not proof enough, that a discharge which is also out of her control just like the bleeding of Fatima was out of her control, to break the wudhu? In other words just like the bleeding was out of control for this women but she was still required to make wudhu, then a women with discharge out of her control should also make wudhu.
I can understand if a person uses the general meaning of the ayah in which Allah says
“Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you”
to pass a ruling that if the discharge happens while in prayer or while in tawaf, etc., but how could it be used for more specific scenarios like the one mentioned in this article.
Also, if a person has a problem passing wind all the time, would they be exempt from making wudhu because of the general meaning of the above ayah?
Lastly, I think we should abstain from giving “options” to bro/sisters to “choose” whish fatwa they can follow or what suits their needs best. These fatwas mentioned above was not to facilitate muslims in trying to suit their lifestyle of ease and comfort by picking and choosing. I think its very dangerous when we give that option to muslims where they can choose any fatwa they like and throw out the fatwa they dont like based on personal feeling rather than based on textual and fiqh understanding.
Allah knows best!
September 28, 2010 at 12:32 AM
i think you are confusing discharge with spotting and bleeding
Outstanding Muslimah
October 7, 2010 at 6:49 AM
btw, JazakAllahu Khair Sr. Reem for writing this up. I look forward to more of your articles in the future.
Outstanding Muslimah
October 7, 2010 at 6:46 AM
Like Sr. Umm Reem mentions points out below – this comparison really doesn’t stand too well.
Also when a sister is experiencing defective bleeding she has concessions to make things easy for her (because after all the bleeding is uncontrollable). I have learned from my teachers that if a sister has such defective bleeding (non menstrual bleeding) then she is to make ablution for each prayer. This wudu will be valid for the entire prayer time (even if she bleeds during this time) and as soon as the athan for the next prayer time comes in, it will be invalid (unless she invalidated it herself by relieving herself etc).
The concession is applied because defective bleeding is something abnormal.
Now the type of discharge being referred to here is absolutely different. If one does not have it then they are the ones considered abnormal…
September 27, 2010 at 6:27 PM
@ali al-afghani,
assalamu alaikum,
flatulence problems are different to vaginal discaharge in that, constant flatulence and/or incontinence (fecal and urinal) is due to ill health whereas the normal clear vaginal disccharge which most women and girls experience throughout the day is a natural by product of the fact of the vagina being a self-cleaning mucus membrane.
to put this in slightly crude terms, this would neessitate numerous changes of underwear/sanitary protection daily.
September 27, 2010 at 6:32 PM
but i am open to the possibilty that i might be wrong..Allahu Alim.
September 28, 2010 at 12:54 AM
Assalamu alaikum,
I haven’t read all the other answers but, as the sister said, unless there is a clear ruling on it, then you cannot use qiyas. I was given in Hajj a leaflet explaining the whole issue and it came to the conclusion of Umm Reem. Although a sister wrote the paper, it was given out by a Kuwaiti dawah organisation supervised by scholars known in Ahl-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah. Unfortunately, I do not have that leaflet anymore. :(
For the brothers (and sisters), the female discharge is unique. The female discharge can be used as a very effective method of natural birth control. This means that the default is ALL women have it. So women who do not have it actually have a health problem. Its consistency varies during the cycle and, in the middle of the cycle, when the woman is most fertile, the nature of the discharge is that it is constant (or nearly) and very hard to wash off (as it looks like an egg white). In it is a sign from our Lord on how He wants to facilitate procreation. In the case of Fatimah bint Qays, the default is the absence of blood. In the case of men, the default is that there should be some kind of excitement as a prelude. In this case, the default is that it comes naturally, unsolicited and healthily.
Umm Reem
September 28, 2010 at 1:43 AM
@ Ali al-Afghani:
jazakAllah khair for pointing this out but I believe u r comparing apples with oranges. For continous bleeding post haidh/nifaas is “abnormalty” and the regular dischRge is a normal discharge. First is treatable, temporary and doesn’t happen to everyone, latter is considered normal in the world of ob/gyn and is permenant. There is a huge difference between the two….
It’s like Comparing the normal syliva to bleeding in the gums!
wAllahu ta’ala ‘alam
September 28, 2010 at 3:37 AM
nice comparison…
Personally I would really prefer that males (unless you’re a scholar or gynaecologist) not participate in a discussion about the female bits, we girls can manage, thanks :D. However, if you really think you can contribute without embarassing yourself or coming across as know-it-all, had a gender change and used to be a woman, by all means..
October 7, 2010 at 1:26 AM
Assalaamu Alaikum,Sister Umm Reem,
Your article with regard to female discharges was really useful. I happened to read this article of yours after reading the one about your experience with regard to Exorcism.I did learn quite alot regarding menstrual issues in ” Female Menstruation In Islam” by Dr. Bilal Philips where He had given a whole chapter on Sheik Uthaymeen’s rulings on this issue.But certain issues became more clear after reading your article.As you said, I had always thought of how a woman could maintain her wudu for long durations when she goes out and especially during Hajj.Jazaallah for your article.
October 7, 2010 at 3:58 AM
Salaam alaikum Sister,
Sorry, the name of the book which Dr.Bilal Philips wrote was ” Islamic Rules on Menstruation and Post Natal Bleeding “.
October 7, 2010 at 12:39 PM
Jazakillahu kheira Umm Reem! I knew this knowledge theoretically but in application for some reason it never added up. subhanAllah now theory and application are finally connecting! Alhamdulillah.
