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Orlando Sentinel: City denies burn permit to Gainesville church that wants to burn copies of the Qur’an


The city of Gainesville has denied a burn permit to a church that plans to burn copies of Islam’s holy book on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attack.

The open burning of books apparently isn’t allowed under city rules.

On Wednesday, officials at Dove World Outreach Center said in an e-mail that the church “WILL STILL BURN KORANS.”

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The church will be fined if it burns the books, according to the city.

Source: Orlando Sentinel

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Muslim American born in Brooklyn, NY with Guyanese parents currently living in Virginia working full-time as a web developer.



  1. Khaled

    August 24, 2010 at 12:02 PM

    I have a good idea!

    We as Muslims burn all of our old Qurans anyway… so why don’t we start a drive to collect all of our old Qurans and send them to this church? We can kill two birds with one stone :)

    • Abû Mûsâ Al-Ḥabashî

      August 24, 2010 at 9:46 PM

      lol That’ll really confuse them.

  2. Anony

    August 24, 2010 at 1:32 PM

    How about we learn, implement and recite the Qur’an instead? I find that to be far more beneficial than sending them the Qur’an to burn. It’ll definitely help our Ummah inshaAllah.

    Remember one letter is 10 hasanats. And even more in Ramadan!

    • Khaled

      August 24, 2010 at 2:39 PM

      I’m not sure what you’re trying to say? Do we not burn old Qurans? And are you accusing me of me not reciting and implementing the Qur’an?

      • Muslim

        August 24, 2010 at 3:14 PM

        Intention of them burning and us burning is quite different and you must be naive not to understand it and suggest the most stupid idea.

      • Anony

        August 24, 2010 at 7:49 PM

        We burn our old Qur’ans? Not something that I’m aware of.

        Key word is “we.” I was not accusing you of anything. It was a reminder to myself before others.

  3. Lewis Balentine

    September 7, 2010 at 12:10 AM

    Dove World Outreach Center was founded in 1986 by Donald O. Northrup and Richard H. Wright, and became known for participating in charitable endeavors. Northrup headed the church from its inception until he died in 1996. Dolores continued to participate in various ministries of the church as Woman’s Pastor until she retired from activities in 2004 and later became estranged from the congregation in 2009 due to concerns about the church’s future under the Jones family.

    The carpet-bag anti-christ Terry Jones has peverted the origonal pupose of the organization as he perverts teaching of the bible. He is an embarrassment to all true Christans and Americans.

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