October 15, 2010 at 1:34 PM
I’m a teenager and i read that if you have sexual thoughts and you discharge that it breaks your wudu.
Once i read this i was like ok i’ll refrain from these thoughts but for some reason it seems as though i’ve gone into a self destruction mode and these thoughts keep coming into my head. I don’t want them to and then i’m not sure if ive discharged or not because sometimes i wear pantilyners so i’m not sure.
Other times i think i might think something of a sexual nature so i try and prevent myself from thinking it but my head becomes all weird and while i try and prevent it, it’s like my head says it anyway.
I think i’v e turned myself into a paranoid person or shaytan has helped me become this way and i’m always so scared and im shaking at times because I don’t want to think of these things but it comes into my head and I don’t know what to do.
Please can you help me or advise me about what to do. I apologise about such a long comment.
Sister in distress
October 17, 2010 at 6:16 AM
Sorry i forgot to add,
can you explain what a sexual thought is please becasue I’m literally going crazy and it seeems as though im living my life in fear of thinking such a thing. I’m so stressed and im always doubting myself and whether or not i intended to think such a thing.
Umm Reem
October 19, 2010 at 8:47 AM
Sister in distress:
I posed your question to our psychologist on board, Haleh Banani, and here is what she said:
It’s perfectly natural to have these thoughts and I suggest you don’t focus too much attention and energy NOT to think about if. The way our mind works is that if you tell it not to do something that is the very thing it will do. For instance if I tell you don’t think about a pink elephant what happens? You will get obsessed about not thinking about it which essentially gets you more focused on it.
Here is what you do:
1. Say aothobillah whenever you get the thought
2. As soon as you get the thought make a very powerful Dua- something like: grant me and the muslim ummah the highest level of Jannah, forgive the sins of all previous, present and future Muslims. Since this waswasa is coming from the shaytan he wants you to be preoccupied with these thoughts so you don’t think about Allah so if you apply reverse psychology by remembering Allah whenever you get the thoughts the shaytan will back off – this is very effective!
I worked with a client who had a destructive thought and this ended it.
3. Having the discharge is not such a big deal- just make sure you have pantyliner on and change it each time before wudo.
4. Keep yourself busy doing constructive things, volunteer, visit the elderly, help with little kids and try not to spend too much time alone.
5. Make positive statements about yourself and your situation:
I am in control, this will all pass, everything will be just fine. The negative self-talk will lead to feeling catastrophic and the cycle gets worse and worse so take control of your thoughts by making positive statements.
6. Don’t be so hard on yourself – stay away from anything that induces these thoughts: sexual movies, magazines, pictures etc. And surround yourself with pious friends
7. Have Yaqeen that this will all pass
8. Get up for tahajud and pray to Allah that he removes these thoughts until you get married and for Allah to provide you with a good spouse.
May Allah ease your heart and help you get through this.
Sister in distress
October 19, 2010 at 12:55 PM
thank you so much :)
I’ve taken your advice and insha’allah i’ll get better and get through this because I was on the verge of having a break down. My friend told me that Allah told us to look after ourselves and that our mental health is included in that too and that I should have faith in Allah and this helped me a lot too. Thank you again for replying quite quickly and may Allah reward you for helping me and I shall keep you in my dua’s insha’allah.
November 3, 2010 at 9:06 AM
If after having intercourse, a wife takes a shower and later some semen comes out of her vagina, would that break her wudu? Or would she have to make ghusl again? and does she have to wash it off her underwear?
November 6, 2010 at 6:22 PM
JazakAllah for the much needed article.
Do you know if any of the four imams (Hanafi, Shafi’e, Maliki, Hambali) had the same opinion as Sh. Ibn Uthaimeen? The thing is, I want to be able to follow this opinion, and it does make sense to me, but I’m also afraid of falling into sin in case the opinion is incorrect.
Please reply as soon as possible!
Umm Reem
December 27, 2010 at 1:29 AM
hmm…the only opinion i remember is of imam Ahmad’s. But i cannot recall the source right now.
I do remember reading imam abu haneefa’s opinon but i forgot and i will have to check and go back to my research…
November 12, 2010 at 10:51 PM
Excellent! LOVED this! A BIG JazakAllah Khair!
sister in need
November 26, 2010 at 3:43 PM
Asalamu aleikum!
I would like to ask you a question, that has been bothering me for a while. How do you know that your discharge is maniy or madhiy? I mean for me the discharge har different colors at different times of my life. How do you know that it is female secreation? I know that there are criterias but my discharge always seems to fill those criterias. I have alot of wiswas because of this.And exactly what type of feeling is it that you should have to actually secret maniy/madhiy? Im sorry that I have to be this franck but I have bno other choice, i would love an answer if anyone has one
sister in need
November 26, 2010 at 3:46 PM
And I forgot, I didn’t know that something came out of the women after she urinated. What are u suppose to do after urinating and you have to pray afterwards? Are you suppose to wait for something to come out? And what if its not the discharge that is associated with urination?
Umm Reem
December 27, 2010 at 1:21 AM
sister in need,
sorry for a delayed reply!
If you are referring to mani/madhi as described in the answers on islam-qa, then in all honestly, i have no idea what they are talking about. I have asked a ob/gyn myself and even she couldn’t understand.
So here it is to make it simple, insahAllah, and Allah knows best.
Consider everything a regular discharge, unless it is followed by a sexual arousal either by thinking about sex, or touching. If that happens then renew your wudu.
If the sexual arousal is followed by an orgasm than you make ghusal.
If you have a blook-like spotting, brownish or some dark color, while you are ovulating or pmsing, then renew your wudu, and Allah knows best.
As for any secretion after urination, i don’t know about that. Maybe it is being refered to the regular vaginal discharge, in which case again, i do not believe that it breaks your wudu. and Allah knows best.
I hope it helps.
sister in need
December 29, 2010 at 7:10 AM
Jazakallahu khair sister, So you don’t have to wash yourself if you have dishcarge after sexual arousel, not even if you get it on your clothes? Is it the same thing with the brownish discharge while pmsing and ovualting that you don’t need to wash yourself?
Thank you again
November 26, 2010 at 5:08 PM
No need for embarrassment sister but seek your answer from a doctor or sex counsellor. And don’t worry about prayers in this instance. God is interested in your heart and spirit – not in your plumbing.
sister in need
December 29, 2010 at 7:11 AM
I hope so, Jazakallahu khair for your support
a mother
April 14, 2011 at 3:02 PM
As salam alaikum
Ive been muslim for nearly 9 yrs and if any male is to issue at fatwa on me saying that the natural discharge of a woman is najis, then i simple have to ask “why did Allah allow it to happen and then place a woman in extra burden to be pure every single minute of the day ?… is impossible to be clean 24/7”
Islam is simple..we dnt have sexual urges everytime discharges drops out of us so therefore in my opinion it not najis.
Islam is easy, Allah is Merciful & men with chauvanist manners make islam hard on women.
Alhamdulillah its not in Quran and not in hadiths..
Pray on ladies.
April 15, 2011 at 1:48 AM
It’s a crisp consolidated article. May Allah reward you for putting in efforts of researching, compiling, writing and sharing it with rest.
April 15, 2011 at 4:13 AM
Jazakallahu kHAir . .
Keep on Updating Us about Female Issues.
May 10, 2011 at 5:19 AM
I am not able to understand this paragraph- ”As for the rulings over other vaginal discharge that is secreted during sexual excitement or intercourse is obviously understandable and applicable as it is occasional and is caused by certain actions that are controllable. Hence, if a woman has discharge during sexual thoughts, foreplay, kissing etc., without an orgasm, then she should renew her wudu. And if she has intercourse, orgasm or a wet dream then she should make ghusal”
I dont understand what an orgasm is..sometimes i have sexual thoughts running in my hand and feel the need to touch the area.and suddenly stop it and dont feel the need anymore.Do i need to make ghusl or wudu is enough? Please answer my question as i am having this doubt from a long time
Umm Reem
June 6, 2011 at 1:36 AM
you can read more about this in the article below, in the ‘updated’ section:
May 23, 2011 at 9:57 AM
This article highlights many things:
1) the need for female scholarship
2) the need for females who are willing to question even what the 4 Imams said…you are a woman, you know best. Discharge, as someone mentioned, is actually a cleansing of the uterus. We should say alhamdulillah for this cleansing. Since it is a continual cleansing, do you really expect us to make continual wudu? That means we’d never be able to make 2 prayers on the same wudu, unlike men. Allah laa yureed al usr—-“Allah does not intend for you hardship”
3) the madrasa system needs an update and even many scholars know this. Memorizing inherited opinions is fine, but it shouldnt replace ongoing thought and intellectualism. I stop consulting fatwas on matters of women’s reproduction because some of the statements I have seen were just plain embarassing and incorrect. If you are going to issue a fatwa that affects millions of women at least take the time to read up a little on these issues!
4) someone mentioned that there is even ignorance among women who think they urinate from their vagina…subhanallah. If this is the case for women, what about for young boys who are more likely to grow up to be scholars?
May 28, 2011 at 4:53 PM
SubhaanAllah… I was recently thinking: I really wish I could hear the opinion of a *woman* of knowledge on this matter, so I am grateful to have come across this article, alhamdulillah.
I have read probably every question on IslamQA even remotely relating to this matter, and I even posed the question to a shaykh once, and somehow, it just didn’t seem right to have to make wudu before every prayer when probably all females have this discharge regularly. At the same time, I didn’t want to just discard this opinion that nearly every shaykh seemed to have, just because of my own feeling/reasoning. Alhamdulillah, you have made things more clear to me. Especially since I wasn’t completely aware that there are shuyookh with the opinion that regular discharge does not affect wudhu– particularly Yasir Qadhi’s note, because the only thing I had heard from him before was relating the opinion that it is better to make wudhu each time. I respect your opinions and evaluations, sh.YQ
(I also agree that part of the reason for such confusion is that even women are not aware of everything. I myself didn’t know that all women had regular discharge; I thought I was “different” for a long time, until I heard an OBGYN discussing it once)
JazaakumAllahu khayran for discussing this in detail and making things more clear.
Ahmad Rufai
May 31, 2011 at 7:31 PM
Alhamdullah i gained sth.
Umm Yahya
June 2, 2011 at 5:00 PM
As salaamualaykum,
How may i ask a question to Sister Umm Reem?
Hena Zuberi
June 2, 2011 at 5:06 PM
Umm Yahya
June 2, 2011 at 5:27 PM
Thankyou so much for your reply
Umm Yusuf93
June 6, 2011 at 12:11 PM
If a woman feels desire, for like a few seconds, and then it dissapears, then she feels something coming out, is this thought of as madhiy?
Umm Reem
February 22, 2012 at 9:56 AM
maybe, I don’t know. It is better to renew the wudu and Allah knows best.
March 17, 2012 at 11:45 AM
when waking up I almost always see discharge: do I have to wash this off in order to do wudhu? Should I worry that the discharge is from arousal?
zainab omar
March 26, 2014 at 2:49 PM
i have so many problems and doubts with tahara and salah ,i spend so much time on the bathroom and waste so much water ,i have doubts if i had a wet dream or if madhi came out ,i completely dont understand madhi and i dont know how to know if it came out and if it reached my pants or dress or not,my underwear is always wet and thier is the normal discharge, so i sprinkle everything and i become completely wet every time and this has caused me a huge problem ,i have dirty thoughts through out the whole day ,but i dont want to have them they are forced ,but i dont know if madhi comes out , it happens when i wudu too and when am praying ,dirty thoughts came, but i dont know know if madhi comes out ,do i have to sprinkle everything in every prayer time? ,does it reach my pants? how do i know if it did ?if am out of the house and i cant use the toilet can i just wudu and pray ? i also take alot of time to wudu because i have doubts and i need to make it perfect, i usually spend more thien an hour for each prayer ,sometimes less ,sometimes more ,and i also have doubts with pee drops .please help i cant ask my parents or anyone .
Humairah Ibrahim
February 11, 2012 at 12:19 AM
i am a malaysian studying in egypt, and i do spend a lot of time outside home. however, i practice the opinion by majority of scholars.
i change my undergarments (by changing panty liners), then find a place to renew my wudu (mostly we take wudhu at the sink), and then find a place to pray.
Alhamdulillah we can do it here, even it is difficult to find a good, working public toilet in egypt.
February 11, 2012 at 12:20 AM
thank you soo much! i am battling with this issue every single day of my life and none of these fatwas make sense. may Allah reward you. Ameen
February 11, 2012 at 1:20 AM
jazak’Allahu khairan sister, very precious knowledge.. may Allah Ta’ala blesses you dear..
February 11, 2012 at 8:26 AM
i stopped reading namaz for this reason when i grew up… it was extremely difficult to keep doin wudhu an to keep changing clothes.. thanks for this article… it helped me a lotttt….
February 14, 2012 at 4:40 PM
Assalamu alaikum. JazakAllahu khairan for this useful article! Quick clarification – I assume the regular discharge you are talking about also includes that which is secreted during pregnancy? I think (as happened to me) womens white discharge increases during pregnancy. Also do you know if a pad etc needs to be worn before prayer as this is something in read on Islamqa and didnt understand why (if this discharge is considered tahir)?
Umm Reem
February 22, 2012 at 9:54 AM
Some shayookh on islamqa do not consider the discharge as pure and perhpas you read the fatwa by a shaikh with similar belief and he suggested to wear a pad, Allahu ‘alam…
April 13, 2012 at 12:48 AM
Masha’Allah. May Allah bless you and your family for this logical and reasonable article. I wish all shuyukh would read and think about this article. When I asked one during hajj about discharge, he said it is considered najis and didn’t mention any disagreement on the issue. I think this is definitely an unreasonable hardship. Also, the premise that women’s discharge is the same as men’s seems to fundamentally contradict our scientific knowledge.
In addition to what you mention, another thing that bothers me about the issue is that if we consider discharge to be najis, then either we use about five underwear per day or use and dispose of five pantiliners per day. Both assume a financial luxury and the latter is especially bad for the environment.
May 22, 2012 at 7:57 PM
I agreed wit most of what ur saying and only recently found out that d majority of scholars think female discharge to be impure. It’s hard to wash and change for salat every time. It is so hard to go tru 5 under wears a day. Also I cannot wear panty liners, as I am allergic to them and can only wear cotton underwear. With the cotton underwear, u sometimes cannot tell if dere is white discharge or not because wen u wash cotton, it looks d color of d underwear plus white inside and out because that is just d way the material is. I am even thinking of not going to uni because of this problem, I cannot use public restrooms especially when there is urine on d seat and floor which is often d case. I don’t knw what to do because although I agree with what u r saying, I am afraid by not following d views of d majority of scholars, I wud b disobeying Allah and I will b unclean and my salaah wud not be accepted. I am sooo afraid, how can I go against d view of the majority and still hav a life? This ruling by the scholars r so hard for me that I’m reduced to tears and for d first time I feel as a second class Muslim because I am a woman. I do not knw what to do, I am sooo confused, please help?
June 2, 2012 at 5:43 PM
I fully support your opinion that its normal and does not break wudu, and I will not believe any scholar who tells me regular vaginal discharge is najis. A urethral discharge from a male will carry the impurities of the urethra with it. A discharge from a female vagina carries only the normal vagina flora. It serves the same purpose as sweat/sebum, nasal mucus, saliva, etc with a few other benefits specific to the reproductive system.
If a runny nose is not najis than why would vaginal fluids, designed also for protection against outside organisms, be haram?
June 16, 2012 at 5:56 AM
Thanks a lot for your valuable opinion. I am also the one who have lot of vaginal discharge. For example, after I have finished performed farthal maghrib and when I am going to the sunnatal maghrib, I will suddenly feel that I have vaginal discharge. That really disturb me and don’t know whether I need to have wudu again or not. If I am at home, that’s convenient to take wudj again. But if am outside, it’s really difficult for me.
July 5, 2012 at 4:34 PM
Asalamu alaikum, sister umm reem I love u for the sake of Allah! Jazakillah for clearing the doubts of a much complicated topic :)
I have one question though.
Sister is the discharge that comes out after sexual thoughts impure in itself though? As in in addition to renewing wudu, do we also have to clean and wash the discharge off our undergarments or can we pray with the discharge after making a new wudu?
Pingback: A Women’s Guide to Spirituality in Ramadan during Menstruation and Postnatal Bleeding - MuslimMatters.org
umm esa
September 10, 2012 at 9:47 PM
I thank Allah for guiding me to this article, and I make dua for Umm Reem who did the research. Wallahi, this has made my life easier.
October 3, 2012 at 2:26 PM
I feel a second class Muslim because I have been cut at a very young age. I suffer regularly from excessive bleedings and excretions, which make me even more impure. Is there anyone out there who can help or give advice? May Allah reward you.
Pingback: Reblogged: I’m coming out of the purity closet | AntiDogmaSpray
Coordinator Welearnislam.com
December 3, 2012 at 2:01 AM
Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
Please Umm Reem, I have been looking for your contact information in regards a request to some notes you had published before on a blog.
Could you please contact me inshallah? I would be very grateful.
Jazakallah khair!
Pingback: Cloudy or yellow Vaginal discharge | Types of Vaginal discharge
February 3, 2013 at 9:45 PM
I am confused Sisters! I found this article and it is such a relief bt i feel like if i dnt do wudu after discharge than my prayer will be invalid-this scares me soo much! I prayed ASR then 10 min later it was Maghrib. Usually I check but this time I didnt ( i was hoping that not checking would save me time and no discharge would come) i prayed then before i used the bathroom, i checked and saw yellow discharge( which i think is normal) . I then found this article so i didnt redo my prayer like i normally wld. I feel bad though but doing wudu 5 times a day bcuz discharge is a hardship because i feel i cant go anywhere and it wastes alot of water. Did my wudu break? I feel so baaaad but at the same time I couldnt get myself to redo my prayer.. Thanks
February 24, 2013 at 10:46 AM
Salam aleikum dear umm Reem. Please dont miss my question Insh Allah, as i noticed there is another sister asked something similar but wasnt answered. Your article is very nice, hope it is the truth as Allah knows best. First i felt i understand but now i am confused and therefore would like to ask you Insh Allah this:
1) so madhiy require to make new wudu, but do they require to change underwear and wash private parts? Is there a hadith about that?
2) all kind of whadiy dont require to make new wudu? Because its what i understood first, then saw your comment that blood-like, brown or some dark color require wudu during ovulation or pmsg. So again, are all discharges are not requiring wudu or only those that are white? what about yellow ones?
3) what if i have sometimes white, brown or yellow discharges not during ovulation or pmsg? do i have to make new wudu then?
4) what if i have white, yellow or brown dischrages because i got cold or sick (infection or something else), do i still have to make wudu?
5) how to know if your discharges are from cold, infection or just normal ones and are only discharges during ovulation normal and the rest are not?
6) what if discharge has a sme and is white or yellow or brown, do i have to make wudu?
7) if all the cases i wrote above are clean discharges and require no wudu its ok, but if for some cases you say we have to make new wudu, pls specify also if we have to change our underwear and wash privates parts together with making new wudu.
i ask you to answer with hadith or just a statement that there is no hadith like that (so no clear prohibition). Sorry its a long comment, but needed one. Thank you in advance and may Allah bless you.
September 29, 2013 at 3:38 PM
Sister If your discharge is not clear or whitish and has a color to it then it is not normal and most likely will have a bad odor. Now I am not a scholar or do not have any authority or knowledge to give you firm answer islamicasly but in my opinion that would not be pure as it is not natural and therefore would require you to do wudhu and cleansing. You also need to see a doctor if those things exist as they could be infections. Allah knows best.
May 13, 2013 at 11:51 AM
Could you please give a reference to where you got the fatwa regarding discharge from sheikh utheymeen who setteled on the agreement that it is pure and also could you clarify who shaykh Yusuf al-Qasim is because I tried to research but I couldn’t find anything regarding his name. Barakallah feek
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July 31, 2013 at 7:33 PM
I would just like to thank you sister from the bottom of my heart for this thoughtful and wonderful piece you have written. I have just stumbled across this article whilst trying to work this issue for myself and could not agree with your thoughts any more. It is truly female understanding and perspective such as this that so many of us ladies in this ummah are sorely missing. May Allah reward you with the highest Jannah, ameen.
It always breaks my heart a little when I, seeking knowledge myself, find sisters struggling and searching for answers like myself from brothers on issues such as discharge/menstruation and other highly private and personal things. Matters most of us would be embarrassed to discuss with even our own relatives. Whilst we need to obtain our knowledge from someone capable and learned, and should never be shy in doing so even if this happens to be a man, it seems sad that we cannot generally find educated sisters to assist us as a first port of call, especially in this day and age. Not only due to our modesty and shyness discussing such things (especially with the opposite sex), but also because, as you pointed out so well, women just know women’s issues better- and issues such as this are complete proof.
Men can never truly understand the struggles of women on such issues, and rightly so, as they lack first hand experience of the female anatomy. With the same token, a man would far better understand an intimate male issue. You are also right, there seems to be a general lack of compassion, which though I am sure is completely unintentional, is nonetheless very frustrating indeed. Thank you once more for your article, I really love the fact you quoted the holy Quran as well as sheikhs so that we could formulate a very logical and appropriate opinion on what seems closest to the truth.
May Allah reward you again sister.
Asalam wa alaikum.
September 29, 2013 at 3:31 PM
What a great Article. I am in a medical Student and my first thought before reading the article was that it should not be impure since it is a normal thing for the body to do. Its a simple way of keeping the genital area clean and healthy. In my opinions the sisters should never be ashamed of asking such questions and I was surprise to find out about this from my fiancé. She embarrass to ask me this question. I just looked up for islamic answers regarding the issue to help in comforting her and came across this excellent article. I am really happy to see our muslims sisters and brothers to address such issues. The muslim brothers like myself also need to educated about such issues. Thank You and May Allah bless you with more knowledge.
December 16, 2013 at 2:45 PM
Thanks for an excellent article – according to Maliki madhab, the female discharge is not najis – so if you stick to Maliki madhab – you won’t have these issues. :-)
February 26, 2014 at 3:54 AM
What if a woman ever knew that the vaginal discharge due to sexual arousement required wudu? Should she repeat her life’s salahs?
Yusuf Smith
March 9, 2014 at 7:12 PM
As-Salaamu ‘alaikum,
I know this is four years old, but …
If you look on Google you will find advice according to both the Hanafi and Shafi’i madhhabs on this on the Qibla (formerly SunniPath) website. Faraz Rabbani said that in the Hanafi madhhab, the persistent discharge of women is taahir and she has no need to change her underwear or repeat wudhu. The Shafi’i ruling on the same site advised women to follow the Hanafi ruling on this matter, as the Shafi’i ruling is that it is impure. This practice of talfeeq in specific rulings is quite common. (Another example is that the Hanafi ruling, that a woman whose husband goes missing cannot remarry for 80 years, is disregarded in favour of the Maliki ruling of four years.)
It should also be remembered that the Sahaba had fewer items of clothing than we do and the kind of undergarments women wear nowadays had not been invented. They wore a long dress, sometimes with a pair of trousers underneath. Many of them only had one or two (some would have had a dress reserved for wearing during their periods, as a hadith I have seen mentions that Sayyidatuna A’isha did). It would have been quite infeasible for them to change their clothes whenever they had a discharge, as they all would have done, much as women do today. If there is no record of them changing their clothing regularly, there should be no question of women doing this today. And Allah knows best.
proud to b a muslim
May 12, 2014 at 8:54 AM
please can u tell me whether we have to do ghusl for this discharge or wudhu can make us pure as i am feeling wet quite a lot in a day and i can not do ghusl every other day ? please clear this information please . i leave salah becuz i think dat we need to do ghusl please this is a very urgent matter waiting for the reply desperately
please give a clear answer
proud to b a muslim
May 12, 2014 at 8:56 AM
and i forgot another thing . even when i get seduced this happens i dont know wat to do !!
April 22, 2015 at 6:05 PM
Asaalamo alaikom sister
Isn’t discharge from sexual thoughts the same as the normal discharge? How can you differ between them?
Will it break the wudu?
confused sister
August 6, 2016 at 7:01 PM
I was thinking of exactly this. How would I know the difference when they all look the same on my pantyliner? And we have so many thoughts during the day, how would I remember if I had such a thought for an instance?
For one, I never knew such a distinction was ever given–had no clue of the rulings. No one ever told me they can be considered najas, or that I have to make ghusl, etc. I’ve been wearing pantyliners for a very long time, and not once did it occur to me to question about my state of taharah with regards to regular discharge…until I came across some rulings and opinions regarding it.
Now, this is what I’m constantly worried about. ‘Is my prayer okay?’ ‘I think I’m having discharge, but I don’t know what it’s due to. DId I have any thoughts earlier?’ I’m always cleaning private parts and making wudhu because of this. I’m always making sure there’s nothing on my pantyliner.
I know Allah doesn’t intend hardship. So do I just let go and go back to how it was before I knew about any of these rulings existed? I feel like my days of ignorance on the matter were better. :S
I would also like to know what classifies as sexual thoughts. Thinking of someone I find attractive? I’m an unmarried, so it’s not like I’m with someone to give me the thoughts.
May 24, 2015 at 12:35 PM
Thank You For the article .
very Useful and Much Needed…
June 23, 2015 at 6:22 AM
JazakAllahu Khair….Very helpful article….keep up the good work!
September 4, 2015 at 12:29 AM
Salam, i just want to inquire, what if a female reach climax, accompanied with the feeling of fatigue and weak and the other signs of orgasme, but doesnt discharge maniy , instead she just discharges madhi. Would that said female need to perform ghusl?
August 6, 2016 at 7:06 PM
Yes, she would. Female “wet dreams” are different from men’s, and are not necessarily “wet” (or as wet; sometimes even completely dry). Is the orgasm that matters, not the discharge. For men, there’s a clear indication, the maniy.
September 22, 2015 at 9:43 PM
Jazak’Allah khair for this darling. May Allah grant you all jannah
Pingback: Comment on Quandary of Female Vaginal Discharge: Pure or Impure? by Bushra | Souqhub | Blog
November 15, 2015 at 7:22 PM
maisara..I’ve gone through the comments and I do think that as long as there are features of orgasm..indeed that discharge is of parable to maniy. if that climax is attained with even contact between female and male private parts you will still eventually need ghusl anyway.
but my question is..what if a wife, was fondling with her husband. so the man, has touched her lower private parts just by using the hands, and then for whatever reason it doesn’t process to actual intercourse. so the question that follows is, the man has touched the female secretion, and if afterwards he went elsewhere in the home, touching doorknobs staircase and others…so if he forgot to wash the hands after he touches that fluid, does any other things he touch needs to be cleaned?what about his clothes?
November 18, 2015 at 12:20 PM
Masha Allah
I would also like to add to this matter; vaginal discharge is normally an every moment of the day thing.
So if this was the month of Ramadan, and we, the sisters are fasting. Does this mean that our regular discharge will invalidate our fast?
So it is just sheer indifference to the Muslim women to condemn any Natural occurrence in our body.
This is something beyond our control, blessed by Allah.
I believe that wudu should always be renewed for each and every prayer on normal circumstances.
It won’t take much out of us to renew our wudu, especially if we are in the public because a lot of things can break your wudu when you’re around people and it’s almost impossible to stay pure considering the number of sins a Muslim commits per day.
umm nabila
June 12, 2016 at 7:09 AM
Alhamdulillah brother thanks for this lovely piece
December 10, 2016 at 10:20 AM
I have a question in my mind that i can pray or namaz without ghusal after sexual discharge without intimate with my husband i am very confused plzz hlp me
December 10, 2016 at 10:21 AM
Plz rply me as soon as possible
December 12, 2016 at 12:10 PM
Assalamu alaikum!
I have a question plxxx my problem is a few days back after my period I experienced a brownish discharge which i thought it was normal and after some days i noticed some streams of bloody discharge? Will really appreciate if u wl help a sister
December 12, 2016 at 12:13 PM
Can i continue praying without worries or is it another cycle ? But its just 8 days from my last period
January 23, 2017 at 4:54 AM
Assalamalaikm sister i want to ask evryt time we see the white fluid we have to wash the private area and get rid of it after urinating and istinja?? i dnt generaly remove the white fluid since i dnt consider it najis and simply do istinja without caring abt the white fluid and assume that while doing istinja if urine drops hav fallen over the white fluid also den it would hav also become paaka after istinja.. I always hav a lot of waswasa please reply as soon as possibl
September 14, 2017 at 10:45 PM
I wanted to ask is pure white discharge (like egg) doesn’t break wudu?
Sick and tired of discharge
May 25, 2018 at 10:47 PM
So there, from now on I’ll follow the belief that the white discharge does not break wudoo. You have pointed it out so well sister, jazakAllah khayr.
I’m 27 and since I entered puberty at age 11 I have had excessive white discharge every single day – some days less than others – but I usually always have it and need to renew my wudoo before nearly every prayer. Also I wear everyday pads all the time since it’s much more convenient than changing underwear several times a day – and wearing pads 24/7 actually isn’t the healthiest thing to do, but what else to do? Lately I have started becoming so tired of the discharge that I have started making wudoo and pray very close to the next prayer (about 10-15 minuts before), so that I can reach the upcoming prayer before the white discharge starts coming out again, which is not reasonable of course because prayer should not be delayed. And then imagine how much difficulty I’m in studying at a university which is located 1.5 hours away from my hometown, trying my best to fulfill all prayers with this white discharge problem, at the uni, on the train on my way to and from the uni etc. – I can almost never pray two prayers with one single wudoo because of it. Imagine having to renew your wudoo several times a day on public toilets while you’re wearing the hijab and covering all of your awrah, having to uncover arms, head etc. to renew your wudoo twise or thrice a day. I’m asking men to imagine this: you don’t feel the urge to visit the toilet because you drank as little amount of liquids as possible not to break wudoo and neither have you broken wind, but STILL you need to wash your private parts AND make a new wudoo BEFORE EACH AND EVERY PRAYER. Does that sound comfortable? Does it make sense? I too do not think that Allah SWT would put women through so much stress because of a thing that comes with being a female and will be there each and every single day of our lives. So, I’m not having any of the fatwas which male Sheikhs come with without knowing what this discharge actually is – I respect our Sheikhs of course, may Allah SWT be pleased with them and increase their knowledge. But as you said, I don’t believe they can understand fully well what this is all about when they don’t experience it themselves. They confuse it with men’s discharge, which is so much different to the female white discharge.
Aisha Muhammad
December 23, 2018 at 9:41 AM
I feel you sister, may Allah make it easy for us. When practicing a matter of deen becomes a burden, we should remember Allah would never make it difficult for us.
Aisha Muhammad
December 23, 2018 at 9:31 AM
Assalamu Alaikum.
Jazak’Allahu Alf khair Sister Saba, we are totally on the same page. I have researched on this matter years ago and I usually refer to Islam-qa for reliable fatawas. These shuyookh have high respect in my heart, but I couldn’t bring myself to agree to fatawa they issued on this particular issue (being men, they can’t truly understand what it is). I had the same notion about it as you (You have literally printed my thoughts Subhan’allah) and I have been considering it pure anyway. May Allah reward you, this article has given me a sense of relief.
November 17, 2019 at 9:25 PM
It seems that two mutually-exclusive issues were mixed up by Dr. Yasir Qadhi when attempting to answer the question: a. whether this discharge is impure or not, and b. whether its excretion nullifies Wudu. Even if for a. one answers that it is pure, it does not then necessarily mean that for b. we will answer that it does not break Wudu. That is nothing more than a hasty conclusion.
Dr. Qadhi believes that the only reason why scholars in the past believed vaginal discharge nullified Wudu was because they thought it was impure. Whether you like this position or not, to make generalizations is a pure mistake. The Hanbalis, for instance, believe that vaginal discharge is pure, yet they still said its excretion warrants Wudu, since in their view, any excretion from the two private parts nullifies one’s purity, whether this thing is pure or not. The fact that the thing which comes out of the private parts is pure has no bearing on the issue. For example, if a dry pure stone comes out of the private part, Wudu is still needed. Thus, Dr. Qadhi’s simplistic assumption that deeming vaginal discharge to be pure will solve the problem (by not causing us to deem this person’s Wudu to be nullified) is incorrect.
For this reason, Dr. Qadhi’s answer is off because establishing purity does not actually solve the question.
Umar Rabbani
January 28, 2020 at 11:25 AM
FYI: According to the Hanafi school—traditionally the largest school of Sunni Islam— chronic vaginal discharge [which is clear or white] is pure and does not invalidate one’s ritual ablution (wudu). See this and similar answers on SeekersGuidance (which provides a more wholistic explanation, I feel, rather than sifting through fatwas): https://seekersguidance.org/answers/hanafi-fiqh/does-a-womans-white-discharge-breaks-her-wudu/.
December 20, 2020 at 8:41 PM
While i wish to agree with all the author has written, something seems amiss.
The following seems to give a clearer view
May 6, 2021 at 1:25 PM
What Bewilders me after reading this article, is is how little muslim women in the islamic world seems to know about; The usage of toilet oaper or cotton balls etc for vaginal discharge. You take a piece of toilet paper, tear it to half, then you place the piece of paper between the smallest ”lips” of your private part. You don’t stuck the paper inside! Just place it between the lips and it will hold with no problem. This way No Discharge Will get Outside your private part and your wudu will be intact! Just like a band aid holding back blood. (You can use a small piece of cotton ball aswell if you wanna but you can’t flush that into the toilet as it will cause blockage in the pipes) Seriously we turkish women learn how ro use paper between lips as kids!
Umm e muaaz
August 24, 2021 at 10:30 AM
Its mean if vaginal discharge come during salah ,,salah will be valid??
Shazia Rasool
October 18, 2021 at 10:00 PM
Please tell me , i have continous yellow discharge, even i took alot medicine for it but it’s still yellow, is it normal please tell me ,I’m fed up of renewing wudu and washing undergarments, please clarify it
November 13, 2021 at 7:03 AM
This is what I’ve been looking for, for years.
For 15 years I’m a natural family planning practitioner using cervical mucus observation. But i do confused with the status of this vaginal discharge in fiqh thaharah. I knew, it very very normal to have it everyday in our cycle. Even anytime beyond our control. it is very natural thing.
But is it wady? i didn’t really sure because even we know it doesn’t come out only after we pee, isn’t it?!
Jazakillah khayran, Sister.
December 18, 2021 at 4:40 AM
This is very liberating. Thank you so much. I am working in a strictly time-constraint environment (call centre) which requires me to be punctual even on personal breaks that we have. Unfortunately, if I were to act accordingly due to the discharge, praying will be a rushing matter. Riddled with the same thoughts, I have always refused to believe the rulings of male scholars not only because of the rigidity, but also due to their not experiencing them themselves. It was not long time ago before we discover that the breast anatomy of female is actually different from male! So, thank you again for articulating this.
Huneza Khanam
February 24, 2022 at 3:30 PM
Jazak Allah for such a nice approach as it is the opinion i had eversince i came to know about it being najs or not najis. It was a problem for working women or a woman who is travelling. I hope scholars should take help of some women n gynaecologists to better understand the physiology of women.
October 5, 2022 at 1:49 PM
Assalaamu alaykum
It’s October 2022
I’ve read most of the comments.
But the ones I am most feeling for are those who haven’t been answered on the specific issue of thoughts about one’s intended or just feelings of like that occur about someone which results in a discharge and can be for but a moment. The fact that this can nullify a fast is too much for my OCD waswasa mind to deal with let alone the issues with whether or not I have wudu because I randomly think about him just before I’m about to get up for prayer. Please dear sister of the original article, please please do a follow up with the scholars on this subject. It is hardship. Hardship upon hardship and is driving soem women to leave salaah, become distressed and despairing that they have to replace many fasts which in the long summer months is heartbreaking in Ramadan all because one received a salaam text from one’s future husband.
Please help.
Allah please help.
May 16, 2023 at 10:34 PM
Thank you very much Sister for taking the time to make researches about this subjectif. Thanks a lot for sharing the information you have gathered.
Talha Ubaidullah
January 29, 2024 at 5:25 AM
Jazakallah. This article sheds light on the complex issue of vaginal discharge in the context of Islamic rulings. It underscores the challenges faced by Muslim women in understanding and applying these rulings, emphasizing the need for a compassionate and practical approach.